How % journalists use press releases 81 of journalists used press releases as a story source in 2023. Of the 683 survey respondents Of the 81% of respondents who (81%) who used press releases to said they used press releases as source stories in 2023, the majority story sources, more than half (55%) (89%) said their PR contacts email said they tend to write or produce them directly with press releases. the story themselves using some informa琀椀on from the release. Twenty- About two-thirds (67%) said they nine percent said they use the release receive emails or pitches from a as background informa琀椀on only, and press release distribu琀椀on service, 13% said they use the informa琀椀on on while 35% receive press releases the release for most of the story. from their editor or chief-of-sta昀昀 and 32% 昀椀nd them online on a press Journalists working in TV had a release pla琀昀orm. signi昀椀cantly higher propor琀椀on of respondents who said they use press releases as background informa琀椀on only. Those in radio had the highest rates of repor琀椀ng using the informa琀椀on in a release for most of a story. Media now is dependent on press releases as there is not enough time or resources to hunt independently for stories. – Journalist, 2022 Medianet PR Guide to E昀昀ective Media Engagement 2024 17

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