Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 01 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Inside Part 1 Inside Part 2 Inside Part 3 Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Barclays 1 69 141 Governance PLC 2022 Annual Report Strategic report Climate and sustainability report Group overview 2 Introduction 70 Governance contents 141 together comprise Prepared for the road ahead 3 Risks and opportunities 73 Board Governance 142 Barclays PLC’s annual Chairman’s introduction 4 Implementing our climate strategy 77 Directors’ report 143 Chief Executive’s review 6 Resilience of our strategy 127 Remuneration report 197 accounts and report for Our business model 10 Other Governance 246 the purposes of Section Our strategy 12 264 Risk review Section 172(1) statement 16 423 of the Companies Risk review contents 264 Engaging with our stakeholders 21 Risk management 266 Act 2006. Key performance indicators 23 Material existing and emerging risks 269 Customers and clients Principal risk management 282 Supporting our customers and clients 26 Risk performance 296 Colleagues Supervision and regulation 370 Our people and culture 31 378 Financial review Society Financial review contents 378 Making a difference 39 Key performance indicators 379 Investors Consolidated summary income 381 Summary financial review 45 statement Please note that throughout the document, Barclays UK 49 Income statement commentary 382 graphical representation of component parts Barclays International: Corporate 52 may not cast due to rounding. Consolidated summary balance sheet 383 and Investment Bank Strategic report Balance sheet commentary 384 Barclays International: Consumer, Cards 54 The Barclays PLC Strategic Report 2022 was Analysis of results by business 385 approved by the Board of Directors on 14 and Payments February 2023 and signed on its behalf by the Non-IFRS performance measures 392 Managing risk 56 Chairman. Viability statement 58 397 Financial statements The Strategic Report 2022 is a part of Barclays PLC’s Annual Report 2022 and is not the Non-financial information statement 60 Financial statements contents 397 Group’s statutory accounts. It does not contain ESG ratings performance 63 the full text of the Directors’ Report, and it does Consolidated financial statements 416 not contain sufficient information to allow as full ESG-related reporting and disclosures 64 Notes to the financial statements 424 an understanding of the results and state of affairs of the Group and of its policies and TCFD Content Index 65 arrangements concerning Directors’ remuneration as would be provided by the full 66 Shareholder information Annual Report 2022. Key dates, Annual General Meeting, Report of the auditor dividends, and other useful information 66 The Auditor’s report on the Financial statements of Barclays PLC for the year ended 31 December 2022 was unmodified, and its statement under Section 496 of the Companies Act 2006 was also unmodified (see page 399 of Part 3 of the Annual Report 2022).

Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 - Page 3 Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 Page 2 Page 4