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Mestikon fullexport 2024 01 18

18/01/24 On-page SEO Check for Mestikon Report type: Full export Crawling from: 18/01/24 Report created on: 18/01/24 Crawled pages: 101 Optimization overview Overall score Check type Result Change* Tech. & Meta 55 % -/- Structure 84 % -/- Content 58 % -/- * A change can be computed after the second crawlin History graph of optimization The historical optimization graph is available only at the end of the 2nd crawling Page 1 of 55

18/01/24 Project Checklist Check Result utf-8 Charset encoding 23 Average links per page OK www. redirect OK Redirect for https:// 0.33 Avg. response time No Only for adults uk Language No Transfer encoding -/- Software version Page 2 of 55

18/01/24 Important todos for optimization Technical problems 32 pages have a medium response time between 0.5 and 1 second Very important! 4 pages have duplicate page titles Very important! 8 pages have a duplicate meta description Very important! 165 possible improvements for file sources were found Important! 56 pages have problems with H1 headings Important! Problems with headings were found on 21 pages Important! 59 pages have problematic meta descriptions Tip! On 66 pages an alt attribute for an image is missing Tip! 6 pages have problems using strong or bold tags properly Tip! Sitestructure problems 13 pages compete with each other because of identical anchor texts. Very important! 8 pages contain link anchors for internal links, which should be improved Tip! Content problems 9 pages have duplicate content problems Very important! On 28 pages no checkable text content was found Important! On 6 pages some keywords from the H1 heading were not found in the page content Important! 58 text contents was found, which appear on more than one page of your website Important! On 20 pages only some paragraphs were found Tip! Page 3 of 55

18/01/24 Tech. & Meta Crawling statistics Check Amount Change Pages crawled 101 -/- Pages checked 67 -/- Uncheckable pages 34 -/- Pages detected 104 -/- Pages with search engine rankings 2 -/- Pages blocked by robots.txt 3 -/- Uncheckable data types 0 -/- Found external Links 2 -/- Nofollow pages 0 -/- Pages with technical problems 0 -/- Meta tags and page attributes Check Amount Change Pages with problematic page titles 0 -/- Problems with meta descriptions 59 -/- Duplicate page titles 4 -/- Duplicate meta descriptions 8 -/- Page optimization and guidelines Check Amount Change Problems with H1 headings 56 -/- Problems with headings 21 -/- Problems with strong and bold tags 6 -/- Pages with frames 0 -/- Pages that contain error reporting 0 -/- Images with missing alt attributes 66 -/- Pages with big file size 1 -/- Page 4 of 55

18/01/24 URL details Check Amount Change URL parameters 0 -/- Session ID in URL 0 -/- Too many subdirectories 0 -/- URL too long 0 -/- Questionable URLs 0 -/- File sources (Image, CSS, JS) Check Amount Change Crawled file sources 191 -/- Non-retrievable file sources 0 -/- File sources excluded by robots.txt 1 -/- Non HTTPS content on HTTPS pages 0 -/- Issues with file sources 165 -/- Too many files within a page 0 -/- Load times that differ from the average load time Check Amount Change Fast response time 66 -/- Medium response time 32 -/- Slow response time 3 -/- Page 5 of 55

18/01/24 Structure Problems with anchor texts Check Amount Change Internal link anchor texts that need improvement 8 -/- Identical anchor text for different pages 13 -/- Links Check Amount Change Pages with a lot of internal links 0 -/- Pages with only a few internal links 0 -/- Redirects 11 -/- Problems with redirects 0 -/- Redirect loops 0 -/- Problems with external Links 1 -/- Pages with a big distance to the homepage 0 -/- Canonical link errors 0 -/- Alternate link errors 0 -/- Sitemap analysis Check Amount Change Sitemaps found 16 -/- URLs found in Sitemaps 75 -/- URLs with problems 0 -/- URLs found only in a sitemap 68 -/- Page 6 of 55

18/01/24 Content Text quality Check Amount Change Pages with only a few paragraphs 20 -/- Pages with very much text 0 -/- Pages with little text 58 -/- Pages with duplicate paragraphs 7 -/- Pages using keywords in page title but not in its body text 1 -/- Pages using keywords in H1 heading but not in its body text 6 -/- Pages with typos 0 -/- Pages with filler text and images 0 -/- Duplicate content Check Amount Change Pages without text or paragraphs 28 -/- Pages without proper keyword optimization 0 -/- Content that appears on several pages 58 -/- Duplicate Content 9 -/- Competing pages for the same keywords 0 -/- Complete page duplicates 0 -/- Page 7 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with technical problems Pages that could not be checked due to technical problems No errors or problems were found. Page 8 of 55

18/01/24 Problems with meta descriptions Missing or bad meta descriptions. Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This analysis shows you pages with meta description problems. Why meta descriptions are important for SEO: Although a page's meta description doesn't directly affect the ranking of the page, it's an important element for SEO because it's displayed in the search results snippet in the SERPs. It should encourage searchers to click on your snippet as it is the first contact they have with your website. For this reason, you should write an engaging meta description for each relevant page of your site. If there's no meta description, or if Google thinks your description is not relevant enough, Google will usually display a text snippet from the page that contains the terms that a user was searching for. What the notes in the "Problems" column mean: Missing: No meta description was found on the page. Empty: The meta description tag for this page contains no content. Too short: The page's meta description is very short and leaves room for optimization. Only one word: The meta description consists of only one word and leaves room for optimization. Multiple: Multiple meta descriptions were found on the page. Too long: The meta description is very long and is likely to be truncated in the search results. How to optimize your meta descriptions: Keep to a maximum length of around 1000 pixels (Tip: You can easily optimize the length of your meta descriptions with the SERP Snippet Generator from Seobility). Provide a description of the page content that is as precise and understandable as possible and that encourages users to take action ("buy", "inform", "compare", "download", etc.). Avoid very general descriptions that reveal little about the content of the page. Use keywords that are relevant to the page. These will appear in bold in the snippet for relevant searches, highlighting the relevance of your results. Avoid keyword stuffing. Create a unique meta description for each relevant page. You can find a full guide to optimizing your meta descriptions on our blog. How to set a meta description in the most popular content management systems: Instructions for WordPress Instructions for Shopify Instructions for Wix Instructions for Squarespace # URL Problems Meta description 1. Missing -/- 2. Missing -/- 3. Missing -/- 4. Missing -/- 5. Missing -/- Page 9 of 55

