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Slate: “[Ben] Carson Has Pushed Past Hillary Clinton And Become The Author Of The Year's Second-Best-Selling Nonfiction Book” In 2014. “According to Nielsen BookScan, Carson has pushed past Hillary Clinton and become the author of the year's second-best-selling nonfiction book. Carson's One Nation has sold 224,990 copies, a massive success for his publisher, Random House. (The book came out under the conservative Sentinel imprint.) Clinton's Hard Choices has sold 222,822 copies.” [Slate, 8/13/14] …AS DID THE PEOPLE MAGAZINE ISSUE THAT PUT SECRETARY CLINTON ON THE COVER Washington Post: People Magazine’s Hillary Clinton Cover Issue Was “The Magazine’s Worst Selling Of 2014.” “In June, Hillary Rodham Clinton appeared on the cover of People magazine for the first time in more than a decade. Real people, not the magazine, talked about what the article might mean for 2016…What they didn't do was buy the magazine. According to a report from AdWeek on Monday, the June 16 issue of People featuring the former first lady and senator was the magazine's worst selling of 2014 with 503,890 copies sold.” [Washington Post, 12/16/14] …AS WELL AS A ROCKY PRESS ROLLOUT… Weekly Standard: “The Rollout Of Hillary Clinton’s New Memoirs, Hard Choices, Was Not A Resounding Success.” “The rollout of Hillary Clinton’s new memoirs, Hard Choices, was not a resounding success for the former secretary of state. She stuck her foot in her mouth regarding her family’s vast fortune. She had trouble answering questions about her evolution on gay marriage.” [Weekly Standard, 8/18/14] Washington Post: On Her Book Tour, “Clinton Stumbled Out Of The Gate By Saying In A Television Interview That She And Her Husband Were ‘Dead Broke’ When They Departed The White House In 2001.” “Hillary Rodham Clinton was a popular first lady, a respected senator and an admired secretary of state. But the first 24 hours of her campaign-like book tour this week served as a reminder that Candidate Clinton has never been as sharp and polished as many of her boosters might hope. Clinton stumbled out of the gate by saying in a television interview that she and her husband were ‘dead broke’ when they departed the White House in 2001 and had ‘struggled’ to pay mortgages on their two multimillion-dollar houses. The gaffe came in defense of her $200,000-a-pop speaking fee — which her interviewer, ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer, noted was five times the median family income.” [Washington Post, 6/10/14] MSNBC: “Hillary Clinton’s ‘Hard Choices’ Book Promotion Tour Hit Another Bump In The Road” As Clinton “Became Clearly Agitated When She Was Repeatedly Questioned About Her ‘Evolution’ On Gay Marriage.” Hillary Clinton’s ‘Hard Choices’ book promotion tour hit another bump in the road on Thursday when the former secretary of state became clearly agitated when she was repeatedly questioned about her ‘evolution’ on gay marriage.” [MSNBC, 6/25/14] …AND A SLEW OF REVIEWS THAT CRITICIZED THE BOOK’S LACK OF SUBSTANCE… Politico: “Hillary Clinton’s New Memoir, ‘Hard Choices’ Was Met With Resounding Disappointment From Critics.” “Hillary Clinton’s new memoir, ‘Hard Choices’ was met with resounding disappointment from critics, who wrote the book lacked any news or revelatory insight into the former secretary’s life or career, suggesting Clinton is playing it safe ahead of a much-speculated 2016 bid.” [Politico, 6/10/14] Washington Post’s David Ignatius: “‘Hard Choices’ Begins And Ends In The Empty Voice Of A Campaign Speech.” [David Ignatius, Washington Post, 6/9/14] Washington Post’s David Ignatius On Hard Choices: “There Are Times When The Reader Feels He Is Being ‘Spun’ Rather Than Enlightened.” “This is a careful book, written tactically to burnish friendships and avoid making enemies. Perhaps that’s inevitable for an autobiographer who is

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