Dmitri Alperovitch PodBook™
Dmitri Alperovitch is an American think-tank founder, author, investor, philanthropist, podcast host and former computer security industry executive.
Experience-Focused Leaders
Interactive Content
About Alex Shevelenko
NAVIGATING THE COMPLEXITIES OF GLOBAL POWER DYNAMICS Dmitri Alperovitch CrowdStrike CTO Chairman, Silverado Policy Accelerator Host, Geopolitics Decanted podcast National Bestselling Author
About Dmitri Alperovitch Dmitri Alperovitch is an American think-tank founder, author, investor, philanthropist, podcast host and former computer security industry executive. He is the chairman of Silverado Policy Accelerator, a geopolitics think-tank in Washington, D.C., and a co-founder and former chief technology officer of CrowdStrike.
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SUSTHE NEVER-ENDING GTAINABLE PROFITABILITYAME 1. Domestic & General started out over 100 years ago, ensuring cattle and sheep rights. So not long after the Titanic went down there was a need all of a sudden to have protection and insurance on your livestock. (02:29 - 02:55) I love chess, these adversarial games. And cybersecurity is very much that. You're facing a sentient opponent. You're not facing nature or trying to just solve a problem that exists and once you solve it you're done. In cyber you're never done because of course, as long as there are bad people out there that wish to do harm, they're going to find a way to do that. Dmitri Alperovitch

INCENTIVE FOR STARTING 1. Domestic & General started out over 100 years ago, ensuring cattle and sheep rights. So not long after the Titanic went down there was a need all of a sudden to have protection and insurance on your livestock. (05:49 - 06:02) Geopolitics has always been at the root of cyber, at least for the last 15-plus years. And that was part of the incentives for starting CrowdStrike — realizing that this is only getting worse. Dmitri Alperovitch

COST OF CONFLICT 1. Domestic & General started out over 100 years ago, ensuring cattle and sheep rights. So not long after the Titanic went down there was a need all of a sudden to have protection and insurance on your livestock. (22:28 - 23:17) I think our foreign policy since President Carter's and Brzezinski's days in the late 70s has become very moralistic. We tend to see things as good vs evil. But if you have that confrontation, you’re not looking at the path to potential coexistence with some of these countries, you're going to be fighting a lot wars. Dmitri Alperovitch

WHY DEMOCRACY IS IMPORTANT 1. Domestic & General started out over 100 years ago, ensuring cattle and sheep rights. So not long after the Titanic went down there was a need all of a sudden to have protection and insurance on your livestock. (39:29 - 39:52) The more democracies you have out there, the safer the world will be. Because they'll be more accountable to their people and they'll find a way to address their problems in ways other than fighting wars. Dictators and authoritarian regimes don't necessarily have those types of political pressures and are much more likely to engage in a conflict. Dmitri Alperovitch

AMERICA'S FLAWED ROLE 1. Domestic & General started out over 100 years ago, ensuring cattle and sheep rights. So not long after the Titanic went down there was a need all of a sudden to have protection and insurance on your livestock. (42:13 - 43:40) I don't necessarily agree that America has always had a benevolent foreign policy. We certainly made mistakes and I criticize a lot our foreign policy over the last 30-plus years where we've become too enamored with our hubris and power and decided that we are going to be the world's policemen and fix problems all over the world. I believe that was a great mistake. Dmitri Alperovitch

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About the Podcast Host, Alex Shevelenko 5 Lines about Alex Alex Shevelenko: Co-Founder & CEO, RELAYTO/ Content Experience Platform Expert: Marketing, Customer & Employee Experience Design, Future of Work, AI & Cloud Founded Glocal Partners Ex: SuccessFactors|SAP, Salesforce, Oliver Wyman, Microsoft Academia: Stanford MBA, Penn BSE & BA, book research assistant for Dean of Wharton Awards: 60+ digital experience & comms. Excellence in Management Consulting, USA
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