Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 518 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements (continued) Other disclosure matters Derivative financial instruments During the year derivative financial liabilities increased by £863m to £906m (2021: £43m). The increase in the year is primarily driven by the rising rate environment. Total equity Called up share capital and share premium Called up share capital and share premium of Barclays PLC is £4,373m (2021: £4,536m). The decrease in the year is primarily due to 931m shares repurchased with a total nominal value of £233m. This decrease was offset by shares issued under employee share schemes. Other equity instruments Other equity instruments of £13,250m (2021: £12,241m) comprises AT1 securities issued by Barclays PLC. The AT1 securities are perpetual securities with no fixed maturity and are structured to qualify as AT1 instruments under prevailing capital rules applicable as at the relevant issue date. During the year there were three issuances with principal amounts totalling £1,250m, $2,000m, SGD450m and redemptions with principal amounts totalling £1,000m and $1,500m. For further details, please refer to Note 28.

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