Climate change Environment Growing our public / private partnership footprint ESG REPORT 2022-23 Infosys campus as case study for international delegates Cradle 2 Commerce – AWS Sustainability Day Lawrence Berkeley National Labs Infosys teamed up with the AWS Sustainability ESG is an opportunity and US Department of Energy Day, a premier invite-only day of inspirations, To accelerate critical climate solutions to thought leadership, and panel discussions ENVIRONMENT market, Infosys has teamed up with the designed for leaders who have a vested Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). interest in sustainability, IT professionals, Performance on environmental goals LBNL has been granted major funding by and builders across all industries who are the US Department of Energy (DOE) to run committed to reducing costs while protecting Climate change Cradle to Commerce (C2C). C2C is a three- the environment. Water year program that will deploy scientifically Waste validated, commercially viable IP from multiple national labs, provide unprecedented access to entrepreneurs and inventors to scientific SOCIAL and business resources, and support a just and equitable energy transition. C2C is designed GOVERNANCE to overcome obstacles to clean energy and climate tech commercialization in four domains: smart grid, decarbonized buildings, AWS Sustainability Day - panel discussion solar / renewable energy, and nuclear energy. Together, we are leading the way in entrepreneurship and scientific vetting of technologies as a dovetailed public and private sector team, which is accelerating climate action through an unprecedented combination of robust scientific validation and business Infosys Cresent campus in Bengaluru was achieve net zero carbon commitment model innovation. selected as an energy efficiency showcase across the board. It was indeed an honor for Europe's Earthshot for delegates of the G20 Energy Transition Infosys to have been selected to showcase Working Group. The visit showcased the its commitment to environment and Infosys is participating in Europe’s Energy focused approach to net zero design and leadership in climate action. Earthshot, a whole-of-system design innovative technologies implementation in This was followed, in March 2023, by a visit process for catalyzing the continent’s energy the campus to achieve energy conservation. of a BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for transformation. Launched in October 2022, G20 member countries represent over Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic hundreds of European stakeholders are co- 80% of the world GDP and 60% of the Cooperation) delegation to Infosys campus, creating and collectively advancing solutions world population, and is committed to the with a similar objective of understanding for a just and inclusive clean energy future. As implementation of the Paris Agreement the net zero approach and the innovative a “B-Team member,” we collaborate with civil which aims to limit global warming below technologies implemented for reducing society, governments, experts and corporate 1.5°C. The urgency to reduce GHG emissions energy demand and thereby carbon leaders to accelerate the transformative action across the globe underlines the need to emissions. needed to build a better tomorrow, today. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 16

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