Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 07 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Chief Executive’s introduction (continued) This is the first step in an integrated approach to Facts and figures help clients manage their personal finances over their lifetimes. In the Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB), we have ranked number six for Global Markets for Technology has allowed £25.0bn the last three years, growing market share, Total income particularly in our trading businesses. These many tasks to be completed digitally, 2021: 21.9bn desks, especially in Fixed Income, managed their risk well and provided excellent market access and liquidity to clients during the many periods of at the customer’s convenience tumult in 2022. The revenues in trading compensated for a weaker performance in and unbounded by opening hours. £7.0bn Investment Banking, which was consistent with declines in capital markets activity across the Profit before tax industry. 2021: £8.2bn In addition to our operating businesses Technology has allowed many of those tasks to Our priorities performing well in 2022, we managed our be completed digitally, at the customer’s Our strong operating performance has been in interest rate risk prudently. Rising interest rates convenience and unbounded by opening hours. the context of the three priorities which I outlined deliver a net interest margin benefit but can Even in the context of digital service, there is an 10.4% in my letter last year. reduce the value of our capital holdings. Through important place for face-to-face interaction for careful Treasury management in anticipation of The first priority is to build next generation, Return on Tangible Equity some customers and for certain needs. This rising rates, we have benefited from the former digitised consumer financial services. This year, 2021: 13.1% year, we began testing different approaches to and minimised the latter. Managing our interest we took important steps towards that goal. serving communities which can no longer rate exposure programmatically through a In the US, we completed the acquisition of a support a branch but where there is a need for a 'structural hedge' allowed us to capture and partnership credit card portfolio from Gap, physical presence. These formats include pop- spread out the benefits of rising rates on our Net increasing our balances by $3.3bn and adding 10 up services, mobile vans and pods, all of which Interest Income (NII) across many years. As a 13.9% million new customers, doubling our customer can be located conveniently for customers. By result, we expect our NII to have a tailwind in base. Our US consumers are mostly served year end we had deployed 200 around the CET1 capital 2023 and beyond. digitally and, as this transaction demonstrated, it country. We also deployed our Cashback Without 2021: 15.1% is a more scalable business. Second, in the UK Purchase programme allowing customers to we agreed to purchase Kensington Mortgage withdraw cash from merchants where other Company, a specialist mortgages lending means aren’t easily available. platform which lends via brokers to customers with complex incomes using proprietary technology and data analytics. Lastly, we continue to increase our provision of digital services to customers in the UK, particularly to those customers who once depended almost entirely on branches for most everyday banking needs.

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