LAV096 VCE VCE VM Course Selection Booklet 2022
2022 Course Selection guide
E D I U G 2 2 0 2 VCE E D I U N G O I T C E L E T VCE VM E S S N S R I U D O A 9 L M C 02 1 B 3 E V , C N : 9O S I S T E R R E & V D VE C D A V A L 2022 E G LLE O C 2 1 - P 62 N O 72 T 8 ER 1 V . O A N SENIOR SECONDARYL
WELCOME Welcome to the senior years of study. This handbook is a resource for students and their parents guardians which outlines the Victorian Certificate of Education VCE & VCE VM curriculum at LAVERTON P 12 COLLEGE across Year 11 and Year 12 to assist in choosing a structured courses. A VCE program is ideal if you are considering a pathway to University or Tafe. A VCE program is designed to be undertaken over a minimum period of two years. Each subject offered at VCE is broken up into four semester length units. Most studies offer four units, but students do not necessarily have to take all four units. There are two levels of units within the VCE & VCE VM: UNITS 1 AND 2 These are usually taken in the first year of VCE in Year 11. Most students take both units in a study, but it is possible in year 11 subject to timetabling constraints to take only one unit of a particular study. UNITS 3 AND 4 These are more advanced, and are mostly taken in Year 12. Units 3 and 4 must be studied as a sequence that is, if you take Unit 3 of any study, you must also take Unit 4.
ABOUT VCE This Handbook is designed to assist students and parents to understand the structure of VCE, and has been compiled to enable students to make informed choices when selecting a course of subjects that supports their career aspirations and associated pathways. VCAA REQUIREMENT FOR VCE COMPLETION If a student completes more than four units of English studies, the extra units will be counted Students select subjects within this program to simply as additional VCE units, as is the case with meet the minimum requirements stated by the any other VCE subject. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). All VCE units require a minimum of 50 hours of class time. A student needs to attend sufficient class time To be awarded your VCE, students must (90%) to complete work. Evidence of the completion satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units of of work will be in the form of a record of the work study. completed in class and for homework, as well as the satisfactory completion of assessment tasks. These must include: English as an Additional Language (EAL) Eligibility • 3 units from the English group of studies (of which two must be a Unit 3 and 4 Sequence) A student is considered eligible for EAL status if • 3 other sequences of Units 3 and 4 (6 units) both of the following conditions are satisfied. The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) 1. The student has been a resident in Australia or advise that for the calculation of the student’s other predominantly English speaking country for Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), no more than seven (7) years. The period of seven satisfactory completion of both Units 3 and 4 of (7) years is to be calculated cumulatively over the an English sequence is required. The English student’s whole life. Calculation is made prior to requirement can be selected from any one of the January 1 of the year in which the study is taken at following studies: the Units 3/4 level. • English (Units 3 and 4) 2. English has been the student’s major language of instruction for a total period of not more than seven • Literature (Units 3 and 4) (7) years over the period of their education. • English as an Additional Language (Units 3& 4) - see below eligibility criteria for EAL
SUBJECTS A VCE program at Laverton P-12 College will generally consist of 22 units taken over two to three years. Year 11 students must take 6 VCE units each semester which may include an accelerated subject (if approved). Year 12 students will normally undertake 5 unit 3/4 sequences in their final year of schooling. Students can gain credit for any VCE studies that are satisfactorily completed at an approved VCE provider. This is usually a VCE Language Other Than English (LOTE) st community schools. Students who choose to include their external study within their program must study at an approved VCE provider. Approved providers may be the Victorian School of Languages (VSL) and community LOTE schools. Please include the details of this subject on your Course Selection form. Depending on timetable options and available spaces in classes, changing from a Unit 1 study in Semester 1 to a different Unit 2 study in Semester 2 might be possible for students who realise that a particular subject does not suit their interests, strengths and aspirations. However, changes may not always be possible or sensible for the following reasons: • Class size and timetable constraints may prevent a transfer from one subject to another • Attaining success in a VCE Study depends on learning specific knowledge and skills so it is important to undertake both Units 1 and 2 in a sequence whenever possible. It is in the students best interest to think seriously and thoroughly about their course selections, rather than apply to switch studies later on in Year 11. Access to a small number of subjects may be dependant on the approval of a relevant subject teacher based on the student’s outcomes and application in the subject in Year 10.