18/01/24 # URL Problems Meta description 6. Missing -/- 7. Missing -/- 8. Missing -/- 9. Missing -/- 10. Missing -/- 11.скрипти/ Missing -/- 12. Missing -/- 13. Missing -/- 14. Missing -/- 15. Missing -/- 16. Missing -/- 17. Missing -/- 18. Too short | Mestikon Digital Agency 157 / 1000 Pixels 19. Too short Цифрове Онлайн Агенство 172 / 1000 Pixels 20. Too short Only one word [userlog] 54 / 1000 Pixels Page 10 of 55

18/01/24 Duplicate page titles Page titles that are used on several pages Optimization Tips This is a list of page titles used for more than one page on your website. Why each page of your website should have a unique page title: The title of a web page (also known as the "meta title" or "title tag") is one of the most important elements for on-page SEO. Search engines such as Google analyze the title to understand the content of a page and use the information it contains for ranking purposes. Therefore, the title should reflect the page content as accurately as possible and be unique for each page. If you are using the same page title for a number of pages, it is likely that the title is not informative enough, or that it does not match the content of each page. This means that you are giving away valuable optimization potential, as all these pages will inevitably be optimized for the same keywords due to the identical title. With a unique title, they may have the potential to rank for other, more differentiated keywords that better match the content of each page. Common reasons for duplicate page titles: Duplicate pages (duplicate content) A page is accessible from multiple URLs and has no canonical link to the original page (e.g. pages with parameters in the URL). You are using a standard title for a number of sub-pages. You describe several pages with the same title, such as the home page and your company description. How to fix these issues: If the duplicate page title is due to duplicate content, you need to find out how this is caused. In many cases, you will be able to fix the problem by adding a canonical tag to the duplicate pages. See the duplicate content analyses in the "Content" section for more information. In all other cases, you will need to define a unique page title for each of the URLs in question. You can find tips on how to optimize your page titles in our wiki. How to edit the page title in the most popular content management systems: Instructions for WordPress Instructions for Shopify Instructions for Wix Instructions for Squarespace Page 11 of 55

18/01/24 # Title Affected URLs 1. Дизайн | Mestikon Digital Agency 2. Оплата | Mestikon Digital Agency Page 12 of 55

18/01/24 Duplicate meta descriptions Meta descriptions that are used on several pages Optimization Tips This is an overview of meta descriptions that are used for multiple pages of your website. Why each relevant page should have a unique meta description: Although a page's meta description doesn't directly affect the ranking of the page, it's an important element for SEO because it's displayed in the search results snippet in the SERPs. It should encourage searchers to click on your snippet as it is the first contact they have with your website. For this reason, you should provide a description for each relevant page that is as precise as possible and that matches the content of the page. Common reasons for duplicate meta descriptions: Duplicate pages (duplicate content) A page is accessible from multiple URLs and has no canonical link to the original page (e.g. pages with parameters in the URL). You are using a standard description for several pages. How to fix these problems: If the duplicate meta descriptions are caused by duplicate content, you should find out how this is created. In many cases, you will be able to fix the problem by adding a canonical tag to the duplicate pages. For more information, see the duplicate content analyses in the "Content" section. In all other cases, you should write a unique meta description for each affected URL. On our blog, we explainh ow to write the perfect SEO meta description step-by-step. If your site is very large and it would be too time-consuming to create a good and unique description for each page, you can work with templates for less important pages. Our blog post explains how to do this as well. How to edit the meta description in the most popular content management systems: Instructions for WordPress Instructions for Shopify Instructions for Wix Instructions for Squarespace Page 13 of 55

18/01/24 # Meta description URLs concerned 1. Affogato thundercats quinoa, portland cold-pressed edison bulb artisan paleo banjo tousled try-hard food truck pop-up bushwick godard. Occupy 90's try-hard tote bag chicharrones stumptown polaroid hashtag cliche +1, tousled +1 fanny pack. Tote bag iPhone crucifix hella helvetica food truck bicycle rights cloud bread. 2. Photography Design in the absence of content is not design. It's decoration. From they fine john he give of rich he. They age and draw mrs like. Improving end distrusts may instantly was household applauded incommode. Why kept very ever home mrs. Considered sympathize ten uncommonly occasional assistance sufficient not. Letter of on become he 3. Responsive Design Our passion for design goes beyond beautiful imagery REI is a leading outdoor retailer that was founded in 1893 by a group of climbers in search of quality outdoor gear. Seventy-five years and 129 stores later, their passion still lies in inspiring, educating and outfitting people for a lifetime of outdoor adventures. As Page 14 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with problematic page titles Problematic pages or page titles that require optimization No errors or problems were found. Page 15 of 55

18/01/24 Problems with H1 headings Problematic H1 headings Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This analysis will show you if there are problems with the H1 headings on your website. Why H1 headings are important for SEO: Headings are used to structure the body text on a website, making it easier for visitors to navigate. In addition, headings provide an overview of the page content and are also used by search engines when analyzing the page content. Generally, there is a hierarchical structure of headings from H1 to H6. The H1 heading is the most important heading and should summarize the entire content of a page. It should be as specific and informative as possible, and include the most important keywords. What the notes in the "Problems" column mean: Missing: No H1 heading was found on the page. Empty: The H1 tag contains no content. Too short: The content of the H1 tag is very short (e.g. two very short words) and may not be informative enough. Only one word: The H1 tag contains only one word and may not be informative enough. Too long: The content of the H1 tag is very long (more than 120 characters). Keep your headings as short and clear as possible. Unimportant words: The content of the H1 tag is very general (e.g. "Welcome") and does not provide information about the specific content of the page. Too many: The page contains more than one H1 heading, indicating that the structure needs improvement. Ideally, only one H1 should be used. How to use H1 headings correctly: Only one H1 heading should be used on each page. Although Google is capable of handling multiple H1 headings, we recommend that you implement a clear hierarchical heading structure with a single main heading. This will keep the page clear for your visitors too. The heading in the H1 tag should match the page content and contain relevant keywords. The H1 heading should summarise the content of the page concisely and should not be too long. In general, headings should only be used to structure content and not for navigation elements, links, etc. For more tips and information on optimizing your H1 headings, see our wiki. Page 16 of 55

