Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 496 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements (continued) Employee benefits asset ceiling to other plans and recognition of additional liabilities in respect of future minimum funding requirements are considered on an individual plan basis. Critical accounting estimates and judgements Actuarial valuation of the scheme's obligation is dependent upon a series of assumptions. Below is a summary of the main financial and demographic assumptions adopted for the UKRF. 2022 2021 Key UKRF financial assumptions % p.a. % p.a. Discount rate 4.80 1.84 Inflation rate (RPI) 3.21 3.56 The UKRF discount rate assumption for 2022 was based on a standard WTW RATE Link model. The RPI inflation assumption for 2022 was set by reference to the Bank of England’s implied inflation curve. The inflation assumption incorporates a deduction of 20 basis points as an allowance for an inflation risk premium. The methodology used to derive the discount rate and inflation assumptions is consistent with that used at the prior year end. The UKRF’s post-retirement mortality assumptions are based on an updated best estimate assumption derived from an analysis in 2022 of the UKRF’s own post-retirement mortality experience and taking account of recent evidence from published mortality surveys. An allowance has been made for future mortality improvements based on the 2021 core projection model published by the Continuous Mortality Investigation Bureau subject to a long-term trend of 1.25% per annum in future improvements (2021: 1.5% per annum). An additional allowance has been made within the mortality assumptions to reflect the uncertain impact of COVID-19 in the long term. The table below shows how the assumed life expectancy at 60, for members of the UKRF, has varied over the past three years: Assumed life expectancy 2022 2021 2020 Life expectancy at 60 for current pensioners (years) – Males 26.8 27.3 27.2 – Females 29.5 29.6 29.4 Life expectancy at 60 for future pensioners currently aged 40 (years) – Males 28.3 29.1 29.0 – Females 31.0 31.4 31.2 The UKRF entered into a longevity reinsurance contract in 2022 covering £7bn of the pensioner liabilities. This is in addition to a £5bn transaction executed in 2020. In total, over three-quarters of the longevity risk for current pensioners has been reinsured, and the transactions will provide income to the UKRF in the event that pensions are paid out for longer than expected. The contracts form part of the UKRF’s investment portfolio. At 31 December 2022, the contracts are valued at £(123)m (2021: nil). The negative value placed on the longevity reinsurance contracts at 31 December 2022 reflects the estimated impact of changes in the reinsurance market, demographic assumptions and risk premia since the 2020 transaction was entered into by the UKRF. The 2022 transaction is valued at nil as it is assessed to have been transacted recently at fair value. Sensitivity analysis on actuarial assumptions The sensitivity analysis has been calculated by valuing the UKRF liabilities using the amended assumptions shown in the table below and keeping the remaining assumptions the same as disclosed in the table above, except in the case of the inflation sensitivity where other assumptions that depend on assumed inflation have also been amended correspondingly. The difference between the recalculated liability figure and that stated in the balance sheet reconciliation table above is the figure shown. The selection of these movements to illustrate the sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to key assumptions should not be interpreted as Barclays expressing any specific view of the probability of such movements happening.

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