ENGLISH NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE English and English as an Additional values presented by authors through their SUBJECTS FROM Language (EAL) focuses on the how English evocations of character, setting and plot, and YEAR 10 DOES THIS language is used to create meaning in print and through investigations of the point of view and/ FOLLOW ON FROM? digital texts of varying complexity. or the voice of the text. Students engage with English and develop an understanding of effective Literature Texts selected for study are drawn from the and cohesive writing. They apply, extend and Humanities past and present, from Australia and from challenge their understanding and use of Literature other cultures, and comprise many text types, imaginative, persuasive and informative text. including media texts, for analysis of argument. UNIT 2 The study of English empowers students Students develop their reading and viewing to read, write, speak and listen in different skills, including deepening their capacity for contexts. inferential reading and viewing, to further open possible meanings in a text, and to extend their UNIT 1 writing in response to text. Students consider Students engage in reading and viewing texts the way arguments are developed and delivered with a focus on personal connections with the in many forms of media. story. They discuss and clarify the ideas and SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? You must take an • an understanding of contention and • an analytical response to a set text English subject in supporting arguments both Years 11 and • a set of annotated persuasive texts 12. This can be (including visual texts) that identify English, English • summarise the key points in arguments arguments, vocabulary, text structures and as an Additional using skills such as note-taking and language features Language or annotation Literature or a • an analysis of the use of argument and combination. For persuasive language and techniques in more information, • identify, explore and apply text(s) consult the study guide. • understand how culture, values and context • an oral presentation of a point of view text. underpin the construction of texts and how • end of year examination this can affect meaning and interpretation
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Through engagement with texts from the UNIT 3 CLICK HERE TO contemporary world and from the past, and Students read and respond to texts analytically VIEW CAREERS THIS using texts from Australia and from other and creatively. They analyse arguments and the SUBJECT COULD LEAD ON TO? cultures, students studying English become use of persuasive language in texts. confident, articulate and critically aware communicators and further develop a sense of UNIT 4 themselves, their world and their place within it. Students explore the meaningful connections English helps equip students for participation in between two texts. They analyse texts, including a democratic society and the global community. the interplay between character and setting, voice and structure, and how ideas, issues and themes are conveyed. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • the ways in which different texts provide • an analytical response to a set text You must take an different perspectives on ideas, issues and English subject in • a creative response to a set text such as a both Years 11 and themes and how comparing them can offer monologue, script, short story, illustrated 12. This can be an enriched understanding of the ideas, narrative, short film or graphic text English, English issues and themes as an Additional • an analysis of the use of argument and Language or • use textual evidence appropriately to persuasive language in text/s Literature or a support comparative analysis • a text intended to position an audience combination. • plan creative responses to texts • a comparative analytical response to set texts • apply the conventions of oral presentation in • a persuasive text that presents an argument the delivery of spoken texts or viewpoint
ENGLISH LITERATURE NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Students undertake close reading of texts and UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM analyse how language and literary elements Students focus on the ways in which the YEAR 10 DOES THIS and techniques function within a text. Emphasis interaction between text and reader creates FOLLOW ON FROM? is placed on recognition of a text’s complexity meaning. Students’ analyses of the features English and meaning, and on consideration of how that and conventions of texts help them develop Literature meaning is embodied in its literary form. There increasingly discriminating responses to a Humanities are different types of texts read, including plays, range of literary forms and styles. They develop poems, films and books. an awareness of how the views and values that readers hold may influence the reading of a text. UNIT 2 In this unit students explore the ways literary texts connect with each other and with the world. They deepen their examination of the ways their own culture and the cultures represented in texts can influence their interpretations and shape different meanings. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? The skills learnt in • features of society and the ideas • Essays, Literature andbehaviour which the text appears to translate well to English. Literature reflect or endorse, challenge or question. • journal entries counts as the compulsory English • ways in which characters, setting, events • close analysis, subject and ideas convey the social concerns of a required to Year 12, different era and/or culture • oral but is often taken as well as English. • analyse how features of the text contribute • discussion participation to meaning. • presentation • End of year examination
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION The study provides opportunities for reading UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY deeply, widely and critically, responding Students consider how the form of a text affects OR CAREERS analytically and creatively, and appreciating the meaning, and how writers construct their COULD LEAD ON aesthetic merit of texts. texts. They investigate ways writers adapt TO? and transform texts. They consider how the Writer VCE Literature enables students to examine perspectives of those adapting texts may inform Journalist the historical and cultural contexts within or influence the adaptations. Librarian which both readers and texts are situated. It Editor investigates the assumptions, views and values UNIT 4 Historian which both writer and reader bring to the texts In this unit students develop critical and analytic Publisher Teaching and it encourages students to contemplate how responses to texts. They investigate literary we read as well as what we read. It considers criticism informing both the reading and writing how literary criticism informs the readings of of texts. Students develop an informed and texts and the ways texts relate to their contexts sustained interpretation supported by close and to each other. Accordingly, the texts selected textual analysis.themes are conveyed. for study are drawn from the past through to the present, and vary in form and social and cultural contexts SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? The skills learnt in • the ways that literary criticism presents A written interpretation of the text Literature translate assumptions and ideas about aspects of well to English and vice-versa. culture and society and how these inform • Written analysis of textual interpretations Literature readings of the text counts as the • Creative response compulsory • analyse how literary criticism informs English subject readings of texts • End of year examination required to Year 12, but is often taken as well as English. • identify and analyse the views and values in texts
