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CRUZ LINKED CLINTON TO THE “FAILURE” OF PRESIDENT OBAMA’S FOREIGN AND ECONOMIC POLICIES ABC News: Ted Cruz Said That The “Obama-Clinton” Foreign Policy Was A Failure And Said President Obama’s Economic Policies Are A Reason Not To Vote For Hillary Clinton. “The senator pointedly tied Clinton to what he said were the failures of the Obama administration, referring to an ‘Obama-Clinton’ foreign policy and saying that the low labor-force participation rate under Obama is a reason not to vote for Hillary.” [ABC News, 6/1/14] Ted Cruz On Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy: “She Designed And Implemented ‘Lead From Behind’ – And The Whole World Is On Fire Right Now.” “Sen. Ted Cruz has revealed Republicans’ 2016 campaign cudgel: Hillary Clinton’s record as President Obama’s secretary of state will be wielded mercilessly on the campaign trail should she emerge as the Democrats’ White House nominee. ‘She owns the Obama-Clinton foreign policy,’ the Texas Republican and potential 2016 contender told The Washington Times. ‘She designed and implemented ‘lead from behind’ – and the whole world is on fire right now,’ Sen. Cruz said.” [Washington Times, 3/2/15] WALKER SAID CLINTON WOULD BE OBAMA’S THIRD TERM Walker: Clinton Would Be Obama’s Third Term. “KERNEN: ‘But you said Hillary Clinton was actually a bigger loser than President Obama. Why?’ WALKER: ‘I think so for a couple reasons. Overall, obviously, she’s an extension. She’d be a third term of this president. She’s a part of his cabinet, embraces the same policies. And I think the larger context of what we saw in the campaign trail is Hillary Clinton is the big loser. She’s the one most connected to Washington.’” [Squawk Box, CNBC, 11/12/14] PERRY LINKED CLINTON TO PRESIDENT OBAMA’S FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC POLICY RECORD Rick Perry Told Donors That Hillary Clinton Would Become Stuck In The “Barack Triangle”, Suggesting That She Would Be Linked To President Obama’s Domestic And Foreign Policy Record. “At a dinner for wealthy donors last week in Texas, a guest said, Mr. Perry predicted that Mrs. Clinton would become ensnared in the ‘Barack Triangle’ — a play on the Bermuda Triangle — and was indelibly linked to what Mr. Perry said was the president’s mixed economic record, foreign policy struggles and detached governing style.” [New York Times, 12/14/14] CLINTON DEFENSE Brinster, Jeremy 5/5/2015 3:13 PM Comment [5]: I think this one is also entirely SECRETARY CLINTON PUSHED TO INTERVENE IN SYRIA WHEN PRESIDENT OBAMA OPPOSED about pivoting, or at least it’s something the THE MOVE Clinton camp has yet to outline clearly. New York Times: In February 2013, Then-Defense Secretary Panetta And Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff Dempsey For The First Time Acknowledged Support For A 2012 “Plan To Arm Carefully Vetted Syrian Rebels…Backed By Hillary Rodham Clinton.” “[O]n Thursday, deep divisions over what to do about one of those issues — the rising violence in Syria — spilled into public view for the first time in a blunt exchange between Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and the leaders of the Pentagon. Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta acknowledged that he and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, had supported a plan last year to arm carefully vetted Syrian rebels. But it was ultimately vetoed by the White House, Mr. Panetta said, although it was developed by David H. Petraeus, the C.I.A. director at the time, and backed by Hillary Rodham Clinton, then the secretary of state.” [New York Times, 2/7/13] Hard Choices: “If The United States Could Train And Equip A Reliable And Effective Moderate Rebel Force, It Could Help Hold The Country Together During A Transition, Safeguard Chemical Weapons Stockpiles, And Prevent Ethnic Cleansing And Score Settling.” “One of the prime worries about Syria—and one of the reasons it was a wicked problem—was the lack of any viable alternatives to Assad on the ground. He and his allies could plausibly argue, like Louis XV of France, ‘Après moi, le

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