Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 203 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Remuneration report (continued) Executive Director remuneration outcomes at a glance C.S. Venkatakrishnan a Annual bonus Total remuneration outcomes (£m) 2022 5.197 £1,949k Max for 9.725 2022 75.4% of maximum Fixed Pay Pension and benefits Annual bonus LTIP n n n n 75.4% Share ownership (£000) Date of appointment 1 November 2021 Annual bonus performance measures (% weighting) C.S. Venkatakrishnan has until 1 November 2026 (five years Financial (60%) from the date of his appointment Profit before tax (excluding material items) (50%) as an Executive Director) to meet this shareholding requirement. 81.6% As at 31 December 2022, based on vested shares only, as per the Cost:income ratio (excluding material items) (10%) current DRP, Q4 2022 average share price of £1.5315 and an 36.0% annualised Fixed Pay of £2,780k for C.S. Venkatakrishnan. Strategic non-financial (25%) 72.0% Personal objectives (15%) Actual n Requirement n 86.7% Anna Cross b c Annual bonus Total remuneration outcomes (£m) 2022 2.057 £803k Max for 2.321 2022 75.4% of maximum Fixed Pay Pension and benefits Annual bonus n n n 75.4% Share ownership (£000) Date of appointment 23 April 2022 Annual bonus performance measures (% weighting) Anna Cross has until 23 April 2027 (five years from the date of Financial (60%) her appointment as Executive Profit before tax (excluding material items) (50%) Director) to meet this shareholding requirement. As at 81.6% 31 December 2022, based on vested shares only, as per the Cost:income ratio (excluding material items) (10%) current DRP, Q4 2022 average share price of £1.5315 and an 36.0% annualised Fixed Pay of £1,725k for Anna Cross. Strategic non-financial (25%) 72.0% Personal objectives (15%) Actual n 86.7% Requirement n a C.S. Venkatakrishnan's LTIP value for 2022 is nil as he was not a participant in the 2020-2022 LTIP cycle. The LTIP value shown for his 2022 maximum is the maximum LTIP award value that he could have been granted under the current DRP (140% of Fixed Pay) multiplied by his 2022 year-end Fixed Pay. b Anna Cross was appointed as Group Finance Director on 23 April 2022. The bonus shown for 2022 is in respect of her service as an Executive Director during 2022. c Anna Cross was appointed as Group Finance Director on 23 April 2022. The values shown are in respect of her services as an Executive Director during 2022, with both the actual and maximum values pro-rated for the proportion of the year in that role. The LTIP value for 2022 is nil as she was not a participant in the 2020-2022 LTIP cycle. No LTIP value is shown for the 2022 maximum as she was only appointed as an Executive Director during the year.

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