ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our $1 Trillion Goal Financing the Low-Carbon Transition Financing Social Impact Our $1 Trillion Goal in Action Over the past year, we have helped expand access to energy by bringing solar and battery storage projects online and increase access to healthcare, education, clean water and other basic infrastructure. The following are examples of finance transactions from 2022 that contributed to the $1 Trillion Sustainable Finance Goal. Renewable Energy Sustainable Agriculture and Land Use Renewable Energy Financing Renewable Energy in the U.S. Supporting Wildlife Conservation Expanding Solar Energy in Abu Dhabi OUR ROLE Served as coordinating lead arranger, lender OUR ROLE Served as bookrunner for the World Bank’s issuance of a Wildlife Conservation OUR ROLE Managed a project bond offering for the and swap syndication arranger to provide a comprehensive Bond in support of South Africa’s efforts to conserve endangered species Noor Abu Dhabi solar power project financing package for the Great Cove Solar projects The objective of the bond is to secure and grow the black rhinoceros population, gigawatts DC (881 megawatts AC) support over 2,000 jobs for the local community and improve the management of a 1.2 of installed capacity 220megawatts (AC) of renewable energy capacity 153,000-hectare area In January 2022, Citi successfully priced a $700.8 million In December 2022, Citi provided AES Clean Energy with In March 2022, Citi supported the World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction Benchmark Green 144A/RegS project bond offering on financing to fund the construction and operation of the and Development, IBRD) in issuing a $150 million first-of-its-kind, outcome-based behalf of Sweihan PV Power Company (SPPC). Citi acted Great Cove solar photovoltaic projects located in Fulton and Wildlife Conservation Bond (WCB) that contributes to protecting and increasing as lead global coordinator and joint lead manager on Franklin Counties, Pennsylvania. Great Cove is comprised black rhino populations in two protected areas in South Africa, the Addo Elephant this offering. SPPC owns and operates the Noor Abu of two projects expected to begin commercial operations National Park and the Great Fish River Nature Reserve, by providing conservation Dhabi solar photovoltaic power project, the world’s in 2023 and 2024, and together will provide a total of 220 investment payments to the two parks in lieu of coupon payments to investors. largest operating single-site solar PV project. Noor MWAC in renewable energy capacity. Output from the solar Rhinos are considered an umbrella species, which play a crucial role in shaping Abu Dhabi will result in 9 million metric tons of CO2 projects will be supplied to the University of Pennsylvania, entire ecosystems on which countless other species depend. As a World Bank savings during 2020-2030. Emirates Water & Electricity an Ivy League institution and leading research university Sustainable Development Bond, the WCB combined a “use of proceeds” bond, Company, 100% indirectly owned by the government in the U.S. Since 2016, Citi has supported and provided which supports the financing of sustainable projects in World Bank countries, with of Abu Dhabi, acts as the sole offtaker under a 30-year several financings for AES Clean Energy, which has a an outcome-based mechanism that provides a return to investors if the project fixed-price power purchase agreement. The bond was diversified operating portfolio of wind, solar and storage succeeds. The innovative transaction structure created the opportunity for bond the first green project bond issued in the Middle East projects across the U.S. market investors to engage directly in a conservation project, supported by quan- and North Africa region. tifiable metrics and models. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 18

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