Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 121 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) Engagement In 2022, Blue Marine built the case for a network Barclays' partnership We see collaboration and engagement across of highly protected marine areas (HPMAs) using with Blue Marine Foundation industry as essential for sharing learnings across pilot sites, and was a key stakeholder in the Barclays completed the second year of our the sector and a successful transition to nature- process resulting in a commitment from three-year partnership with the Blue Marine positive future. A key component of this is our Government to designate and manage a Foundation to support them in seeking to deliver membership of the TNFD Forum. network of HPMAs in England. their goal of ensuring that at least 30% of the During 2022, we provided feedback to the TNFD Our donation continues to support thought global ocean is effectively protected and the on their draft framework and conducted an leadership with a focus on conservation other 70% sustainably managed by 2030. internal mock disclosure exercise to understand finance, blue carbon and oceanic climate Protecting blue carbon habitats is a critical our progress towards making a comprehensive change. part of mitigating against climate change as disclosure against the framework in the future. Recognising the critical links between the they act as significant carbon sinks. Our A table signposting our disclosures on nature and ocean and the issues of climate change and + biodiversity can be found within the ESG Data Centre on donation has, so far, contributed to this by 2 Barclays ESG Resource Hub at: biodiversity loss, this partnership is an example helping to secure the protection of 300km of esg-resource-hub/reporting-and-disclosures/ of how collaboration between NGOs and the seabed and kelp forests on the south coast of corporate sector can bring together new the UK, and catalysing an ecosystem In 2022, we have continued engagement with a opportunities for nature-positive action and restoration project in the Solent. number of industry and cross-sector groups, seek to make progress against the gap in including the Banking Environment Initiative (BEI), financing for climate and biodiversity solutions. part of the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Further details on the Blue Marine Foundation can be found Leadership (CISL). As part of the BEI’s nature- + at: related finance steering group we fed into to the paper ‘Integrating climate and nature: The rationale for financial institutions’. We further worked with the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) and EY to contribute to their paper 'Into the wild: why nature may be the next frontier for capital markets.' The' Integrating climate and nature: The rationale for + financial institutions' paper can be found at: climate-and-nature-rationale-financial-institutions The 'Into the wild: why nature may be the next frontier for capital markets' paper can be found at: publications/reports/details/Into-The-Wild-Why-nature-may- be-the-next-frontier-for-capital-markets

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