Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 94 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 2 In response, we launched our Greener Home Barclays UK Greener Home Reward Reward pilot in October. It offers a cash reward of up In 2022, we conducted research exploring to £2,000 for mortgage customers who install homeowner attitudes towards sustainability energy efficiency measures in their homes. and the barriers preventing action. Our The objective of the pilot, which remains research showed that while the vast majority a ongoing, is to help us to understand consumer (90%) of homeowners intend to make energy behaviour and motivations for taking sustainable efficiency-related changes to their homes action. The pilot will provide empirical evidence to within the next five years, cost is a prohibitive evaluate real and perceived barriers, and whether barrier. such incentives from mortgage providers would help to reduce these barriers and enable homeowners to take proactive action on the energy efficiency improvements they want. Retrofit types at registration As of December 2022, we have seen continuing interest from our customers. 44% of applications Solar Energy 44 have been for solar panels and solar battery Doors & windows storage, but there is clear demand for a range 20 of energy efficiency measures. The insights Insulation 17 from this pilot will help us to develop relevant Low-carbon products and propositions to support 15 heating our customers' transition to low-carbon, Solid wall insulation energy efficient homes. 4 Solar energy Low-carbon heating n n Doors and windows Solid wall insulation n n Insulation n Notes: a Consumer data and insights taken from a nationally representative research study of 2,000 homeowners, commissioned by Barclays, and carried out by Mortar Research from 26 August - 1 September 2022.

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