HISTORY EMPIRES NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In Units 1 and 2 Empires, students investigate UNIT 1 - Rise of Empires SUBJECTS FROM the foundations and features of empires and the YEAR 10 DOES THIS significant global changes they brought to the In this area of study students focus on the FOLLOW ON FROM? wider world in the early modern period. Empires features of empires and what contributed to Humanities at their core were expansionist, dominating their rise. They analyse how the social, political, History trade and political influence in their regional or economic, cultural, religious, environmental and Literature global contexts. A range of key factors arising technological features and conditions shaped an from the social, political, economic, cultural, empire’s quest for expansion. religious, environmental and technological features of Empires played a role in the ambition UNIT 2 - Encounters, challenge and change and quest for power, prestige and influence over rival and competing states. In this area of study students focus on the challenges and changes facing the empire in By the 15th century, international trade was the age of imperialism. Students explain how dominated by the Republic of Venice, the Ming and why new colonies and new markets were Dynasty in China and the Byzantine Empire. established, and describe the empire’s global power and why their influence prospered. They analyse the empire’s social, political, economic and cultural structures of power and how it was used to maintain control. Students evaluate the consequences of empire expansion, especially for indigenous peoples. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? The skills learnt in • Strong written expression and argument Assessed coursework will include: a historical English translate inquiry project, an analysis of primary sources, well to assist understanding in • In-depth analysis an evaluation of historical interpretations, an History. essay.End of year examination • Empathy and understanding of society
AUSTRALIAN HISTORY SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In Units 3 and 4 Australian History, students perspectives, events and the differing social, FURTHER STUDY develop their understanding of the foundational political and economic experiences may OR CAREERS and transformative ideas, perspectives and have triggered changes and the extent of COULD LEAD ON events in Australia’s history and the complexity continuity and change in Australia and among TO? of continuity and change in the nation’s story. Australians. The revolutionary nature of the Politics Australian experience is explored, including Criminology The study of Australian history is considered how the continent’s distinct environment and Journalism both within a national and a global context, landscape has shaped and been shaped by Historian/Art particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait human processes and actions, and the embrace Historian Islander peoples and culture, a colonial settler of democratic experiments that placed Australia Law Teaching society within the British Empire and as part in the vanguard of individual and political of the Asia-Pacific region. Students come rights and freedoms in the 19th and early 20th to understand that the history of Australia centuries. is contested and that the past continues to contribute to ongoing interpretations, debates UNIT 4 - Transformations and tensions in Australian society. Students focus on the extent to which Australia UNIT 3 - Foundations was transformed and changed by social, political and economic events, ideas, experiences and In this area of study students focus on the movements that took place after World War foundations of continuity and change in Two. Students consider how long-term trends Australian history. They consider how ideas, in Australian history continue to resonate and be contested in contemporary Australian society. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Edrolo computer • Write coherently and with complex analysis Assessed coursework will include: a historical tasks to inquiry project, an analysis of primary sources, support success in exams. • Read critically an evaluation of historical interpretations, an essay and an end of year examination. • Refine your questioning and thinking • Empathy and understanding of society
LEGAL STUDIES NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Legal Studies investigates criminal and UNIT 1 - GUILT & LIABILITY SUBJECTS FROM What is the difference between murder YEAR 10 DOES THIS civil law, evaluating how they protect the rights and manslaughter? What must be proven FOLLOW ON FROM? of individuals in society. This subject is about for someone to be convicted of a crime? Humanities enforcing and instituting the law. Students Legal examine how the law is applied to determine the In Unit 1 students answer these questions Literature outcome of both criminal and civil cases. and explore the basis of criminal and civil law; including key concepts and types of crimes/civil wrongs. UNIT 2 -SANCTIONS, REMEDIES & RIGHTS In Unit 2 students apply their Unit 1 knowledge to two recent civil and criminal cases such as Rebel Wilson vs. Bauer media. Furthermore they explore suggested reforms to improve the legal system aiming to analyse the effectiveness of our legal system to uphold the principles of justice. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Possible whole day • Use key legal terminology • A folio of exercises excursion to the courts or the ability to • Research analyse legal informatio • Structured questions meet and talk to a current • Protecting the rights of individual • A classroom presentation; a role-play; a chief justice about debate; a report or a question-and-answer the application of • Legal reasoning and principles session. the law. • End of year examination
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Legal Studies Unit 3 examines the UNIT 3- RIGHTS & JUSTICE FURTHER STUDY Get to know the Victorian criminal justice OR CAREERS Victorian justice system including the role and system. You will explore the criminal justice COULD LEAD ON rights of all people involved in the criminal system, its personnel and institutions and the TO? and civil justice system. They also consider various ways it determines a criminal case. This Lawyer Barrister the process and appropriateness of criminal includes the rights of people involved and the Solicitor Paralegal sanctions and civil remedies. VCE Legal appropriateness of criminal sanctions. Law Studies Unit 4, then explores the relationship enforecement between parliament and the courts with a UNIT 4- PEOPLE & THE LAW Policy & law consideration of the Australian Constitution and Understand how law-making powers are making- Federal, Commonwealth, the High court and the roles of split between the Commonwealth and state State, and local council the media and law reform bodies in influencing parliaments. You will investigate parliament governments law reform. and the courts, and the relationship between the Librarian two in lawmaking, and consider the roles of the Social Justice individual, the media and law reform bodies. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Possible whole day • Roles of the courts and parliament A case study; structured questions; an essay; excursion to the a report or a folio of exercises. End of year courts or the ability to • Synthesise and apply legal principles examination. meet and talk to a current • Evaluate the ability of the justice system to chief justice about achieve the principles of justice. the application of the law.
