Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 406 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 KPMG LLP’s independent auditor’s report to the members of Barclays PLC (continued) Communications with the Barclays PLC Areas of particular auditor judgement Further information in the Annual Report Board Audit Committee and Accounts: See the Board Audit We identified the following as the areas of Our discussions with and reporting to the Committee Report on page 173 for details particular auditor judgement: Board Audit Committee included: on how the Board Audit Committee • The appropriateness of the valuation of considered Valuations as an area of focus, • Our approach to the audit of the fair harder to value Level 2 and Level 3 page 425 for the accounting policy on value of Level 3 and harder-to-value financial instruments, and particularly financial assets and liabilities, and page 456 Level 2 financial instrument assets and the selection of market data inputs and for the financial disclosure note 17; Fair liabilities. This included details of our risk valuation models. value of financial instruments. assessment, controls and substantive Our results procedures. Based on the risk identified and our • Our conclusions on the appropriateness procedures performed we consider the fair of the Group’s fair value methodology, value of Level 3 and harder-to-value Level models, pricing inputs, and fair value 2 financial instrument assets and liabilities adjustments. recognised and the related disclosures to be acceptable (2021 result: acceptable).

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