Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 327 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Risk performance - Credit risk (continued) Credit risk concentrations by industry (audited) Whole- sale Cards, and retail unsecured Other Const- Govern- distri- loans and financial ruction ment and Energy bution Business other insti- Manu- and central and and and other Home personal Banks tutions facturing property bank water leisure services loans lending Other Total £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m As at 31 December 2022 On-balance sheet: Cash and balances at central banks 731 63 — — 255,557 — — — — — — 256,351 Cash collateral and settlement balances 15,083 78,740 229 67 17,265 269 136 167 — 55 586 112,597 Loans and advances at amortised cost 9,726 49,181 8,025 26,029 33,989 5,626 11,362 19,020 173,815 50,913 11,093 398,779 agreements and other similar secured lending 634 92 — — 50 — — — — — — 776 4,663 9,314 5,007 1,405 36,355 2,330 789 2,782 — — 6,028 68,673 Trading portfolio assets through the income statement 30,838 149,328 712 3,524 16,609 197 479 4,053 1,255 — 482 207,477 Derivative financial 127,391 153,013 4,095 597 3,027 4,778 1,541 3,175 — — 4,763 302,380 instruments Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 14,205 3,918 — 758 45,682 — — 112 — — 379 65,054 Other assets 494 975 9 3 1 1 1 118 17 28 9 1,656 203,765 444,624 18,077 32,383 408,535 13,201 14,308 29,427 175,087 50,996 23,340 1,413,743 Total on-balance sheet Off-balance sheet: 1,108 6,193 3,695 1,430 1,818 3,891 1,165 2,627 — 143 2,135 24,205 Contingent liabilities 1,840 65,671 44,951 12,599 1,501 29,607 16,759 25,137 12,223 158,599 26,621 395,508 Loan commitments 2,948 71,864 48,646 14,029 3,319 33,498 17,924 27,764 12,223 158,742 28,756 419,713 Total off-balance sheet 206,713 516,488 66,723 46,412 411,854 46,699 32,232 57,191 187,310 209,738 52,096 1,833,456 Total As at 31 December 2021 On-balance sheet: Cash and balances at central banks 52 74 — — 238,448 — — — — — — 238,574 Cash collateral and settlement balances 14,811 61,581 320 79 14,526 390 60 366 — 68 341 92,542 Loans and advances at amortised cost 8,519 32,332 6,701 25,722 30,827 4,345 11,455 19,113 169,205 42,198 11,034 361,451 Reverse repurchase agreements and other similar secured lending 645 2,049 — — 533 — — — — — — 3,227 Trading portfolio assets 2,586 8,817 4,881 1,097 32,574 4,043 1,734 4,716 — — 2,941 63,389 Financial assets at fair value through the income statement 26,074 131,264 771 7,999 13,945 87 181 3,753 1,595 — 428 186,097 Derivative financial instruments 120,666 117,400 4,169 1,898 7,233 3,544 1,172 2,696 — — 3,794 262,572 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 14,441 4,274 — 662 40,872 — — 455 — — 147 60,851 Other assets 618 450 1 3 8 — 2 104 — 21 5 1,212 Total on-balance sheet 188,412 358,241 16,843 37,460 378,966 12,409 14,604 31,203 170,800 42,287 18,690 1,269,915 Off-balance sheet: Contingent liabilities 1,006 5,356 3,080 1,341 1,682 3,284 1,209 2,518 — 73 1,797 21,346 Loan commitments 1,395 55,071 42,587 16,673 1,362 26,461 16,299 25,682 11,656 121,680 26,845 345,711 Total off-balance sheet 2,401 60,427 45,667 18,014 3,044 29,745 17,508 28,200 11,656 121,753 28,642 367,057 Total 190,813 418,668 62,510 55,474 382,010 42,154 32,112 59,403 182,456 164,040 47,332 1,636,972

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