Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 149 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Our Governance Framework A Group-wide governance framework facilitating effective decision making Driving long-term sustainable value for our shareholders, with regard to the interests of our stakeholders. Board Governance Framework Barclays PLC Board Responsible for the overall leadership of the Group (with direct oversight of matters relating to strategy, reputation and culture) Board Nominations Board Audit Board Risk Board Remuneration Committee Committee Committee Committee Reviews the composition of, Reviews financial reports and Monitors financial, Sets principles and and appointments to, the monitors the internal control operational and legal risk parameters of remuneration Board, Board Committees, environment appetite policy across the Group and ExCo For more information For more information For more information For more information + + + + see page 157. see page 169. see page 178. see page 197. • preserve constructive challenge, and Governance framework Group structure support and provide oversight of the The Board recognises that effective BPLC is the Group’s parent company and Group’s major subsidiary boards in the governance is key to the successful has a premium listing on the London Stock UK, Ireland and the US, consistent with development and execution of the Group’s Exchange. the legal, regulatory and independence strategy. We think of governance as how the Each of the Group’s key operating entities – requirements applicable to those Board makes decisions and provides Barclays Bank PLC (BBPLC), BBUKPLC, entities. oversight in order to promote Barclays’ Barclays Europe, Barclays US LLC and Generally, there is one set of rules for the success for the long-term sustainable benefit Barclays Bank Delaware – has its own board Group. Group-wide frameworks, policies of our shareholders, having regard to the (with Executive and Non-Executive Directors) and standards are adopted throughout the interests of our key stakeholders (including and Board Committees. Group unless local laws or regulations, for our clients, customers, colleagues and the These main operating companies are example, the ring-fencing obligations society in which we operate). supported by our Group-wide service applicable to BBUKPLC, require otherwise, Our Group-wide governance framework, company, BX, which provides technology, or ExCo decides it would otherwise be described in this report, is designed to: operations and functional services to appropriate in a particular instance. • facilitate the effective management of businesses across the Group. the Group across its diverse businesses by our Group Chief Executive and his ExCo

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