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Do you want to run your business? Be a CEO UNIT 1 - PLANNING A BUSINESS SUBJECTS FROM for a multinational/transnational business? Or In this unit, students explore the factors affecting YEAR 10 DOES THIS be a champion in driving sustainable business business ideas and the internal and external FOLLOW ON FROM? practices? If so then Business Management is environments within which businesses operate, Humanities for you! and the effect of these on planning a business. Legal Literature Business Management follows the process from the first idea for a business concept, to planning and establishing a business, through to the UNIT 2 -ESTABLISHING A BUSINESS day-to-day management of a business. It also In this unit, they investigate the essential considers the changes that are needed to ensure features of effective marketing and consider the continued success of a business. best way to meet the needs of the business in terms of staffing and financial record keeping. Students analyse various management practices in this area. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • How to establish a business • Case study • Business operations • Business research report • Management practices • Business plan • Local, national and global markets • Structured questions • Business problem-solving strategies • Media analysis • End of year examination
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION What separates businesses that thrive from UNIT 3 -MANAGING A BUSINESS FURTHER STUDY those that fail? How do businesses change? Students explore the key processes and OR CAREERS How do you motivate employees? VCE issues concerned with managing a business COULD LEAD ON Business Management Units 3 & 4 investigate efficiently and effectively to achieve the business TO? changes that need to be made to ensure objectives. They consider corporate culture, Business continued success of a business. Students management styles, management skills and the Commerce learn management skills/styles, operations relationship between each of these. Students Management management, review key performance investigate strategies to manage both staff and indicators and how leadership ensures business operations to meet objectives. businesses meet their objectives. UNIT 4 -TRANSFORMING A BUSINESS Businesses are under constant pressure to adapt and change to meet their objectives. In this unit students consider the importance of reviewing key performance indicators to determine current performance and the strategic management necessary to position a business for the future. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply business concepts • Case study • Business Operations & Opportunities • Structured questions • Management Strategies • Essay • Report • Media analysis • End of year examination.
GENERAL MATHEMATICS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION General Mathematics is a continuation of the In undertaking these units, students are expected SUBJECTS FROM topics studied in Year 10 Mathematics, including to be able to apply techniques, routines and YEAR 10 DOES linear algebra, statistics, geometry and financial processes involving rational and real arithmetic, THIS FOLLOW ON arithmetic as well as some new topics: matrices, sets, lists and tables, diagrams, networks and FROM? networks, number patterns and recursion. This geometric constructions, algorithms, algebraic Mathematics course leads to Further Mathematics Units 3 & 4, manipulation, equations and graphs, with and Advanced a prerequisite for many tertiary courses. without the use of technology. They should Maths Mathem have facility with relevant mental and by-hand Literature UNIT 1 & UNIT 2 DESCRIPTION approaches to estimation and computation. Humanities General Mathematics Units 1 and 2 cater The use of numerical, graphical, geometric, for a range of student interests, provide symbolic, financial and statistical functionality of preparation for the study of VCE General technology for teaching and learning mathematics, Mathematics at the Units 3 and 4 level and for working mathematically, and in related contain assumed knowledge and skills for these assessment, is to be incorporated throughout each units. The areas of study for Unit 1 of General unit as applicable. Mathematics are ‘Data analysis, probability and statistics’, ‘Algebra, number and structure’, ‘Functions, relations and graphs’ and ‘Discrete mathematics’. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Investigating and comparing data • Ability to use technology and select and distributions apply mathematical techniques. • Arithmetic and geometric sequences, • Investigation task NEED TO KNOW? first-order linear recurrence relations and financial mathematics • Modelling task Requires purchasing a CAS calculator and the • Linear functions, graphs, equations and • Problem solving task textbook. models • Investigating relationships between two • Tests. numerical variables • Space, measurement and applications of trigonometry
GENERAL MATHEMATICS SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION General Mathematics builds on the content UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY from General Mathematics Units 1 & 2. Students In Unit 3, students study the two core topics OR CAREERS develop problem solving and analysis skills that ‘Data Analysis’ which includes univariate and COULD LEAD ON are highly desired by employers and useful in a bivariate data, linear modelling and time series TO? range of real world contexts such as managing data, and ‘Recursion and Financial Modelling’ Science finances, building and home renovation, project which includes methods of calculating Business management and planning. This course is a interest and depreciation, loans, annuities and Economics prerequisite for many tertiary courses. perpetuities. Statistics Architecture UNIT 4 Accounting In Unit 4, students study two application Teaching Nursing modules: ‘Matrices’ which includes representing IT information in a matrix, matrix arithmetic, inverse matrices and transition matrices, and ‘Networks and Decision Mathematics’ which includes paths, circuits, spanning trees, shortest path problems, problems involving flow through a network and scheduling problems. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • Problem solving There are three School Assessed Curriculum Requires tasks and two end of year written examinations, purchasing a CAS calculator and the • Data analysis requiring a CAS calculator. textbook • Mathematical modelling
MATHEMATICAL METHODS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Mathematical Methods is central to many with connections between and across the SUBJECTS FROM areas of science and technology. Mathematical areas of study being developed consistently YEAR 10 DOES Methods provides background in mathematics throughout both Units 1 and 2 THIS FOLLOW ON for students to better understand the world FROM? around them and for further study. It provides UNIT 2 Mathematical a foundation for study in various fields, ranging The focus of Unit 2 is the study of simple Methods assumes from medical technology and engineering to transcendental functions, the calculus of proficiency in economic predictions and statistical modelling. polynomial functions and related modelling algebra and has a applications. The areas of study are ‘Functions, fast pace and high UNIT 1 relations and graphs’, ‘Algebra, number and workload. Completing the The focus of Unit 1 is the study of simple structure’, ‘Calculus’ and ‘Data analysis, Year 10 Advanced algebraic functions, and the areas of study are probability and statistics’. At the end of Unit Mathematics ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, ‘Algebra, 2, students are expected to have covered the elective is number and structure’, ‘Calculus’ and ‘Data content outlined in each area of study. recommended. analysis, probability and statistics’. At the end of Unit 1, students are expected to have covered Material from the areas of study should be the content outlined in each area of study, with organised so that there is a clear progression the exception of ‘Algebra, number and structure’ of skills and knowledge from Unit 1 to Unit 2 in which extends across Units 1 and 2. This content each area of study. should be presented so that there is a balanced and progressive development of skills and knowledge from each of the four areas of study SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE NEED TO KNOW? Requires • Problem solving • Investigation task purchasing a CAS calculator and the • Data analysis • Modelling task textbook. • Mathematical modelling • Problem solving task and tests. • Class work
