Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 256 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 ESG: Governance (continued) The Barclays Way The Barclays Way is our Code of Conduct. Together with more formal policies and practices, this provides a clear path towards achieving a positive and dynamic culture within the Group. Our commitment to being a responsible The Barclays Way was launched in 2013, The Barclays Way also includes advice and business includes seeking to ensure that: replacing a number of existing codes of guidance on speaking up and raising conduct with a single document. Endorsed concerns. It is important for the success of • we conduct ourselves in line with The by our Chairman, it governs our way of Barclays, and for the safety and wellbeing Barclays Way, our Code of Conduct, to working across our business globally and of our customers, clients and colleagues, create the best possible working constitutes a reference point covering all that we encourage a culture that supports environment for our colleagues aspects of colleagues’ working speaking up when things aren’t as they • we treat our customers fairly and the relationships, specifically but not should be. All colleagues are required to products and services we deliver are exclusively with other Barclays employees, undertake training on The Barclays Way. transparent and responsible customers and clients, governments, We know that our success over the long • we operate in line with relevant laws and regulators, business partners, suppliers, term is based not just on how well we run regulations including those applicable to competitors and the broader community. the organisation commercially, but also on financial crime It is aligned to the Code of Professional how well we manage it to protect the • we safeguard the data that has been Conduct, published by the Chartered environment, support positive social entrusted to us. Banker Professional Standards Board, progress and make responsible, well- which sets out the ethical and professional governed decisions. We are focused on Our Code of Conduct reflects the trust attitudes and behaviours expected of the areas where we can have the greatest that millions of people place in us every bankers. Barclays subscribes to this code long-term impact: making growth ‘green’, day. We know that trust is earned by and is committed to embedding its broad sustainable and inclusive; managing the repeatedly doing the right thing. We principles into our business. environmental and social impacts of our believe the best way to build that trust is to business; running a responsible business; invest in our culture and support our The Barclays Way includes information and and investing in our communities. people in the choices they make every day, guidance on how employees are expected with guidance and policies that help them to behave and take personal accountability Employee survey results do this. for making decisions. We apply a range of % criteria, over and above financial That starts with our Purpose, Values and considerations, aimed at building a "I believe that my team and I do a good job Mindset, and is locked into our of role modelling the Values every day" sustainable, strong and profitable business organisation through The Barclays Way, for the long term and adding value to our the touchstone for everyone in Barclays on 2022 92 business relationships and the broader the standard of conduct we expect, setting communities in which we live and work. We an unequivocal tone from the top about 2021 92 provide guidance across all key who we are and what we stand for. stakeholder groups, including servicing our % of colleagues completing mandatory customers and clients, promoting respect, training on The Barclays Way diversity and performance in the workplace and maintaining strong governance, In challenging times such robust controls and strict ethical 99% standards. as these, it is more The Barclays Way Code of Conduct is available at: + important than ever that code-of-conduct/ we conduct ourselves in the right way. The Barclays Way sets out the standards of behaviour we should all aspire to in our professional lives. It is a guiding light for everyone in Barclays, helping us to make the right decisions every day.

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