Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 111 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Implementing our Climate Strategy (continued) TCFD Strategy Recommendation (b) | Strategic Pillar 3 ESG across our research teams Sustainable and Thematic Investing Supporting Motability Operations Barclays Research has continued to invest in its The Sustainable and Thematic Investing with its financing needs ESG research capabilities and thought leadership Research team at Barclays focuses on this year. We hired a Head of Asia ESG Research Barclays has a longstanding and established sustainability and long-term thematic disruption. and further strengthened our ESG teams in relationship with Motability Operations Group Their reports are produced in conjunction with Europe and the US. PLC, a purpose-driven company and the UK’s sector analysts with the aim of identifying multi- largest vehicle lessor who provide the Our approach to ESG Research is differentiated year sector trends that could help shape the Motability Scheme to over 650,000 disabled through broad-based engagement with ESG future business environment. Typically, the team people. issues and higher quality insights with our identify topics with a 5 to 10 year time horizon, investor clients. with the investment opportunities spanning both Having launched its Social Bond framework in public and private companies. 2020, which Barclays supported as a joint ESG The ESG Research team works closely with structuring advisor and in 2022, Motability coverage teams to identify and analyse material To aid thematic and ESG investors, the team Operations continued to align its financing ESG opportunities and risks and to integrate ESG maintain an investment framework known as the requirements to its sustainability strategy. into their analysis and recommendations. The ‘2030 Thematic Roadmap: 150 Trends’ and have Motability Operations worked with Barclays, team also analyses how investors measure and published reports on various trends relating to leveraging our ESG expertise, to develop and consider ESG factors in the investment process disruptive technology, sustainability and structure bespoke KPIs and targets to account to help asset managers structure their portfolios demographic change. The team have also for its evolving sustainability strategy, priorities and investment decisions. There have been over developed a range of investment tools including and needs of its customer base. 400 ESG-focused research reports published in trend momentum scores, UN SDG mapping and 2022 and over 800 bottom-up, company- company revenue tagging. In October 2022, Barclays, acting as both Joint specific ESG profiles published to date. Mandated Lead Arranger and Sustainability and Relevant 2022 publications include Biodiversity, Documentation Coordinator, helped Motability Food Security, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Food Our expectation is that topics such as climate Waste, Virtual Try-On, Electronic Waste and Operations secure £1.9bn of sustainability- change and decarbonisation, as well as other Social Inclusion. linked term and revolving credit facilities. sustainability themes and specific ESG attributes will continue to grow in importance, and that the Further details on the Sustainable and Thematic + Investing Research team can be found at: global momentum behind ESG investing will our-insights continue at pace, making it an essential requisite for a large and growing number of investors. Sustainable Product Group During 2022, ESG Research hosted over 25 ESG- The Sustainable Product Group focuses on related client events, including the third annual increasing sustainability-related dialogue with Barclays ESG Research conference and Barclays our clients and delivers a broad range of green ESG Emerging Market Corporate Day. and sustainability-linked banking products. Further details on ESG Research can be found at: The Sustainable Product Group’s offering + includes project finance; green and sustainability-linked trade; corporate lending and fund financing products. Clients benefit not only from sustainability-related products but also from the greater connectivity with Corporate and Investment Banking teams as well as the wider Group.

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