18/01/24 # URL Problems H1 heading 1. Too short Про нас 7 / 120 Characters 2. Too short Only one word Сервiси 7 / 120 Characters 3. Too short Only one word Портфолiо 9 / 120 Characters 4. Too short Only one word Контакти 8 / 120 Characters 5. Too short Only one word Веб-Дизайн 10 / 120 Characters 6. Too short Only one word Реклама 7 / 120 Characters 7. Too short Only one word SEO 3 / 120 Characters 8. Too short Only one word Ai-Ассистент 12 / 120 Characters 9. Too short Only one word Розробка 8 / 120 Characters 10. Too short Only one word AdsWithMe 9 / 120 Characters 11. Too short Моніторинг Хайпів 17 / 120 Characters 12. Too short Гонщик у Чорному 16 / 120 Characters 13. Too short Розкішне відчуття 17 / 120 Characters 14. Too short Модна Жiнка 11 / 120 Characters 15. Too short Кольорова Дiвчина 17 / 120 Characters 16. Too short Пиво Boom 9 / 120 Characters 17. Too short Брендинг Belako 15 / 120 Characters 18. Too short Основні речі 12 / 120 Characters 19. Too short Only one word Фантазiя 8 / 120 Characters 20. Too short Only one word Телефони 8 / 120 Characters Page 17 of 55

18/01/24 Problems with headings Pages with problematic headings or problems within the heading structure Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This analysis provides an overview of pages where Seobility detected problems with headings. Why headings are important for SEO: Headings are used to structure the body text on a website, making it easier for visitors to navigate. In addition, headings provide an overview of the page content and are also used by search engines when analyzing the page content. Generally, there is a hierarchical structure of headings from H1 to H6, which can be compared to the hierarchy of headings in a regular text document. You should follow this hierarchy as far as possible to make your pages clearer for both search engines and visitors. What the notes in the "Problems" column mean: Empty heading: The page contains empty heading tags. Structural problem: There is an error in the heading hierarchy, such as gaps in the hierarchy (e.g. H1 > H2 > H4) or errors in the order (e.g. H1 > H3 > H2). Duplicate heading: The page contains multiple headings with the same content. Missing: No headings were found on the page. You should add headings to structure the content. Too many headings: The page contains many heading tags. Check that their number is appropriate to the amount of text. Click "Details" for more information about which specific headings on a page are affected by a problem. How to use headings correctly: Headings should always be informative and reflect the content of the following section of text. Ideally, they should also contain important keywords. The number of headings should be reasonable in relation to the amount of text. To structure a paragraph more granularly, always use the next lower hierarchy level without jumps (after H1 comes H2, etc.). Headings should be neither too short nor too long. Use headings only to structure content and not for navigation elements, links or surrounding layout (e.g. contact forms, widgets, etc.). When in doubt, ask yourself if the heading you are using is related to the content of the page. If not, do not format it as a heading. You can find more tips and information on how to optimize your headings in our wiki. Page 18 of 55

18/01/24 # URL Problems 1. Structural problem 2. Structural problem 3. Structural problem 4. Structural problem 5. Structural problem 6. Structural problem 7. Structural problem 8. Structural problem 9. Structural problem 10. Structural problem 11. Structural problem 12. Structural problem Duplicate heading 13. Structural problem Duplicate heading 14. Structural problem Duplicate heading 15. Structural problem Duplicate heading 16. Structural problem Duplicate heading 17. Structural problem Duplicate heading 18. Structural problem Duplicate heading 19. Duplicate heading 20. Too many headings Page 19 of 55

18/01/24 Problems with strong and bold tags Check of strong and bold tags finding too short, too long and duplicate tags. Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This analysis provides an overview of pages where problems with strong and bold tags were detected. What are strong and bold tags and what are they used for? The tags and are used to highlight important words or statements in a text. Both tags cause the text they contain to be displayed in bold. Unlike the bold tag, the strong tag also marks up the text as "semantically important". The tags are a good way of making users aware of important elements and text sections on a page. From an SEO perspective, however, they do not offer much room for optimization. You just want to avoid using them too much, as this could give the impression to search engines that the page is over-optimized and unnatural. What the notes in the "Problems" column mean: Many tags: A large number of strong or bold tags have been found on the page. Check that their number is appropriate to the amount of text. Empty tags: Empty strong or bold tags were found on the page. You should remove these from the HTML code. Too long: The text marked up with bold or strong tags is longer than 70 characters. Check if you can reduce the length. Duplicate: The same words are marked up with bold or strong several times. The video tutorial above will show you how to find the problematic tags on your site. How to use strong and bold tags correctly: Use the strong tag instead of bold to emphasize important text. Unlike bold, the strong tag is not just a layout element. Ideally, you should only use these tags to emphasise small chunks of text of up to 70 characters (rather than long strings of text). The number of visual highlights should be appropriate to the total amount of text. You can find more tips on the correct use of strong and bold tags in our wiki. Page 20 of 55

18/01/24 # URL Problems 1. Many tags Empty tags Too long Duplicate 2. Too long Duplicate 3. Empty tags 4. Empty tags 5.что-такое-медийный-эффект-рекламы-и-ка/ Duplicate 6. Duplicate Page 21 of 55

