Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 261 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 ESG: Governance (continued) Health and Safety Barclays has a comprehensive Health and Measure Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2022 Safety Management System (HSMS) Number of High or Exceptional Accidents 0 0 0 0 operating globally, which is independently a a Lost Time Incidents (per 100 employees) 0.0074 0.012 0.019 0.023 certified to the international standard b b % Completion Mandatory Training 99% 99% 99.6% 99.9% ISO45001 in the USA, UK, India and Asia Notes: PAC. a. Increase to LTIR is due to increased activities on site following Covid restrictions being lifted b. Reason for change from Q1&Q2, is due to new H&S Mandatory training launched at end of Q2 Barclays has a suite of Health and Safety (H&S) Policies and Standards that combine There is a programme of technical and site Information and knowledge is available together under a single high-level risk assessments to ensure the hazards through our intranet global safety hub, statement of commitment endorsed by and risk controls remain relevant and to which provides key information on minimal the Group ExCo. H&S policies are owned identify emerging themes and trends. H&S requirements, hazard register, risk by three risk horizontals – Premises, assessments, training and templates (for People and Physical Security. Each On-site monitoring is undertaken across fire evacuation personal plans, Display Horizontal manages specific hazards our portfolio by the Barclays H&S team Screen Equipment (DSE), stress, lone through the Group Policies and Standards. through our building facilities management working etc). partners for corporate sites, and Barclays has global risk assessments, Customer Care Leads for our retail This year, we have taken learnings from which identify the hazards and controls network. Working with the Chief Security the coronavirus pandemic and maintained needed to reduce risks to as low as Office (CSO), there are processes and a number of enhanced procedures put into reasonably practicable.These are procedures in place to cover terrorism, place during that time such as enhanced underpinned by local regulatory disasters, fire and other emergency hygiene and cleaning which kept our requirements and procedures. The evacuations. These are tested on a colleagues and customers safe and Barclays H&S Hazard Register is published programme schedule as required by our included within a refresh of our mandatory on the Barclays H&S Service intranet and minimum requirements or (if more training for H&S achieved 99.8% all required changes to controls and policy stringent) local regulatory requirements. completion. We have also introduced content are tracked through to completion additional health, safety and wellbeing within the annual policy standard refresh. Incident reporting systems exist to ensure training for working at home. incidents are captured and investigated Where applicable, our suppliers are enabling a review to take place of the subjected to obligations to adhere to our hazard profile of the organisation. Review minimum H&S requirements and vetted of incident data is completed by each during the onboarding process and region, reviewed at the Group H&S Forum through annual reviews by conducting an and lessons learned shared. Incidents are assessment of their activities to identify reported and escalated as required by local applicable controls (including Health and regulatory statute, along with the principle Safety). Barclays is supported by a Health of Barclays’ risk framework for risk issues and Safety Team, operating globally, who and events. provide support, competent advice and assurance where required. The Health and Safety Risk Management Framework over view is as follows: Health and Safety Forum Leadership Statement of Commitment for Health and Safety H&S Data Data: Performance against commitment Horizontal Premises People Physical Security Harm to people through physical injury Harm to people related to mental health Physical security incidents resulting in Risks (excluding injuries caused by Physical or mismanagement of employees harm to staff or external parties L3 Security related incidents) impacting personal welfare L.3 Health and Safety People Risk Policies Group Physical Security Policy (Premises & Infrastructure) Policy Health & Wellbeing Policy Health and Safety People Risk Standards Group Physical Security Standard (Premises & Infrastructure) Standard Health & Wellbeing Standard

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