Inside this report ESG REPORT 2022-23 How to navigate the report 01 03 We bring you the Infosys ESG Report 2022-23 – an interactive PDF made to ESG is an opportunity SOCIAL help you access information easily, to go to another page, section or website. Introduction 03 Performance on social goals 25 The ESG disclosures consist of the ESG Report 2022-23 and the ESG Data book ESG highlights 04 Enabling digital talent at scale 26 2022-23. Apporach to reporting 05 Tech for good 29 Click here to access the ESG Data book Corporate overview 06 Diversity, equity and inclusion 31 Document controls Message from the Energizing local communities 35 The bold text on the navigation bar Chief Financial Officer 08 Employee wellness and experience 40 indicates the section you are currently in. You can also go to specific chapters from the Contents page. Some of the links embedded in the content will 02 04 take you to the Infosys Integrated Annual Report, ESG Data Book, the ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE Corporate Responsibility microsite, and the Foundation websites. Performance on environmental goals 10 Performance on governance goals 50 Climate change 11 Corporate governance 51 Water 19 Data privacy 60 Waste 21 Information management 63 Print optimized A4 Download printable PDF of Infosys ESG Report 2022-23 Mapping with UN SDGs Our ESG ambitions continue to power our efforts to create value for our stakeholders. Throughout the report, you will find our ESG progress mapped to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Cover: One of the artificial lakes created in Infosys Mysuru.

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