18/01/24 Images with missing alt attributes Pages with at least one missing alt attribute for an image Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This list contains pages that have images with missing ALT attributes. Why ALT attributes are important for SEO: Image ALT attributes are alternative image descriptions that browsers should display to visitors when an image fails to load. For search engines, these descriptions provide valuable information about the content of an image. This allows them to get a better understanding of the image content and associate it with a keyword or a subject area. You can find more information about ALT attributes in our wiki. How to fix missing ALT attributes: The pages in this list have been found to have either a missing ALT attribute, or an empty ALT attribute. Click on "Details" next to the URL to find out which image files are affected. Then, add an alternative description for each of these images on your website that accurately describes the image content. You can find more tips on how to optimize your images for search engines in our wiki article "Image SEO". How to add ALT attributes to images in the most popular content management systems: Instructions for WordPress Instructions for Shopify Instructions for Wix Instructions for Squarespace # URL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Page 22 of 55

18/01/24 # URL 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Page 23 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with big file size HTML pages exceeding a file size of 0.5 MB Optimization Tips This is a list of pages that are very large (more than 0.5MB). The pages with a file size of more than 5 MB have not been further analyzed by Seobility. Why you should keep your HTML pages as small as possible: The larger the file size of an HTML page, the longer the page will take to load in the browser. This can have a very negative impact on the user experience, especially on mobile devices. What's more, page loading time (also known as page speed) is an officially confirmed Google ranking factor, directly affecting your position in search results. Common causes of very large HTML pages: Excessive use of inline CSS or JavaScript. Embedding SVG images directly in the HTML code. How to fix these problems: First, check what is causing the large amount of HTML code. See if it can be reduced. Possible actions to take could be: Move excessive CSS and JavaScript into separate CSS and JavaScript files linked in the HTML code. Upload large SVG images to your server as separate files, and link to them in the HTML code. Turn off unnecessary features of your CMS / template that generate excessive code. Use compression such as gzip. # URL Filesize 1. 652.1 kB Page 24 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with frames Pages with embedded framesets and IFrames No errors or problems were found. Pages that contain error reporting Software error messages that are shown on the web page that should be avoided No errors or problems were found. Page 25 of 55

18/01/24 URL parameters Relevant pages with dynamic parameters in their URL. No errors or problems were found. Session ID in URL Pages with session IDs in their URL. No errors or problems were found. Too many subdirectories Pages with too many subdirectories in their URL. No errors or problems were found. URL too long Pages with too long URLs No errors or problems were found. Page 26 of 55

18/01/24 Issues with file sources Used files that have problems Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This analysis will show you if there are problems with embedded files on your website. Why you should avoid problems with files on your website: Files that are needed to render a page should be optimized in the same way as the HTML page itself. Problems with files can result in the page not rendering correctly. This can have a negative impact on the user experience. It can also negatively affect page speed, which is an important Google ranking factor. Overview of what the error messages ("Problem" column) mean and how to fix them: Missing content-type specification: Your server is not providing content-type information when transferring the file, which can lead to rendering problems in the browser. Make sure that there is a content-type specified in the HTTP header for each file. Different file extension: The file extension does not match the content-type that is specified. Make sure that the two specifications are in line in order to avoid any display problems. For example, a CSS file with content-type "text/css" should end with ".css". Missing compression: Files are not sent compressed from the server, which can make loading slow. Use compression, like gzip for text files. High load time: The file takes longer than 1 second to load. Check out our blog to find out how to improve your loading speed. Redirect: The source URL of the linked file redirects to a different URL. Avoid unnecessary redirects by linking all files directly to the target file. Large file size: The file size is very large. Make sure that your images are no larger than 2 MB and that your CSS and JavaScript files are no larger than 0.5 MB. Statusco Content Loading File # URL de type time Size Issue 1. 200 text/css 0.077 s 1.5 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate seo/... 2. 200 text/css 0.047 s 21.1 Missing Gzip/Deflate /css/el... kB 3. 200 text/css 0.055 s 13.5 Missing Gzip/Deflate /css/th... kB 4. 200 text/css 0.063 s 2.6 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate /css/hr... 5. 200 text/css 0.059 s 2.8 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate form-... 6. 200 text/css 0.074 s 17.3 Missing Gzip/Deflate /woocommerce/a... kB 7. 200 text/css 0.057 s 6.9 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate /woocommerce/a... 8. 200 text/css 0.060 s 73.4 Missing Gzip/Deflate /woocommerce/a... kB Page 27 of 55

18/01/24 Statusco Content Loading File # URL de type time Size Issue 9. 200 text/css 0.056 s 0.4 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate /style.... 10. 200 text/css 0.043 s 0.2 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate /harizma-child/... 11. 200 text/css 0.040 s 2.2 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate preloade... 12. 200 text/css 0.042 s 2.0 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate preloade... 13. 200 text/css 0.068 s 19.1 Missing Gzip/Deflate /elementor/ass... kB 14. 200 text/css 0.087 s 114.6 Missing Gzip/Deflate /elementor/ass... kB 15. 200 text/css 0.060 s 16.1 Missing Gzip/Deflate /elementor/ass... kB 16. 200 text/css 0.074 s 1.1 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate /elementor/css... 17. 200 text/css 0.102 s 58.0 Missing Gzip/Deflate /elementor/ass... kB 18. 200 text/css 0.076 s 26.1 Missing Gzip/Deflate /elementor/ass... kB 19. 200 text/css 0.078 s 4.7 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate /elementor/css... 20. 200 text/css 0.044 s 3.9 kB Missing Gzip/Deflate /css/bo... Page 28 of 55

18/01/24 Non-retrievable file sources Used files that were not retrieved in detail due to redirections and problems No errors or problems were found. Non HTTPS content on HTTPS pages Pages that are encrypted for transport via https, but contain insecure content such as images, etc. No errors or problems were found. Too many files within a page Pages with too many included files No errors or problems were found. Page 29 of 55