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Mathematical Methods Units 3 and 4 extend Unit 3 FURTHER STUDY the introductory study of simple elementary OR CAREERS functions of a single real variable, to include A selection of content would typically include COULD LEAD ON combinations of these functions, algebra, the areas of study ‘Functions, relations and TO? calculus, probability and statistics, and their graphs’ and ‘Algebra, number and structure’, Engineering applications in a variety of practical and applications of derivatives and differentiation, Science theoretical contexts. Units 3 and 4 consist of the and identifying and analysing key features of the Pharmacy areas of study ‘Algebra, number and structure’, functions and their graphs from the ‘Calculus’ Computing ‘Data analysis, probability and statistics’, area of study. Biomedicine ‘Calculus’, and ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, Mathematics Unit 4 Statistics which must be covered in progression from Unit 3 to Unit 4, with an appropriate selection of A corresponding selection of content would content for each of Unit 3 and Unit 4. Assumed typically consist of remaining content from knowledge and skills for Mathematical Methods ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, ‘Algebra, Units 3 and 4 are contained in Mathematical number and structure’ and ‘Calculus’ areas Methods Units 1 and 2, and will be drawn on, as of study, and the study of random variables, applicable, in the development of related content discrete and continuous probability from the areas of study, and key knowledge and distributions, and the distribution of sample key skills for the outcomes of Mathematical proportions from the ‘Data analysis, probability Methods Units 3 and 4. and statistics’ area of study SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE NEED TO KNOW? A range of School-Assessed Coursework and an • Problem solving end-of-year exam Requires purchasing a CAS calculator and the • Data analysis textbook • Mathematical modelling
SPECIALIST MATHEMATICS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE If you are electing to study Specialist Mathematics it is expected that you will also be studeying Mathematics Methods in the corresponding units. SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2 provides UNIT 1 & UNIT 2 SUBJECTS FROM a course for students who wish to undertake The areas of study for Specialist Mathematics YEAR 10 DOES THIS an in-depth study of Mathematics, with an Units 1 and 2 are ‘Algebra, number and FOLLOW ON FROM? emphasis on concepts, skills and processes structure’, ‘Data analysis, probability and Specialist related to mathematical structure, modelling, statistics’, ‘Discrete mathematics’, ‘Functions, Mathematics problem solving, reasoning and proof. These relations and graphs’ and ‘Space and assumes units are ideal for students who wish to study measurement’. proficiency in mathematics and/or engineering at a tertiary algebra and has a level. At the end of Unit 1 students are expected to fast pace and high have covered the material in the areas of study: workload. Completing the ‘Algebra, number and structure’ and ‘Discrete Year 10 Advanced mathematics’. Mathematics elective is Concepts from these areas of study will be recommended. further developed and used in Unit 2 and also in Students taking this course must Units 3 and 4. also take Mathematical Methods Units 1&2 SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Requires • Problem solving • Knowledge of the course materials purchasing a CAS calculator and the textbook. • Data analysis • Ability to select and apply mathematical techniques and use of technology through • Mathematical modelling an investigation task • Modelling task • Problem solving task and three tests. • Class work
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Specialist Mathematics Units 3 and 4 consist UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY of the areas of study: ‘Algebra, number and For Unit 3 a selection of content would OR CAREERS structure’, ‘Calculus’, ‘Data analysis, probability typically include content from the ‘Discrete COULD LEAD ON and statistics’, ‘Discrete mathematics’, mathematics’, ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, TO? ‘Functions, relations and graphs’, and ‘Space ‘Algebra, number and structure’, ‘Space and Engineering and measurement’. The development of measurement’ and ‘Calculus’ areas of study. Science course content should highlight mathematical Pharmacy structure, reasoning and proof and applications UNIT 4 Computing across a range of modelling contexts with an In Unit 4 the corresponding selection of content Biomedicine appropriate selection of content for each of Unit would typically consist of the remaining content Mathematics Statistics 3 and Unit 4 from the ‘Discrete mathematics’, ‘Calculus’, and ‘Space and measurement’ areas of study and the content from the ‘Data analysis, probability and statistics’ area of study. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER NEED TO KNOW? WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: Requires a CAS calculator and textbook • Problem solving There are three School Assessed Curriculum You need to have assessment tasks and two end of year written successfully • Data analysis examinations. completed Mathematical Methods Units 1 • Mathematical modelling Exam 1 - technology free and and 2 and preferably Exam 2 - technology enabled Specialist Mathematics Units 1 and 2. You should be enrolled in Mathematical Methods Units 3&4.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Physical Education explores the complex UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM interrelationships between anatomical, YEAR 10 DOES THIS biomechanical, physiological and skill • Explore how the body systems work together FOLLOW ON FROM? acquisition principles to understand their role in to produce movement, and how they adapt Physical Education producing and refining movement, and examines and adjust to the demands of activity. Fitness behavioural, psychological, environmental and sociocultural influences on performance and • Evaluate the social, cultural and participation in physical activity. environmental influences on participation. • Consider the use and consequences of legal and illegal practices to improve performance. UNIT 2 • Gain an appreciation of the level of physical activity required for health benefits. • Collect data to determine perceived enablers of and barriers to physical activity • Focus on a range of contemporary issues associated with physical activity and/or sport. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? In units 1 & 2, students will participate in a • Wriiten assessments Sport Uniform and variety of practical activities to examine the and participation in practical sessions core concepts that underpin movement and • Case Studies is compulsory that influence performance and participation in physical activity. • Topics Tests • School assessed coursework will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the links between theoretical and practical content.
