Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 147 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Directors’ report: Our Group Executive Committee Continuing to lead the delivery of Barclays’ strategic priorities The right balance of skills and experience to lead the execution of the Group's strategy. A qualified chartered accountant, Anna has Standing attendees and As our most senior management worked in both banking and retail and had ex-officio posts committee for the Group, our Group previously held finance roles at leading Recognising the strategic importance of Executive Committee (ExCo) financial and retail institutions. our technology and cyber agenda, in supports the Group Chief Executive in Interim Group Chief Compliance Officer October 2022 we welcomed Craig Bright, executing the Group’s strategy. Matthew Fitzwater was appointed Interim our Chief Information Officer, as a As reported in our 2021 Annual Chief Compliance Officer and member of standing attendee to ExCo. Craig is Report, C.S. Venkatakrishnan (known ExCo with effect from 1 November 2022, responsible for Barclays’ technology as Venkat) was appointed as Group subject to regulatory approval, while we strategy, leading the delivery of our digital Chief Executive in November 2021, complete our search for a permanent transformation across both our consumer following which he made a series of successor. Matthew was most recently our and wholesale businesses. changes to the composition of ExCo General Counsel for Conduct, Customer ExCo continues to utilise ex-officio to bring together the right balance of and Client Affairs and brings to ExCo a positions on the Committee to broaden skills and experience to deliver for our wealth of legal and regulatory experience the scope of perspectives and stakeholders and to lead the from a career spanning the US and the UK. contributions made, as well as to provide execution of the Group's strategy. specialist input, with each appointee Changes to ExCo in 2023 Over 2022, we have seen how ExCo has serving for a four-month rotation. Group Chief Operating Officer supported the Group in enabling us to and Chief Executive, BX ExCo meetings are also attended on a deliver a robust performance. regular basis by the Group Chief Internal With effect from 1 February 2023, Alistair Changes to ExCo composition during Auditor, Lindsay O’Reilly. Currie was appointed Group Chief the course of 2022 and up to the date Operating Officer (subject to regulatory of this report are set out below, and remain subject to regulatory approval approval) and Chief Executive of Barclays We are grateful for the significant where stated. Execution Services Limited (BX). With his contributions made by the outgoing ExCo experience leading customer delivery, as members, as set out below. well as operational and business Changes to ExCo in 2022 Tushar Morzaria stepped down as Group transformation, Alistair is ideally placed to Finance Director in April 2022. Group Finance Director continue the momentum created by his Laura Padovani stepped down as Group predecessor, Mark Ashton-Rigby. Anna Cross joined ExCo on 23 February Chief Compliance Officer in October 2022. 2022, ahead of her appointment as Group Global Head of Consumer Banking Finance Director and Executive Director of and Payments Mark Ashton-Rigby stepped down as Group Barclays PLC (BPLC) on 23 April 2022. Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive, Vim Maru was appointed Global Head of BX in January 2023. Anna brings significant skills and Consumer Banking and Payments with experience to ExCo, as set out in her effect from 1 February 2023, subject to biography on page 144. Anna joined the regulatory approval. Vim brings to Barclays Group in 2013 and held the role of Deputy deep experience of consumer banking and Group Finance Director from July 2020, a passion for leading the continued prior to which she was appointed Group evolution of our industry. Vim's leadership Financial Controller in 2019 and before will be a great asset to Barclays. that held the role of Chief Financial Officer for Barclays Bank UK PLC (BBUKPLC).

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