Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 103 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 3 Over the course of 2022, we had over 15,000 Working with our clients engagements with clients within the Corporate Bank on ESG topics, around triple the number of We want to be by our clients' side as they ESG engagements delivered over 2021 (5,000), transition their businesses to operate in a thanks to focused efforts by relationship teams low-carbon economy. We are working on to raise ESG topics proactively. expanding our sustainable finance offering We also held numerous client events on ESG and through our specialist teams to help clients sustainability topics, reaching nearly 2,000 navigate this period of extraordinary contacts over 2022. change. Engagement through research Engaging clients through our Client We provide thought leadership to support our Transition Framework clients, using our in-house ESG Research capability. Clients who have access to our The Client Transition Framework, outlined on research publications tell us it prompts greater page 96, will enable us to direct engagement evaluation of their business needs, and we have efforts towards clients that are most exposed to seen a number of instances of this leading to the risk of failing to transition in line with sectoral broader conversations about the transition to a pathways as reflected in our targets. low-carbon economy and the ways Barclays is on Engagement through business/ hand to support. In 2022, we published over 400 events ESG-focused research reports. As trusted advisers, we continue to proactively We will continue to provide support to our clients engage with many of our clients on the risks and in their efforts to transition. This will be informed opportunities for their businesses from the by the outcomes of the Client Transition transition to a low-carbon economy. This Products and services Framework assessments, allowing us to be We are also building capabilities to help support includes working with higher-intensity clients on targeted in our engagement efforts and provide the innovation that is needed to make the As a British universal bank, we support a wide their transition journey. We help clients execute clients with clear communication on our transition a success. We have developed range of customers and clients from individuals on their climate strategies including facilitation of expectations for transition planning and how to dedicated teams, capabilities and propositions and small businesses through our consumer initial public offerings for climate-focused growth take advantage of the opportunities from the to help scale the start-up businesses that are banking services, to mid-sized and larger companies, acquisitions of emerging climate transition. developing and growing the technologies that will businesses and institutions, including technology start-ups to diversify incumbent help the world reduce emissions - through our governments, through our corporate and clients’ business models and financing to Sustainable Impact Capital mandate but also investment banking services. We believe the mobilise decarbonisation of operational through Sustainable and Impact Banking, ESG transition to a low-carbon economy is a defining activities. Research and our network of accelerators. opportunity for innovation and growth and we are determined to play our part in the transition. In each of the business areas and product teams There is an opportunity for Barclays to play a we have been building expertise and knowledge significant role in helping to meet the demand for that will enable us to better support clients as climate-related financing to support the they chart their way through the journey to a low- transition. carbon economy. We believe it is an advantage that we serve clients across the spectrum from small to large, across different sectors, and in some cases supporting these clients as they grow.

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