Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 475 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements (continued) Assets at amortised cost and other investments Critical accounting estimates and judgements Goodwill Testing goodwill for impairment involves a significant amount of judgement. Goodwill is allocated to CGUs for the purpose of impairment testing. The review of goodwill for impairment involves calculating a value in use (VIU) valuation which is compared to the carrying value of a CGU associated with the goodwill to determine whether any impairment has occurred. This includes the identification of independent CGUs across the organisation and the allocation of goodwill to those CGUs. The calculation of a value in use contains a high degree of uncertainty in estimating the future cash flows and the rates used to discount them. Key judgements include determining the carrying value of the CGU, the cash flows and discount rates used in the calculation. ▪ The cash flow forecasts used by management involve judgement and are based upon a view of the future prospects of the business and market conditions at the point in time the assessment is prepared. The estimation of cash flows is sensitive to the periods for which detailed forecasts are available and to assumptions regarding long-term sustainable cash flows. ▪ The discount rates applied to the future cash flows also involve judgement as they can have a significant impact on the valuation. The discount rates used are compared to market participants to ensure that they are appropriate and based on an estimated cost of equity for each CGU. ▪ The choice of a terminal growth rate used to determine the present value of the future cash flows of the CGUs is also a judgement that can impact the outcome of the assessment. The terminal growth rate and discount rates used may vary due to external market rates and economic conditions that are beyond management’s control, including the potential effect of climate change. Further details of some of the key judgements are set out below. 2022 impairment review The 2022 impairment review was performed during Q4 2022. In comparison to the prior year, there is an expectation of an increasing interest rate environment which would impact favourably on the Barclays UK CGUs. A detailed assessment has been performed, with the approach and results of this analysis set out below. Determining the carrying value of CGUs The carrying value for each CGU is the sum of the tangible equity, goodwill and intangible asset balances associated with that CGU. The Group manages the assets and liabilities of its CGUs with reference to the tangible equity of the respective businesses. That tangible equity is derived from the level of risk weighted assets (RWAs) and capital required to be deployed in the CGU and therefore reflects its relative risk, as well as the level of capital that management consider a market participant would be required to hold and retain to support business growth. The goodwill held across the Group has been allocated to the CGU where it originated, based upon historical records. The intangible asset balances are allocated to the CGUs based upon their expected usage of these assets. Cash flows The five-year cash flows used in the calculation are based on the formally agreed medium-term plans approved by the Board. These are prepared using macroeconomic assumptions which management consider reasonable and supportable, and reflect business agreed initiatives for the forecast period. The macroeconomic assumptions underpinning the medium term plan were determined in August 2022 and management has considered whether there are subsequent significant changes in those assumptions which would adversely impact the results of the impairment review. As required by IAS 36, all estimates of future cash flows exclude cash inflows or outflows that are expected to arise from restructuring initiatives where a constructive obligation to carry out the plan does not yet exist. In line with prior year treatment, the Education, Social Housing and Local Authority (ESHLA) portfolio has been excluded from the Business Banking CGU cash flows. This is a legacy loan portfolio which was previously within the Non-Core bank and was not part of the business to which the goodwill relates. As such, the cash flows relating to this portfolio have been excluded from the Business Banking VIU calculation. Discount rates IAS 36 requires that the discount rate used in a value in use calculation reflects the pre-tax rate an investor would require if they were to choose an investment that would generate similar cash flows to those that the entity expects to generate from the asset. In determining the discount rate, management have in previous years identified the cost of equity associated with market participants that closely resemble the Group's CGUs and adjusted them for tax to arrive at the pre-tax equivalent rate. This method assumed a static rate of tax that was applicable to the pre-tax cash flows of the CGU. The cost of equity without adjusting for the tax rate has been used as the discount rate in the 2022 impairment assessment and applied to the post tax cash flows of the CGU. This post-tax method incorporates the impact of changing tax rates on the cash flows and is expected to produce the same VIU result as the pre-tax method adjusted for varying tax rates. Using the resultant VIU the equivalent pre-tax discount rate has been calculated. The range of equivalent pre-tax discount rates applicable across the CGUs range from 14.1% to 16.5% (2021: 12.5% to 15.1%). Terminal growth rate The terminal growth rate is used to estimate the effect of projecting cash flows to the end of an asset’s useful economic life. It is management’s judgement that the cash flows associated with the CGUs will grow in line with the major economies in which the Group operates. Inflation rates are used as an approximation of future growth rates and form the basis of the terminal growth rates applied. The terminal growth rate used is 2.0% (2021: 2.0%).

Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 - Page 477 Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 Page 476 Page 478