18/01/24 Medium response time Pages that have a medium response time Optimization Tips The URLs in this list had an average server response time (between 0.5 and 1 second) when your website was crawled by Seobility. Why you should ensure a fast response time: A server's response time contributes to the overall load time (also called "page speed") of a website which is an officially confirmed Google ranking factor. The faster a page can be loaded, the faster and more efficiently Googlebot can crawl the page. In addition, fast-loading pages provide a good user experience, whereas slow pages tend to frustrate users. Note: This analysis only measures the time it takes for an HTML page to be transferred from the server to the client. However, the total load time of a web page will include additional steps (e.g. loading of CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) and will therefore be longer. You can use Google's PageSpeed Insights if you want to measure the total load time of a page. The server location used to measure response time is Germany. Learn more about how to optimize server response time and page loading time: Page Speed: What it is and how to improve it - Seobility Wiki 39 Page Speed Optimization Tips - Seobility Blog # URL Response time Difference to the average response time 1. 0.54600 165% 2. 0.55129 167% 3. 0.56446 171% 4. 0.58328 177% 5. 0.58610 178% 6. 0.59161 179% 7. 0.60674 184% 8. 0.63890 194% 9. 0.65160 197% 10. 0.65443 198% 11. 0.65901 200% 12. 0.65984 200% 13.[email protected] 0.66990 203% 14. 0.67892 206% 15. 0.68881 209% 16. 0.69567 211% 17. 0.70634 214% 18.[email protected] 0.71978 218% 19. 0.72417 219% 20. 0.75011 227% Page 30 of 55

18/01/24 Slow response time Pages that are slower than the average or even exceed the acceptable response time limit. Only the HTML page response time is checked. Optimization Tips The URLs in this list had a slow server response time when your website was crawled by Seobility (compared to the average response time of your pages). Why you should ensure a fast response time: A server's response time contributes to the overall load time (also called "page speed") of a website which is an officially confirmed Google ranking factor. The faster a page can be loaded, the faster and more efficiently Googlebot can crawl the page. In addition, fast-loading pages provide a good user experience, whereas slow pages tend to frustrate users. Note: This analysis only measures the time it takes for an HTML page to be transferred from the server to the client. However, the total load time of a web page will include additional steps (e.g. loading of CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) and will therefore be longer. You can use Google's PageSpeed Insights if you want to measure the total load time of a page. The server location used to measure response time is Germany. Learn more about how to optimize server response time and page loading time: Page Speed: What it is and how to improve it - Seobility Wiki 39 Page Speed Optimization Tips - Seobility Blog Compared to the Load time in average # URL seconds response time 1. 1.37398 416% 2. 1.31525 399% 3. 1.05698 320% Page 31 of 55

18/01/24 Internal link anchor texts that need improvement Link anchors that can be improved Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial Here you will find pages that are internally linked with link texts that need improvement. Why link text is important for SEO: A link's anchor text is a very important element from an SEO perspective, as it tells search engines what the linked page is about. Ideally, it should contain the keyword for which the linked page (target page) is intended to rank. Link texts offer great potential for optimization, especially for internal links. This is because the frequent use of exact-match" keyword link texts is usually not penalized (unlike the use of such link texts for backlinks). What the notes in the "Problems" column mean: Link text to page is empty: There are internal links pointing to the page with an empty link text. Link anchor text is trivial: The link text that is used to link to the page says nothing about the content of the page. (Typical examples are link text such as "here", "read more" or "read the article"). Link anchor text too long: The text linking to the page is over 120 characters and should be shortened. The link contains an image but has no alt-attribute: The link to the page is not a regular text link, but is an image link. For such image links, search engines use the ALT attribute instead of the link text to learn about the linked page. However, when this error occurs, the image has no ALT attribute. By clicking "Details", you can find out which page contains the link text that needs improvement. How to optimize your link texts: The link text should provide a short, but still meaningful, description of the content of the page being linked to. Ideally, the link text should contain the keyword for which you want the linked page to be ranked. You should always provide a link text for a text link and an ALT attribute for an image link. You can find more detailed instructions on how to optimize your internal links, including the link text, in our internal linking guide. Page 32 of 55

18/01/24 # Linked page Problems 1. Link text to page is empty 2. Link text to page is empty 3. Link text to page is empty 4. Link text to page is empty 5. Link text to page is empty 6.что-такое-медийный-эффект-рекламы-и-ка/ Link text to page is empty 7.навіщо-сайту-ставати-додатком/ Link text to page is empty 8.развитие-бизнеса-в-интернете/ Link text to page is empty Page 33 of 55

18/01/24 Identical anchor text for different pages Link anchors that are used for different pages Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial The anchor texts in this list are used for several different link targets on your website. Why you should not use identical achor texts for different pages (link targets): The purpose of anchor texts is to tell visitors and search engines what the linked page is all about. Therefore, they should be informative and include keywords that are relevant to the linked page. If the same anchor texts are used for different link targets, there will be an overlap, as this signals to search engines that several pages are about the same topic. This can lead to "keyword cannibalization". You are also missing out on the opportunity to optimize the pages for more specific keywords by using unique anchor texts. In general, you should also avoid trivial anchor texts such as "show more" or "read more", as these also don't make use of the optimization opportunities that anchor texts offer. You can find more information about optimizing anchor texts in our wiki. How to fix the problems in this list: In the column "URLs linked with this anchor text", you will find all URLs that are linked with a specific (identical) anchor text. Think about which unique anchor texts you could use instead to link to these pages. Click on "Details" to find out on which pages the identical anchor text is used and change it accordingly. # Anchor text URLs linked with this anchor text 1. дізнатися більше Page 34 of 55

