ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Transforming Our Risk and Controls Environment Ethics and Culture at Citi Risk Management Human Rights Serving Our Customers and Clients Responsibly Responsible Sourcing We expect managers to lead by example, inspire Ethics their employees to live our values, and create OUR LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLES a work environment that is free from discrimi- nation, harassment or retaliation. Managers are These principles support our Transformation to become a better, stronger bank. Holding ourselves and and Culture expected to promote awareness of resources each other to these high standards is integral to our culture and our commitment to operating in our available for reporting concerns, encourage clients’ best interests, driving economic value and managing risk. at Citi employees to speak up about all issues, and We take ownership: Challenging each other to high standards and welcoming that challenge; greeting then resolve or escalate concerns through change with optimism, curiosity and resilience; speaking with candor; learning from experience; and appropriate channels. Managers must never contributing to and honoring group decisions Each of our employees shares a common engage in, nor tolerate, retaliation of any kind. We deliver with pride: Striving for excellence across our business; simplifying, standardizing and responsibility to earn and maintain our clients’ clarifying our work; holding ourselves and others accountable for managing risk; fixing root causes of trust by applying our values and principles Acting with Integrity problems; and taking pride in doing the right thing every day to everything they do. We expect our We succeed together: Valuing and learning from different perspectives; breaking down barriers; employees to prioritize excellence — for our We empower our employees to do what’s right measuring performance through a stakeholder lens; investing in colleagues from all backgrounds; clients, in our operations and in our risk and by setting clear expectations, providing tools and showing empathy for our colleagues, clients and communities controls environment — and to provide our and educational resources to reinforce ethical products, services and expertise in a system- decision-making, and consistently providing dealing with clients, business colleagues, share- services for Citi at their time of onboarding. ically responsible manner, while complying information about the various resources holders, communities and each other. It also In addition, we ask these members of our with all applicable laws, regulations and Citi available to escalate concerns. provides an overview of key legal and regulatory workforce to reaffirm their commitment to our policies. To reinforce this, we establish and requirements and select global policies. Code through annual Code of Conduct training. communicate our core values and principles through our Mission and Value Proposition, our Our Code of Conduct, published in 21 languages, Escalating Concerns Leadership Principles, our Code of Conduct, We Ask Our Colleagues Globally to applies to all directors, officers and employees of various training and development opportunities, Ensure That Their Decisions Pass Citi worldwide. Upon joining Citi, employees must Our Code of Conduct emphasizes the principle employee engagement initiatives and communi- Three Tests: acknowledge that they have read and will comply that, when in doubt, employees should cations from our senior leaders. with our Code. Individuals performing services for always err on the side of escalating concerns. • They are in our clients’ interests. Citi may also be subject to our Code by contract Employees are encouraged to raise concerns to • They create economic value. or agreement. Violations can result in disci- their manager, but if they feel uncomfortable Tone from the Top plinary action up to and including termination doing so, Citi provides a number of escalation • They are always systemically responsible. resources, including the Ethics Hotline. We uphold strong ethical standards through our These three tests help our colleagues to act of employment or other relationship with Citi. governance framework, programs and efforts with integrity, to do everything possible to Our Code provides an overview of the types of The Ethics Hotline provides different channels that embed our expectations for behavior create the best outcomes for our clients, and misconduct and concerns that require escalation for employees and any third party, including throughout the organization. This starts with to manage risk prudently. and the resources available to employees for members of the general public, to report our Board of Directors. With oversight from the prompt escalation of concerns, as well as a link to concerns about unethical behavior to our Ethics Compensation, Performance Management and the full Citi Escalation Policy, which provides even Office. In addition to internal and public-facing Culture Committee, our senior leaders reinforce more information for employees about escalation websites that facilitate submission of concerns, appropriate conduct and accountability within Code of Conduct requirements and resources. a telephone line is available 24 hours a day, the organization, and empower our employees Our Code of Conduct outlines the standards seven days a week, with live operators who can of ethics and professional behavior expected We provide Code of Conduct training to new connect to translators in multiple languages. to make ethical decisions, escalate issues and hires globally when they join Citi, as well as to adhere to our standards of conduct. of employees and representatives of Citi when In 2022, Citi enhanced the phone and web nonemployee contingent workers performing Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 66

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