2016 Democrats on Audit the Fed

2010: Bernie Sanders “Agreed To Modify The Measure In A Way That Requires Audits Of The Fed During The Financial Crisis But Not Of The Bank's Monetary Policy.” [The Hill, 5/7/10] Government Accountability Office: As Instructed Under Dodd-Frank, The GAO “Conducted A “One-Time Audit Of The Emergency Loan Programs” Of The Fed That Occurred “During The Recent Financial Crisis.” “The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act directed GAO to conduct a one-time audit of the emergency loan programs and other assistance authorized by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve Board) during the recent financial crisis.” [Government Accountability Office, July 2011] House Clerk: 89 House Democrats Voted For A Bill “To Require A Full Audit Of The Board Of Governors Of The Federal Reserve System And The Federal Reserve Banks.” [H.R.459, Vote 513, 7/25/12]

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