18/01/24 Redirects Internal redirects that have been linked Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This list includes internally linked URLs that redirect to another URL on your website via a server-side redirect (status code 301). Why you should avoid having internal links to redirecting URLs: 301 redirects are a good option if you need to change the URL of a page, or if you want to redirect multiple URLs to a single URL. However, for internal links, it is best not to link to a URL that redirects to another URL. Instead you should link directly to the destination of the redirect. This will avoid any errors if you decide to remove the redirect at some point. Search engines like Google do follow your redirects (even if you have multiple redirects in a row), but if you use a lot of redirects, you are unnecessarily wasting the crawling resources of the search engine bots. This keeps the bots busy following your redirects rather than crawling your actual page content. It can also increase page load time as each redirect requires a new request to be sent to the website server. You can find more information about redirects in our wiki and on the Google Search Central page. What the information in this list means: The left column ("Start URL of the redirect") shows the redirecting URL and (below it) the destination URL. The "Pages that link to a redirect" column lists all the pages that have a link pointing to the redirecting URL. If the link is located in a canonical tag, alternate link or similar, you will see a note saying "Linked via canonical link, alternate link or similar". How to fix internal redirects: Change the links on the linking pages to point directly to the redirect's destination URL. By clicking on the redirecting URL, you can see more details about where these links are located. # Start URL of the redirect Pages that link to a redirect 1.  2.  3.  4.[email protected]  5.  6.  7.  8.[email protected]  Page 35 of 55

18/01/24 # Start URL of the redirect Pages that link to a redirect 9.  10.  11.  Page 36 of 55

18/01/24 Problems with external Links Problems with external links that are broken or redirect to another page Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This analysis provides an overview of problematic external links on your website. Why you should fix problems with external links: Linking to external sites is usually a good idea, as it adds value to your content by providing related resources for your visitors. This is also a sign of quality for search engines. After all, there are no scientific studies or articles without references. However, external links that point to inaccessible or redirecting pages with different content than expected can lead to a poor user experience. Therefore, you should remove them as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent problems with external links in advance, as you usually do not have any control over the content of the linked pages. However, as soon as you see any new problems here, you should check the links and update them if necessary. You can find more best practices for external links in our wiki. What the notes in the "Problems" column mean: Bad HTTP status code: The server of the page you are linking to returns an error code when the URL is requested. You can find an overview of the meaning of the various HTTP status codes here. Page is down: The server of the linked page did not respond at the time the URL was requested. Possible causes: server problems, the Seobility bot is blocked from accessing the page. Redirect: The linked page redirects to a different URL. Parked domain: The linked website is no longer online and the domain has been put up for sale. Domain not connected: The domain you are linking to is not connected to a web server and is therefore not serving any content. How to fix these problems: First, do a manual check of the links in this list in your browser. In this way, you can rule out that the problem was temporary or that only the Seobility bot was blocked from accessing the page. If the link does not lead to the desired content when manually checking, you should remove or replace the link. The list shows on which pages of your site the external link is included. Note: The results of this analysis are cached in Seobility for a few days in order to minimize access to other websites. Consequently, you may see some errors here that no longer exist. Page 37 of 55

18/01/24 # URL Problems 1. Redirect to script.viserlab.com_.png  Page 38 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with a lot of internal links Pages with an above-average number of internal links No errors or problems were found. Pages with only a few internal links Pages with a below-average number of internal links No errors or problems were found. Problems with redirects Redirects that refer to a broken page (404, server error etc.). No errors or problems were found. Redirect loops Redirect loops because of HTTP redirects and canonical links No errors or problems were found. Pages with a big distance to the homepage Pages that can only be reached with more than 3 clicks from the homepage No errors or problems were found. Canonical link errors Canonical links that refer to broken links No errors or problems were found. Page 39 of 55

18/01/24 Alternate link errors Problems with alternate links (links to specify alternative language or country versions of a page) No errors or problems were found. Page 40 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with only a few paragraphs Pages with little text or few paragraphs Optimization Tips The pages in this list contain less than three paragraphs of text. Why you should break up your content into clear paragraphs: To make text easier to read and understand, it is very helpful to break it up into paragraphs. This makes it easier for visitors to understand your content. It also increases the likelihood that they will spend more time on your pages. How to solve these problems: In addition to the number of paragraphs that were found, the "Number of words" column will show you how long the content of the page is in total. If the word count is high, you should structure the text in a better way. Use headings, teasers, paragraphs and subheadings to break up the text. On the other hand, if there is little text content on the page, there may be room to expand the content. Note: For pages with image galleries, result lists, and similar content that does not require long/structured text, you can ignore the warnings. More information on this: Content is king - Seobility Wiki SEO Copywriting: The 19 Best Tips To Increase Traffic and Conversions - Seobility Blog Numbe r of paragra # URL phs Number of words 1. 1 353 2. 1 171 3. 1 137 4. 2 156 5. 2 158 6. 1 140 7. 1 136 8. 2 169 9. 2 181 10. 1 123 11. 1 46 12. 1 157 13. 1 48 14. 1 71 15. 1 81 16. 2 140 17. 2 139 Page 41 of 55

18/01/24 Numbe r of paragra # URL phs Number of words 18. 2 146 19. 1 77 20. 1 114 Page 42 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with little text Pages that contain only very little text Optimization Tips The pages in this list contain less than 500 words. Why pages with little text can be problematic: A text that is too short is problematic if the subject or the keyword of the page requires detailed and extensive information. If your competitors are offering better and more comprehensive content on the same topic, you're going to struggle to rank with short content. However, it is not necessarily a problem to have pages with little text. If the pages are e.g. image galleries, landing pages, etc., it is perfectly fine to use very little text. In addition, there are times when search engine users are in need of a quick and concise answer to a particular search query, and a long and lengthy text page is not the answer. In this case, long and detailed text may deter visitors. How you should treat these pages: Before you make any changes to the content of a page, you should first check whether the topic or target keyword of the page requires extensive content or not. You can do this by analyzing the current top 10 search results. With the free TF*IDF tool provided by Seobility, you can easily check the number of words on these pages. If you find that the content of your page is in fact too short, you can try to expand it. Think about what kind of information your target audience needs in order to fulfil their search intent. However, you'll want to avoid writing long texts that are just designed to boost SEO. Most importantly, your content should add value to your visitors. You can find more information on how to create high quality and useful content here: SEO Copywriting: The 19 Best Tips To Increase Traffic and Conversions - Seobility Blog Search Intent: How to optimize your content for searchers’ needs - Seobility Blog # URL Number of words 1. 360 2. 373 3. 353 4. 297 5. 425 6. 51 7. 248 8. 53 9. 121 10. 192 11. 171 12. 78 13. 42 14. 137 15. 45 Page 43 of 55

