Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 167 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Board Nominations Committee report (continued) Progress against the 2021 Board effectiveness review The recommendations from the 2021 Board effectiveness review and actions taken during the course of 2022 to address them are shown in the table below. Recommendations Areas Actions taken during the year from the 2021 evaluation Consider how the approach to Board • A refreshed approach consisting of Business and Function reviews and Board deep dives deep dive sessions might be 'horizontal topics' was designed to provide targeted consideration of each refreshed. key area and to provide the Board with an holistic view of the business. • You can read more about the topics considered in these sessions on page 165 of this report. Review how Board agendas might • The Board reviewed and made changes to its approach to considering Corporate strategy focus more on corporate strategy as corporate strategy, reviewing a series of themes and questions in the lead up we move away from matters focusing to the annual corporate strategy review in September 2022, and the detailed on the COVID-19 pandemic. MTP discussion in November 2022. Consider how to increase input to the • During 2022, the Board sought opportunities to obtain outside perspectives Outside perspectives Board from thought leaders, on key matters, including inviting external speakers to discuss with the Board customers and others to provide topical issues, including the US regulatory and political environment. relevant outside perspectives. • The Board has also invited its principal regulators to meet with Board members to discuss their feedback and views on Barclays. • During the course of this year, the Board has also received feedback from customers, clients and other stakeholders through participation in events such as conferences and regulatory round tables and visits to Barclays businesses and sites, including a visit to the Radbroke campus following the 2022 AGM. You can read more about these on page 150. Continue to make Board papers • The Chairman continues to encourage management to ensure that their Board materials shorter and more focused. papers are as concise as possible and focused on the matters of relevance to the Board and on key questions for discussion. Board, Committee and individual Director evaluation process

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