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global women’s issues, Melanne Verveer, placed women’s rights and needs on the agenda at international conferences, on trips, and throughout the State Department itself…Both Clinton and Verveer were insistent advocates for Afghan women, making sure they had a presence at peace talks and international conferences about the future of Afghanistan.” [National Journal, 3/21/13] THE CLINTON FOUNDATION SUPPORTED PROGRAMS TO HELP MILLIONS OF WOMEN AND GIRLS ACROSS THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE NO CEILINGS INITIATIVE LED BY SECRETARY CLINTON Clinton Spokesman Merrill Highlighted The Work Of The Clinton Foundation In The Areas Of “Haiti, Global Health, Women And Girls & No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project, Childhood Obesity, Economic Development, Climate Change, Clinton Global Initiative, Too Small To Fail, Job One.” [Nick Merrill, 3/2/15] Clinton Foundation: “CGI Members Have Formed Partnerships That Have Made Tremendous…Improving Educational Opportunities For 36.5 Million People; Expanding Access To Capital For 3.1 Million People; And Increasing Opportunities Of Various Kinds For 2.8 Million Women And Girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] Clinton: As Part Of A CGI Commitment, “The Inter-American Development Bank…Is Projected To Help 500,000 Disadvantaged Youth Enter The Workforce Over The Next Five Years…More Than Half Of These Will Be Women And Girls.” “The Inter-American Development Bank is working with corporate partners, including Microsoft, Caterpillar, and Walmart to implement an employment program across ten Latin American countries. This work began a year ago and is projected to help 500,000 disadvantaged youth enter the workforce over the next five years. More than half of these will be women and girls.” [Clinton Foundation, 2/19/15] HEADLINE: “Hillary Clinton Announces ‘No Ceilings’ Initiative To Empower Women” [Washington Post, 11/1/13] Clinton Foundation: “No Ceilings Brings Together Global Partners To Build An Evidence-Based Case For Full Participation And Accelerate Progress For Women And Girls.” “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project is an initiative led by Secretary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton to advance the full participation of women and girls around the world. Access to equal rights and opportunities for women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century and is essential for achieving prosperity, stability, and security across the globe. No Ceilings brings together global partners to build an evidence-based case for full participation and accelerate progress for women and girls.” [Annual Report, Clinton Foundation, 2014] AS A SENATOR, CLINTON INTRODUCED AND CO-SPONSORED PAYCHECK FAIRNESS LEGISLATION Then-Senator Clinton Introduced The Paycheck Fairness Act In 2005 And 2007. [S.841, 109th Congress, introduced 4/19/05; S.766, 110th Congress, introduced 3/6/07] Then-Senator Clinton Co-Sponsored The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Of 2009. [S.181, 111th Congress, co-sponsored 1/8/09] 2016ER VULNERABILITIES TED CRUZ PORTRAYED BILL CLINTON AS AN ASSET TO HILLARY CLINTON’S POTENTIAL PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Ted Cruz: “Hillary’s Greatest Strength Is Bill Clinton.” “The comment came as the culmination of a discussion about how a conservative who ran for president with a populist campaign message could beat

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