Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 414 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 KPMG LLP’s independent auditor’s report to the members of Barclays PLC (continued) Corporate governance disclosures Other matters on which we are required 8. Other information in the to report by exception Our responsibility annual report Our responsibility We are required to perform procedures to The directors are responsible for the other Under the Companies Act 2006, we are identify whether there is a material information presented in the Annual required to report to you if, in our opinion: inconsistency between the financial Report together with the financial statements and our audit knowledge, and: statements. Our opinion on the financial • adequate accounting records have not statements does not cover the other been kept by the Parent Company, or • the directors’ statement that they information and, accordingly, we do not returns adequate for our audit have not consider that the annual report and express an audit opinion or, except as been received from branches not visited financial statements taken as a whole is explicitly stated below, any form of by us; or fair, balanced and understandable, and assurance conclusion thereon. provides the information necessary for • the Parent Company financial shareholders to assess the Group’s All other information statements and the part of the position and performance, business Directors’ Remuneration Report to be Our responsibility model and strategy; audited are not in agreement with the Our responsibility is to read the other accounting records and returns; or • the section of the annual report information and, in doing so, consider describing the work of the Board Audit • certain disclosures of directors’ whether, based on our financial Committee, including the significant remuneration specified by law are not statements audit work, the information issues that the Board Audit Committee made; or therein is materially misstated or considered in relation to the financial inconsistent with the financial statements • we have not received all the information statements, and how these issues were or our audit knowledge. and explanations we require for our addressed; and audit. Our reporting • the section of the annual report that Based solely on that work we have not Our reporting describes the review of the identified material misstatements or We have nothing to report in this respect. effectiveness of the Group’s risk inconsistencies in the other information. management and internal control Strategic report and Directors’ report systems. Our responsibility and reporting Our reporting Based solely on our work on the other Based on those procedures, we have information described above we report to concluded that each of these disclosures you as follows: is materially consistent with the financial • we have not identified material statements and our audit knowledge. misstatements in the strategic report We are also required to review the part of and the Directors’ Report; Corporate Governance Statement relating • in our opinion the information given in to the Group’s compliance with the those reports for the financial year is provisions of the UK Corporate consistent with the financial statements; Governance Code specified by the Listing and Rules for our review. • in our opinion those reports have been We have nothing to report in this respect. prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006. Directors’ remuneration report Our responsibility We are required to form an opinion as to whether the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006. Our reporting In our opinion the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.

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