WATER Environment ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity Water conservation ENVIRONMENT Rainwater harvesting Performance on environmental goals Rainwater harvesting is an important part Climate change Reduce Reuse Recycle of our water stewardship goal. Our India Water campuses are equipped with rooftop rainwater We have evaluated the water stress zones in harvesting, harvesting tanks, recharge wells Waste line with the WRI guidelines for all our locations and artificial lakes. These reduce our external globally. The details of water stress zones and freshwater dependency and also help to SOCIAL withdrawals are available in BRSR. 100% of our replenish the groundwater table in the areas water withdrawal from various sources has we operate in. Our campuses in Chennai Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) which is less than MCity, Thiruvananthapuram, Hyderabad and GOVERNANCE 1,000 mg/L and hence considered as fresh Bengaluru have achieved maximum rainwater water. harvesting last year. We are continuing efforts to strengthen rainwater harvesting in our other We are continuously preparing our campuses India locations too. to be water sustainable by reducing freshwater Rooftop rainwater harvesting intake and implementing water conservation initiatives. Retrofits and consolidation in Rooftop rainwater harvesting systems have building operations brought down freshwater helped us offset freshwater purchases from Rainwater harvesing at Infosys Hyderabad consumption in various locations. Our external sources. freshwater consumption is solely for human UNICEF estimates that by 2025, more than 50% globally due to climate change, and as a sustenance and hence, we believe we do of the world’s population could live in areas result, more than 2.3 billion people worldwide not significantly impact water resources. with scarce water resources. Due to severe are presently experiencing water stress. We are focused on reducing our freshwater water scarcity, 700 million people could lose Understanding the significance, the UN CEO consumption through many initiatives. A their lives by 2030. To address this challenge, water mandate experienced historic growth, comprehensive water management strategy it is crucial to develop sustainable systems and its Water Resilience Coalition, which places has been devised to achieve water sufficiency. that can efficiently store and use fresh water. global water stress on corporate agenda's, also Water usage is reduced through demand side Moreover, there is a need for land management experienced record growth. As a signatory to measures and 100% of wastewater is recycled techniques that preserve the integrity of the the UN CEO Water Mandate, we commit to within our campuses. water cycle. We, at Infosys, are committed to enhancing our operational water conservation minimizing our water footprint and improving procedures and expanding our community Water Intensity (KL/MUSD) water accessibility in the communities in which outreach. We are committed to water 2020-21 96.39 we operate. conservation through the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Since 2000, the frequency and length of Recycle) strategy. 2021-22 80.46 droughts have increased by almost a third 2022-23 124.90 The rooftop rainwater harvesting filter near SDB 1 in Infosys Chandigarh Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 19

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