18/01/24 # URL Number of words 16. 156 17. 46 18. 158 19. 43 20. 30 Page 44 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with duplicate paragraphs Paragraphs that are repeated on a page Optimization Tips Updated with new video tutorial This analysis checks for pages where paragraphs of text are used repeatedly. Why you should avoid duplicate text paragraphs on a page: High-quality, interesting content that provides real value to visitors is one of the most important factors for a good ranking on Google. It is not a sign of quality content and good page design if the same paragraph is repeated several times on a page. Therefore, it is a good idea to remove duplicate paragraphs from your pages. How to identify the duplicate paragraphs: If you click on the red label in the "Number" column, you will get an overview of all the paragraphs that have been found on the page in question. For each paragraph, you can see how many times it is used on the page and how many times on the whole website. Read more about improving content quality: Content is king - Seobility Wiki How to Soar to the Top of Google’s Rankings with E-E-A-T - Seobility Blog Google’s Helpful Content Updates: What You Need To Know - Seobility Blog # URL Number 1.что-такое-медийный-эффект-рекламы-и-ка/ 2 duplicate paragraphs 2. 2 duplicate paragraphs 3. 2 duplicate paragraphs 4. 2 duplicate paragraphs 5. 2 duplicate paragraphs 6. 2 duplicate paragraphs 7. 5 duplicate paragraphs Page 45 of 55

18/01/24 Pages using keywords in page title but not in its body text Pages with keywords in the title tag, which don't appear in the page’s body text Optimization Tips This list includes pages where keywords from the page title do not appear in the actual content of the page. Why titles and content should be consistent: The page title is one of the most important on-page SEO elements and should be a concise summary of the content of the page. Important keywords for the page should be included in the title, with the most important keyword at the very beginning. To ensure consistency between title and content, these keywords should also be included in the content of the page. What the information in this list means: The URLs affected by this problem are shown in the left column. The right column displays each URL's page title. The words in the title that do not appear in the content of the page are highlighted in bold. How to fix these problems: For each page listed, check that the page title matches the actual content of the page, and vice versa. If the title contains the most important keywords, then you should also include these keywords in the text of the page. If, on the other hand, the text is properly optimized and the title is not, then you should optimize the title and include important keywords for the page there. One important note: This analysis does not consider synonyms or declination of keywords. This means that not all of the pages that are listed here need to be problematic. For example, if you have made grammatical adjustments to a keyword in the text of the page to ensure a natural reading flow, then of course there is no need to make any changes. Search engines such as Google have become very good at recognizing such variations of keywords. # URL Words from the page title that don't appear in the text 1.скрипти/ Скрипти Category | Mestikon Digital Agency Page 46 of 55

18/01/24 Pages using keywords in H1 heading but not in its body text Pages with keywords in the H1 tag, which don't appear in the page’s body text Optimization Tips This list includes pages where keywords from the H1 heading do not appear in the text content of the page. Why H1 headings and content should be consistent: The H1 heading is an important on-page SEO element and should be a concise summary of the content of the page. Important keywords for the page should be included in this heading. To ensure consistency between the H1 heading and the content, these keywords should also be included in the content of the page. What the information in this list means: The URLs affected by this problem are shown in the left column. The right column displays each URL's H1 heading. The words in the heading that do not appear in the text content of the page are highlighted in bold. How to fix these problems: For each page listed, check that the H1 heading matches the text content of the page, and vice versa. If the H1 contains the most important keywords, then you should also include these keywords in the text of the page. If, on the other hand, the text is properly optimized and the H1 is not, then you should optimize the H1 and include important keywords for the page there. Ensure that the H1 heading differs from the page title. Both elements should be unique. One important note: This analysis does not consider synonyms or declination of keywords. This means that not all of the pages that are listed here need to be problematic. For example, if you have made grammatical adjustments to a keyword in the text of the page to ensure a natural reading flow, then of course there is no need to make any changes. Search engines such as Google have become very good at recognizing such variations of keywords. # URL H1 heading 1. Ми любимо розробляти ручні інтерфейси користувача та стильні взаємодії 2. Month archive 3. Posts in category /uncategorized/ 4. Posts in category 5. Posts in category 6. Our passion for design goes beyond beautiful imagery menu/ Page 47 of 55

18/01/24 Pages with very much text Pages that contain a lot of text and might be divided into several pages No errors or problems were found. Pages with typos Page content contains typos No errors or problems were found. Pages with filler text and images Pages with filler texts or images No errors or problems were found. Page 48 of 55

18/01/24 Pages without text or paragraphs Pages on which no text or paragraphs were found Optimization Tips The Seobility bot did not find any text content on the following pages. Why you should avoid pages without text: High quality content is essential to get ranked on Google. On the other hand, if there is no text content on a page, search engine bots will have very little information to analyze the page's content and index the page. How to fix these problems: If the pages are sitemaps or pages you are not trying to rank, you should tell robots not to index these pages. It may also make sense to exclude them from crawling in your robots.txt if they do not contain important internal links. However, if the pages contain content that the Seobility bot simply does not recognize, you should make sure that it is accessible to search engine bots. For example, most search engines cannot evaluate text in images or Flash elements. You can find more information about quality content in our wiki article "Content is King". # URL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.карта-сайту/ 19. 20. Page 49 of 55

