Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 142 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Board Governance Welcome to our 2022 Board Governance report. The report sets out the composition of our Board and our Executive Committee and explains how our Board governance framework operates, alongside the key areas of focus of our Board and Board Committees in 2022. Aim of our governance Directors’ report The primary aim of our governance is that it: Our Board of Directors 143 • seeks to ensure that our decision-making is aligned to our Our Group Executive Committee 147 Purpose, Values and Mindset Our Governance Framework 149 • creates long-term sustainable value for our shareholders, having regard to the interests of all our stakeholders Key Board Activities in 2022 154 • is effective in providing constructive challenge, advice and Board Nominations Committee report 157 support to management Board Audit Committee report 169 • provides checks and balances and drives informed, collaborative and accountable decision-making. Board Risk Committee report 178 How we comply 186 Compliance with the Code Shareholder Q&A 188 • Our Board Governance report reflects the requirements of the Other statutory and regulatory information 190 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code (the Code). Remuneration report 197 • To view how we comply with the Code, please see pages 186 to 187. Certain additional information, signposted throughout this report, is available at

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