Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 62 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Non-financial information statement (continued) Human Rights-related statements Codes of conduct Information to help Information to help understand our Group and understand our Group and its impact, policies, due its impact, policies, due diligence and outcomes diligence and outcomes Statement or policy position Description Statement or policy position Description N/A • See The Barclays Way Barclays Statement on the Defence Sector outlines our The Barclays Way is our code of conduct and outlines the Defence sector Code of Conduct section from page appetite for defence-related transactions and relationships. Purpose, Values and Mindset which govern our way of 246 in Other We provide financial services to the defence sector within a working across our business globally. It constitutes a Governance within specific policy framework. Transactions and relationships are reference point covering all aspects of colleagues’ working the Governance assessed on a case-by-case basis and legal compliance relationships, and provides guidance on working with report in Part 3 of the alone does not automatically guarantee our support. colleagues, customers and clients, governments and Annual Report. regulators, business partners, suppliers, competitors and • See our managing Barclays is committed to operating in accordance with the Human rights the broader community. impacts in lending and International Bill of Human Rights and takes account of other financing section from • See our supply chain Our approach to the way we do business needs to be internationally accepted human rights standards, including Third-party code of page 246 in Other section within the adopted by our suppliers when acting on behalf of Barclays. the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights conduct Governance within Society section of the To ensure a common understanding of our approach which (UNGPs). We take steps to ensure we are respecting human the Governance strategic report from will help us collectively drive the highest standards of rights in our own operations through our employment report in Part 3 of the page 43 conduct, we have created our Third Party Code of Conduct, policies and practices, in our supply chain through screening Annual Report. which details our expectations for Environmental and engagement, and through the responsible provision of Management, Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusion; and our products and services. living the Barclays Values. • See our managing Barclays recognises its responsibility to comply with all Modern slavery impacts in lending and relevant legislation including the UK Modern Slavery Act financing section 2015 and the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). In from page 246 in • See our health and Our statement itself is an expression of Barclays accordance with the requirements of these two Acts, we Statement of Other Governance safety section from commitment to managing health and safety across the release an annual Barclays Group Statement on Modern Commitment to within the page 246 in Other organisation to protect the safety and wellbeing of our Slavery, which outlines the actions we have taken in seeking Governance report in Health & Safety Governance within colleagues, customers, suppliers, and any individual using to identify and address the risks of modern slavery and Part 3 of the Annual the Governance Report. our premises by providing and maintaining a safe working human trafficking in our operations, supply chain, and report in Part 3 of the environment that protects both physical and mental customer and client relationships. Annual Report. wellbeing.

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