18/01/24 Content that appears on several pages Content/text that is used on more than one page Optimization Tips Here you will find an overview of text blocks that are used on several pages of your website. For this analysis, each text block found on your website is normalized and saved. If the same text block appears on several pages, it is detected and displayed here. Notes, disclaimers, etc. that appear on a large number of your pages will not be taken into account. Why you should avoid using duplicate text blocks: Each page should be unique and tailored to its target keyword. This will ensure that the content is as relevant as possible. That's why you should avoid using duplicate text blocks or generic content. If very long text blocks are used multiple times on your website, you may also run into problems with duplicate content. For example, if you use long snippets of blog posts on the category pages or the home page of your blog, this could have a negative effect on the rankings of the actual blog posts. This is because Google has to decide which of these pages should appear in the search results if both a category page and a blog post contain relevant content for a keyword. As a consequence, it may choose the wrong one. How to fix these problems: As a general rule, you should avoid using generic text that is used on multiple pages. Create unique content for each subpage instead. To avoid duplicate content problems, keep the preview text of blog articles or similar as short as possible. More information on unique content and duplicate content: Content is king - Seobility Wiki Duplicate content - Seobility Wiki Text blocks from the content that appear on # several pages URLs 1. Що таке PWA? Ми всі звикли встановлювати додатки з магазинів Apple та Google. Якщо вам потрібен д...... 2. Ваш бізнес більше не приносить таких результатів, як раніше, або ж ви просто бажаєте підвищити вж...... 3. [vc_row enable_container=”st2″ enable_full_height_sec=”st2″ section_back_opt=”dark-bg- 1″ sec_text...... 4. Affogato thundercats quinoa, portland cold-pressed edison bulb artisan paleo banjo tousled try-ha...... Page 50 of 55

18/01/24 Text blocks from the content that appear on # several pages URLs 5. [/xen_text] [/vc_column_inner] [vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][xen_text text_color=”text-color-5″ tex...... 6. [/xen_text] [/vc_column_inner] [/vc_row_inner] [vc_row_inner] [vc_column_inner][xen_text text_align=”...... 7. [/xen_text] [/vc_column_inner] [/vc_row_inner][/vc_column] [/vc_row][vc_row enable_container=”st3″ m...... 8. So by colonel hearted ferrars. Draw from upon here gone add one. He in sportsman household otherw...... 9. From they fine john he give of rich he. They age and draw mrs like. Improving end distrusts may i...... 10. Наше агенство. специализируется на медийной рекламе, то есть такой, которая знакомит потребителей...... 11. Таргетована реклама, SMM, розвиток спільнот та чатів, накрутка активності/реальних користувачів т...... 12. SEO-аналіз, пошукова оптимізація, семантика, прискорення швидкості сайту, рерайтинг та розміщення...... 13. Програмовані чат-боти та боти зі штучним інтелектом для веб-сайтів та месенджерів, особисті боти-...... Page 51 of 55

18/01/24 Text blocks from the content that appear on # several pages URLs 14. Бренд-буки, логотипи, баннери, стікери, іконки, фавікони, аватарки, оформлення ескізів друкованно...... 15. Наше агенство. специализируется на медийной рекламе, то есть такой, которая знакомит потребителей...... 16. Що таке PWA? Ми всі звикли встановлювати додатки з магазинів Apple та Google. Якщо вам потрібен д...... 17. Ваш бізнес більше не приносить таких результатів, як раніше, або ж ви просто бажаєте підвищити вж...... 18. REI is a leading outdoor retailer that was founded in 1893 by a group of climbers in search of qu...... 19. Веб-сайти, боти, мобільні додатки, інсталяція та налаштування скриптів та тем/шаблонів, технічна ...... 20. Photography Design in the absence of content is not design. It's decoration. From they fine john ...... Page 52 of 55

18/01/24 Duplicate Content Pages whose complete content appears on other pages Optimization Tips Here you will find a list of pages whose content was also found on other pages of your website (=d uplicate content). Why you should avoid duplicate content: Duplicate content is very problematic from an SEO perspective and should be avoided at all costs. If you have a number of pages with the same content, search engines such as Google have to decide which of these URLs is the most relevant for the keyword in question and should be displayed in the search results. As a result, it may happen that the "wrong" URL is selected. In addition, duplicate URLs can spread positive ranking signals such as backlinks across the different URLs. This can cause the individual pages to rank lower than if these signals were consolidated on one URL. This analysis checks for the following types of duplicate content: This duplicate content check refers to duplicate content within your website, i.e. it does not analyze whether the content is used on any other website in the world wide web. The following types of duplicate content can be detected: Page duplicates: The content of one page is identical to the content of another page. In these cases, the URLs are labelled "duplicate". This does not require a 100% match of the pages, but only of their body text. There may be differences in other elements such as the page title. Included pages: The content of page A is fully contained within the content of page B, but page B also contains additional content. This is indicated by the label "Included" next to the URL of the included page. How to fix these problems: Duplicate content is usually a technical problem or a problem with your content management. It is unlikely that you have deliberately written the same text twice. In order to fix the problem, you will first need to find out what is causing the duplicate URLs. The most common causes of duplicate pages are: Your pages can be accessed both with and without the "www." in the URL. From a technical point of view, this creates duplicate content, as the same content can be found under two URLs. You can solve this problem by setting up a site-wide 301 redirect to the preferred URL variant. You can find more information on how to do this in our wiki. URL parameters, e.g. for sorting products on shop category pages. These change the order of the products displayed. However, the content of the pages remains the same. You can solve this problem by adding a canonical tag to the URL variants with parameters. This tag should link to the "original" variant without parameters. Categories or tags are not distinctive enough and return the same results. In order to avoid this, you should only use tags and categories that are clearly differentiated in terms of content and that have as little overlap as possible. Common causes of included pages: Blogs display the full article content on category pages or the homepage. In this case, you should only use a very short snippet of the text content as the preview text. Other causes of duplicate content, solutions, and ways to avoid can be foundi n our wiki. # URL Duplicate content URLs 1. Duplicate 2. Duplicate Duplicate Page 53 of 55

18/01/24 # URL Duplicate content URLs 3. Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Page 54 of 55

18/01/24 Pages without proper keyword optimization Pages on which we couldn't detect a single optimized keyword No errors or problems were found. Competing pages for the same keywords Competing pages due to the same keyword optimization No errors or problems were found. Complete page duplicates Pages with the same HTML code and content. No errors or problems were found. Page 55 of 55