Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 494 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements (continued) Employee benefits 33 Pensions and post-retirement benefits Accounting for pensions and post-retirement benefits The Group operates a number of pension schemes and post-employment benefit schemes. Defined contribution schemes – the Group recognises contributions due in respect of the accounting period in the income statement. Any contributions unpaid at the balance sheet date are included as a liability. Defined benefit schemes – the Group recognises its obligations to members of each scheme at the period end, less the fair value of the scheme assets after applying the asset ceiling test. Each scheme’s obligations are calculated using the projected unit credit method. Scheme assets are stated at fair value as at the period end. Changes in pension scheme liabilities or assets (remeasurements) that do not arise from regular pension cost, net interest on net defined benefit liabilities or assets, past service costs, settlements or contributions to the scheme, are recognised in other comprehensive income. Remeasurements comprise experience adjustments (differences between previous actuarial assumptions and what has actually occurred), the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions, return on scheme assets (excluding amounts included in the interest on the assets) and any changes in the effect of the asset ceiling restriction (excluding amounts included in the interest on the restriction). Post-employment benefit schemes – the cost of providing healthcare benefits to retired employees is accrued as a liability in the financial statements over the period that the employees provide services to the Group, using a methodology similar to that for defined benefit pension schemes. Pension schemes UK Retirement Fund (UKRF) The UKRF is the Group’s main scheme, representing 96% (2021: 97%) of the Group’s total retirement benefit obligations. Barclays Bank PLC is the principal employer of the UKRF. The UKRF was closed to new entrants on 1 October 2012, and comprises 10 sections, the two most significant of which are: ▪ Afterwork, which comprises a contributory cash balance defined benefit element, and a voluntary defined contribution element. The cash balance element is accrued each year and revalued until Normal Retirement Age in line with the increase in Retail Price Index (RPI) (up to a maximum of 5% p.a.). The main risks that Barclays runs in relation to Afterwork are limited although additional contributions are required if pre-retirement investment returns are not sufficient to provide for the benefits. ▪ The 1964 Pension Scheme. Most employees recruited before July 1997 built up benefits in this non-contributory defined benefit scheme in respect of service up to 31 March 2010. Pensions were calculated by reference to service and pensionable salary. From 1 April 2010, members became eligible to accrue future service benefits in either Afterwork or the Pension Investment Plan, a historic defined contribution section which is now closed to future contributions. The risks that Barclays runs in relation to the 1964 section are typical of final salary pension schemes, principally that investment returns fall short of expectations, that inflation exceeds expectations, and that retirees live longer than expected. Barclays Pension Savings Plan (BPSP) The BPSP is a defined contribution scheme providing benefits for all new UK hires from 1 October 2012. BPSP is not subject to the same investment return, inflation or life expectancy risks for Barclays that defined benefit schemes are. Members’ benefits reflect contributions paid and the level of investment returns achieved. Other Apart from the UKRF and the BPSP, Barclays operates a number of smaller pension and long-term employee benefits and post- retirement healthcare plans globally, the largest of which are the US defined benefit and defined contribution schemes. Many of the schemes are funded, with assets backing the obligations held in separate legal vehicles such as trusts. Others are operated on an unfunded basis. The benefits provided, the approach to funding, and the legal basis of the schemes, reflect local environments. Governance The UKRF operates under trust law and is managed and administered on behalf of the members in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed and Rules and all relevant legislation. The Corporate Trustee is Barclays Pension Funds Trustees Limited, a private limited company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Barclays Bank PLC. The Trustee is the legal owner of the assets of the UKRF which are held separately from the assets of the Group. The Trustee Board comprises six Management Directors selected by Barclays, of whom three are independent Directors with no relationship with Barclays (and who are not members of the UKRF), plus three Member Nominated Directors selected from eligible active members of the UKRF, deferred and pensioner members who apply for the role. The BPSP is a Group Personal Pension arrangement which operates as a collection of personal pension plans. Each personal pension plan is a direct contract between the employee and the BPSP provider (Legal & General Assurance Society Limited), and is regulated by the FCA. Similar principles of pension governance apply to the Group’s other pension schemes, depending on local legislation. Amounts recognised The following tables include amounts recognised in the income statement and an analysis of benefit obligations and scheme assets for all Group defined benefit schemes. The net position is reconciled to the assets and liabilities recognised on the balance sheet. The

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