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY OR CAREERS • Use biomechanical principles to analyse COULD LEAD ON human movement. TO? • Analyse movement skills and skill acquisition Human Movement Biomechanics principles to improve and refine movement. Personal Trainer PE Teacher • Investigate the contribution and interplay of Coaching the three energy systems to performance. • Explore causes of fatigue and consider how to postpone fatigue and promote recovery. UNIT 4 • Analyse movement skills from a physiological, psychological and sociocultural perspective. • Analyse skill frequencies, movement patterns, and heart rates of an activity. • Apply training principles and methods to a training program to improve performance. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? In units 3 & 4 students will participate in a • School-assessed coursework Sport Uniform and variety of practical activities to examine the and participation in practical sessions core concepts that underpin movement and • Written reports, is compulsory thatinfluence performance and participation in physical activity. • Practical lab reports • Tests and an end of year examination.
HEALTH & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Health & Human Development looks at an UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM individual’s health and wellbeing as a whole, This unit looks at health and wellbeing as a YEAR 10 DOES that is subjective to change and interpretation. concept that has changed over time. Wellbeing THIS FOLLOW ON They analyse how our ideas of health and is a complex combination of all dimensions FROM? wellbeing has changed over time, and of health, where an individual feels happy, Health and Human investigate the development of the human body healthy, capable and engaged. With a focus on Develepment across the lifespan. youth, students consider their own health as individuals and as a cohort. They build health literacy through interpreting and using data, investigating the role of food, and through extended inquiry into one youth health focus area. UNIT 2 This unit investigates transitions in health and wellbeing, and development, from lifespan and societal perspectives. Students look at changes and expectations that are part of the progression from youth to adulthood. This unit promotes the application of health literacy skills through an examination of adulthood as a time of increasing independence and responsibility, involving the establishment of long-term relationships, and management of health-related milestones. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Various definitions of health and wellbeing • Case studies • Variations in perspectives of and priorities • Written responses relating to health and wellbeing, according to age, culture,religion, gender • Data analysis • Explain the functions of major nutrients for • Multimedia presentations. general health and wellbeing
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Health & Human Development Units 3 &4 focus UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY on the health status of Australians and how This unit looks at health, wellbeing and illness OR CAREERS this can vary across population groups such as as multidimensional. Students look at the COULD LEAD ON between males and females, indigenous and fundamental conditions required for health TO? non-indigenous, rural and urban. It also looks at improvement, as stated by the World Health Health professional the health of populations on a global scale and Organisation (WHO). Area of Study 2 focuses Youth Worker how the UN and WHO assist in promoting health on health promotion and improvements in Aged care worker across the world. population health over time. Nursing Medicine UNIT 4 Advertising This unit examines health and wellbeing, and human development in a global context. Students use data to investigate health status and burden of disease in different countries, exploring factors that contribute to health inequalities. Area of Study 2 looks at global action to improve health and wellbeing and human development, focusing on the United Nations’ (UN’s) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the work of the World Health Organisation (WHO). SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Analyse the role of Medicare, private • Case studies health insurance, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and the National Disability • Written responses Insurance Scheme in promoting Australia’s health • Data analysis • Describe characteristics of high-, middleand • Multimedia presentations low-income countries • End of year examination. • Evaluate data
BIOLOGY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM Students will study cell size, structure and YEAR 10 DOES Units 1 and 2 enables students to investigate function, how substances cross the plasma THIS FOLLOW ON the processes involved in sustaining life at membrane, energy transformations, functioning FROM? cellular, system, species and ecosystem levels. systems. They also investigate survival through Chemistry In undertaking this study, students examine adaptations and regulation, how living things Biology how life has evolved over time and understand are categorised based on their characteristics, Psychology that in the dynamic and interconnected system and relationships between organisms within of life all change has a consequence that may an ecosystem. The investigation requires the affect an individual, a species or the collective student to develop a question, undertake an biodiversity of Earth. The study gives students experiment to collect data, interpret the data and insights into how knowledge of molecular reach a conclusion. and evolutionary concepts underpin much of contemporary biology, and the applications UNIT 2 used by society to resolve problems and make Students will study the cell cycle, asexual advancements. reproduction and sexual reproduction, cell growth and cell differentiation. The genetics component investigates genomes, genes and alleles, chromosomes, genotypes and phenotypes, pedigree charts, genetic cross outcomes and genetic decisionmaking. Students run an investigation, communicate the findings and justify their conclusions. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Practical experimentation and research • Unit tests • Critical and creative thinking • Practical Reports - guided and/or student designed • Communication • Annotations of a practical work folio of activities or investigations • Scientific Posters • Coursework • Exams
