Approach to reporting Infosys ESG Report 2022-23 ESG REPORT 2022-23 Over the last four decades, Infosys has stayed true to the vision of the founders – to earn the respect of our stakeholders. It is no wonder, therefore, that a holistic appreciation of progress - inclusive ESG is an opportunity of the universe of stakeholders from clients to communities, employees, suppliers, investors and the government - has continued to inform our collective efforts and results, since inception. This ESG report, together with our other publications, reflect our approach, journey and outcomes. Introduction ESG highlights About this report Frameworks, guidelines Approach to materiality Assurance statement Apporach to reporting and standards This report provides information on The universe of our material topics on Our ESG disclosures are reviewed and verified Corporate overview the progress on our ESG Vision 2030 The disclosures in this Report are in accordance Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is internally by an independent group, namely, Message from the commitments. The report forms the basis with the GRI Standard 2021 and SASB complex and multi-layered, one that is deeply Corporate Certifications and Assessments Chief Financial Officer of our Communication on Progress (CoP) standards. The ESG Data Book contains our intertwined with the value we seek to create Team (CCAT). Select non-financial sustainability with the UN Global Compact (UNGC) each response to the Task Force on Climate-related through our business for our stakeholders. disclosures are assured by KPMG Assurance ENVIRONMENT year. Our disclosures show the maturity of Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Read more: Infosys ESG Vision 2030 document and Consulting Services LLP. The Independent our sustainability management system and Assurance Statement is available as part of the SOCIAL reporting practices. It addresses the growing We have also mapped our contribution to the ESG Data book. interests and expectations of our global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). stakeholders across environmental, social and GOVERNANCE governance dimensions. Infosys Infosys Infosys ESG Databook 2022-23 Infosys Sustainability Microsite Infosys Infosys Integrated ESG Vision 2030 Foundation Report Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Report 2022-23 Microsite 2022-23 Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 05

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