Implementing our climate strategy TCFD Strategy Recommendation A: TCFD Strategy Recommendation B: TCFD Strategy Recommendation C: Describe the climate-related risks and Describe the impact of climate-related risks and Describe the resilience of the organisation’s opportunities the organisation has identified over opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy, taking into consideration different the short, medium, and long term. strategy, and financial planning. climate-related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario. Risks and opportunities Implementing our climate strategy Resilience of our strategy 73 77 127 Risks 74 Achieving net zero operations 78 Scenario analysis 128 Opportunities 76 Operational footprint dashboard 80 Resilience of our strategy, All other narrative 81 taking into consideration different climate-related scenarios Reducing our financed emissions 85 135 TM BlueTrack dashboard 88 Macro-dependencies and objectives 135 All other narrative 89 Financing the transition 99 Important information / disclaimers 136 Sustainable finance dashboard 101 All other narrative 102 Working with our clients 103 Embedding ESG into our business 117 Just transition and nature and biodiversity 119 Engaging with industry 122 Barclays' approach to public policy 126

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