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In undertaking Units 3 and 4, students explore UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY the importance of the plasma membrane and Students will study plasma membranes, OR CAREERS its permeability to specific solutes. They study nucleic acids and proteins, gene structure COULD LEAD ON nucleic acids and proteins as key molecules in and regulation, structure and regulation of TO? cellular processes and examine the nature of biochemical pathways, photosynthesis and Botany Genetics biochemical pathways. At this molecular level cellular respiration. They also investigate Immunology students study the human immune system and cellular signals, the body’s response to antigens, Microbiology how it provides immunity to a specific antigen. and immunity. Pharmacology Students also consider the continual change Zoology and challenges to which life on Earth has been UNIT 4 Biotechnology Dentistry subjected. They investigate the relatedness Students will study the changes in the genetic Ecology between species and the impact of various makeup of a population and in biodiversity Food Science change events on a population’s gene pool, over time, they determine relatedness Forestry including technological developments. Students between species, and look at human change Health Care examine the human fossil record and the over time.From this students move onto DNA Horticulture interrelationships between human biological Medicine manipulation, and biological knowledge and Optometry and cultural evolution. society. The investigation requires the students Physiotherapy to identify an aim, develop a question, formulate Vet Science a hypothesis and plan a course of action. Environmental Conservation Forensic Science Medical research Sports science SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Understanding of key biological models, • Practical investigations theories and concepts • Scientific Posters • Investigation skills • Group work • Informed perspective on contemporary • Course work • science-based issues • Unit tests • Research, ethical and safety principles • End of Year Examination • Communication
CHEMISTRY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Chemistry Units 1 and 2 focus on the UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM Students study the elements and the YEAR 10 DOES diversity of materials from the atomic to the periodic table, metals, ionic compounds, and THIS FOLLOW ON molecular level and the uniqueness of water. how to quantify atoms and compounds. FROM? This course provides the opportunity for Chemistry independent and collaborative work through They investigate materials from molecules, Biology experimentation, fieldwork, literature reviews carbon lattices and carbon nanomaterials, Psychology and molecular modelling through hands on organic compounds, and polymers. Students approach and simulation. also undertake a research investigation relevant to one of ten options. UNIT 2 Students study the properties of water, focussing on water as a solvent, and acidbase and redox reactions in water. They will conduct water sample analysis, including salts, organic compounds and acids and bases in water, and the measurement of solubility and concentration. The investigation requires the student to develop a question, undertake an experiment to collect data,interpret the data and reach a conclusion. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Understand the various fields of chemistry • Practical investigations • Chemistry’s social, ethical and political • Posters impact • Data Analysis • Scientific Questioning • Molecular modelling • Experimental Analysis • Coursework • Develop and evaluate hypothesis and • Unit & Chapter Tests methodologies • End of year exam.
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In Units 3 and 4 students explore the factors that UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY increase the efficiency and percentage yield of a Students will study the method of obtaining OR CAREERS chemical manufacturing process. They look at energy from fuels, fuel choices, galvanic cells COULD LEAD ON as a source of energy, and fuel cells as a source TO? energy options and their resources, and of energy. Through this they then investigate Agriculture the minimisation of their impact upon the the rate and extent of chemical reactions, the Biochemistry environment. Students develop their use of the production of chemicals by electrolysis, and Dentistry Dietetics language and conventions of chemistry related rechargeable batteries. Engineering to reactions and laws. They also look at how the Environmental carbon atom has unique characteristics that UNIT 4 studies Food technology explain the diversity and number of organic Students will study the structure and Forensic science compounds. Students investigate the structural nomenclature of organic compounds, their Forestry features, bonding, typical reactions and uses categories, properties and reactions, and Horticulture of the major families of organic compounds conduct an analysis. They use this to investigate Law Medicine including those found in food. key food molecules, the metabolism of food in Nursing Oceanography the human body, and the energy content of food. Pharmacy Sports science The investigation requires the students to Winemaking identify an aim, develop a question, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply models, theories and concepts • Practical investigations • Use the language and methodologies • Analysis of data • Investigation skills • Model making • Informed perspective on contemporary • Scientific Posters sciencebased issues • Coursework • Research, ethical and safety principles • Unit Tests • Communication • End of year exam.
