FY24 Q2 - OpenText: Make Information Your SuperPower

Learn from our partner OpenText how you can make information your superpower.

The cost of poor document management: Inaccessible documents impact Poor information 昀氀ows decrease customer service quality. productivity and collaboration. Documents in disconnected silos result in Ine昀케ciencies with internal and manual searches, delays, and costly errors, external document processes can By investing in document extending resolution time that negatively cause inconsistencies between impacts customers. Salesforce data and documents, management, companies can put causing dissatis昀椀ed employees information and customers at the and poor customer relationships. center of their sales and service operations. This can ultimately Out-of-control information is risky. Fragmented information result in positive and memorable If customer documents are mismanaged prolongs sales cycle time. customer experiences. Additionally, and not controlled, it creates compliance, Failure to 昀椀nd and relay the right investing in connected document security, and 昀椀nancial consequences, documents and related information potentially damaging to customers and quickly can result in poor business management powers your ability your brand. decisions and undesired outcomes to gain key insights and spot new with customers. opportunities, providing visibility to the right information when and where it’s needed. Document Work smarter. The bene昀椀ts of investing in document management solutions, including management in Salesforce: the ones in the OpenText solutions Make information for Salesforce portfolio, can help your superpower. your business grow. Shorten resolution Manage all customer OpenText provides customers with times to close cases and business documents inside an information advantage over the and deals faster. Salesforce. competition, enabling information Ov important to satisfy customer needs, er the last fe w y ears, the bu siness w orld Real-time access to all customer-related This enables an enhanced customer h but also to delight customers with great to be their superpower to work as ch ang ed c omple t ely — especially documents directly within the Sales Cloud view, making action tasks smarter and in the v experiences that keep them coming back. elocity a t which in form a tion is and Service Cloud streamlines the faster, which leads to better productivity smarter. u sed. As w e se ttle in t o this ne w norm al, Our partner OpenText, a leader in whole process. and experiences. higher c u st omer e xpecta tions need information management, helps t o be sa tis昀椀ed t o help n ur tur e these companies securely capture, govern, View business data Collaborate on mission-critical r ela tionships, and in t ern al in form a tion and exchange information on a global alongside documents. documents. w ork 昀氀o ws need t o be op timiz ed t o align scale. Here, the company demonstrates Learn more with these ne w c u st omer dem ands. what happens when a company has poor Securely share to key stakeholders Keep information concerning business document management and highlights internally and externally to your company. Ho speci昀椀c processes in one system. w mission-critical doc umen ts ar e cap the bene昀椀ts of investing in document tur ed, m an ag ed, and deliv er ed within sales and servic management. about OpenText e pr oc esses is no t only on AppExchange.