Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 236 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Remuneration report (continued) Additional remuneration disclosures Group performance graph and Group Chief Executive remuneration The performance graph below compares the total shareholder return of Barclays shares with the total shareholder return of the FTSE 100 index over the ten years ended 31 December 2022. The FTSE 100 index has been selected because it represents a cross-section of leading UK companies, of which Barclays is a long-standing constituent. Total Shareholder Return – rebased to 100 in 2012 Year ended 31 December 184 176 168 157 149 143 140 119 119 118 100 115 105 102 100 97 94 94 89 83 73 71 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Barclays FTSE100 Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 C.S. C.S. Antony Antony Antony John Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Jes Venkata- Venkata- Group Chief Executive Jenkins Jenkins Jenkins McFarlane Staley Staley Staley Staley Staley Staley Staley krishnan krishnan a b c d Single total remuneration 1,602 5,467 3,399 305 277 4,233 3,873 3,362 5,929 4,220 2,121 866 5,197 figure Group Chief Executive c d Annual bonus award as a 0.0% 57.0% 48.0% n/a n/a 60.0% 48.5% 48.3% 75.0% 38.6% n/a 92.6% 75.4% % of maximum e e e e e e c e e Long-term incentive plan n/a 30.0% 39.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 48.5% 23.0% n/a n/a n/a vesting as a % of maximum Notes a Antony Jenkins’ 2014 pay is higher than in 2013 since he declined a bonus and did not have an LTIP vesting in 2013. b 2020 remuneration outcomes reflect 2018-2020 LTIP value restated for the actual share price on the date of vesting. c Jes Staley stepped down as Group Chief Executive on 31 October 2021. The remuneration shown for 2021 is in respect of his services as an Executive Director between 1 January 2021 and 31 October 2021. This figure does not include variable remuneration as the Committee has made no decisions in respect of Mr Staley's variable remuneration in respect of performance during 2021, and has suspended the vesting of all of his unvested deferred remuneration awards including the LTIP award granted to him in March 2019, as explained earlier in this Remuneration report. d The 2021 remuneration shown is in respect of C.S. Venkatakrishnan's services during 2021 following his appointment as Group Chief Executive on 1 November 2021. It includes the subsequent reduction to reflect the lower outcomes of the financial measures following the restatement of the 2021 financial statements and as a result the figure has been restated from the value disclosed in the 2021 Annual Report. e Not applicable as the individual was not a participant in a long-term incentive award that vested in the period.

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