PHYSICS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Physics seeks to understand and explain UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM the physical world by examining models Students study the principles of YEAR 10 DOES and ideas which are sometimes challenged thermodynamics, including climate science and THIS FOLLOW ON as new knowledge develops. By looking at other related issues. They investigate concepts FROM? the way matter and energy interact through used to model electricity, including circuit Physics observations, measurements and experiments, electricity and electrical safety. Students will physicists gain a better understanding of the also examine the origins of atoms, particles in underlying laws of nature. VCE Physics provides the nucleus, and energy from the atom. students with opportunities to explore questions related to the natural and constructed world. UNIT 2 In Units 1 and 2 students consider thermal Students study the concepts used to model concepts by investigating heat, probe common motion, including forces and energy. Outcome analogies used to explain electricity and 2 they will have twelve options, based on a consider the origins and formation of matter, different observation of the physical world, as well as explore the power of experiments in available as areas of study to investigate developing models and theories. through experimental data. The investigation component requires the students to identify an aim, develop a question, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply physics models, theories and • Practical investigations concepts • Posters • Language and methodologies of physics • Annotated folio of practical activities • Investigation skills • Research reports • Research, ethical and safety principles • Practical Reports • Communication • Coursework • Unit Tests • End of year exam.
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In Units 3 and 4 students explore the importance UNIT 3 of energy in explaining and describing the Students will study gravitational, electrical CLICK HERE TO physical world. They examine the production of and magnetic fields, their interactions and VIEW CAREERS THIS electricity and its delivery to homes. Students effects, and look into the application of field SUBJECT COULD consider the field model as a construct that concepts. They investigate the generation and LEAD ON TO? has enabled an understanding of why objects transmission of electricity, Newton’s laws of move when they are not apparently in contact motion, Einstein’s theory of special relativity, with other objects. Students also explore the and the relationships between force, energy and use of wave and particle theories to model the mass. properties of light and matter. They examine how the concept of the wave is used to explain UNIT 4 the nature of light and explore its limitations in Students will study the properties of mechanical describing light behaviour. waves, light as a wave, the behaviour of light, matter as particles or waves, similarities between light and matter, and the production of light from matter.The investigation component requires the students to identify an aim, develop a question, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply physics models, theories and • Practical investigations concepts • Independent and group research • Language and methodologies of physics • Research reports • Investigation skills • Practical Reports • Research, ethical and safety principles • Coursework • Communication • Unit Tests • End of year exam.
PSYCHOLOGY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Psychology enables students to explore UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM how people think, feel and behave through Students will study the role of the brain YEAR 10 DOES the use of a biopsychosocial approach, and in mental processes and behaviour, brain THIS FOLLOW ON explores the connection between the brain and plasticity, brain damage, the complexity of FROM? behaviour. In these units students investigate psychological development, and atypical Psychology the structure and functioning of the human brain psychological development. In the student- and the role it plays in the overall functioning directed research investigation students of the human nervous system. Students may choose a question selected from the list explore brain plasticity and the influence provided in the study design or they may develop that brain damage may have on a person’s their own research question related to one of the psychological functioning. They also investigate six topics. how perception of stimuli enables a person to interact with the world around them and how UNIT 2 their perception of stimuli can be distorted. Students will study perception in terms of They evaluate the role social cognition plays in a sensation and distortion. They investigate social person’s attitudes, perception of themselves and cognition and social influences on behaviour. The relationships with others. investigation component requires the students to identify an aim, develop a question, formulate a hypothesis and plan a course of action. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply models, theories and concepts • Annotated folio of practical activities • Language and methodologies of psychology • Research reports • Investigation skills • Practical Reports • Research, ethical and safety principles • Coursework • Communication • Unit Tests • End of year Exam.
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION The nervous system influences behaviour and UNIT 3 CLICK HERE TO the way people experience the world. In this Students will study the functioning of the VIEW CAREERS THIS unit students examine both macro-level and nervous system and stress as an example of a SUBJECT COULD LEAD ON TO? microlevel functioning of the nervous system to psychobiological process. They investigate the explain how the human nervous system enables neural basis of learning and memory, look at a person to interact with the world around them. models to explain learning, and the process and Students examine the nature of consciousness reliability of memory. and how changes in levels of consciousness can affect mental processes and behaviour. UNIT 4 They consider the role of sleep and the impact Students will study the nature of consciousness, that sleep disturbances may have on a person’s the importance of sleep, and the effects of functioning. Students explore the concept sleep disturbances and possible treatments. of a mental health continuum and apply a They investigate what it is to define mental biopsychosocial approach, as a scientific model, health, factors that contribute to mental to analyse mental health and disorder. health disorders, the maintenance of mental health, and the application of a biopsychosocial approach. Theinvestigation requires the student to develop a question, undertake an experiment to collect data, interpret the data and reach a conclusion. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Apply models, theories and concepts • Annotated folio of practical activities • Language and methodologies of psychology • Research reports • Practical Reports • Investigation skills • Coursework • Research, ethical and safety principles • Unit Tests • Communication • End of year Exam.
MEDIA NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Media is ubiquitous in today’s world. Embedded UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM in life and culture, media entertains, teaches Students analyse how representations, YEAR 10 DOES and shapes audience perceptions, and the narrative and media codes and conventions THIS FOLLOW ON worlds in which they live. Representation of contribute to the construction of media. They FROM? ideas, realities and imagination are constructed explore the reciprocal influence of media on Media and deconstructed, remixed and reimagined Australian culture and gain an understanding of Design with increasing technological sophistication. the power of audiences. Students learn how to Music Production In VCE Media, students examine how and why tell their own stories through a range of media Comput the media both constructs and reflects reality, forms. and how audiences engage with, consume, read, create and produce media products. A UNIT 2 significant component of this subject is practical Students further develop their understanding - students have the opportunity to develop, of narrative in media forms. They analyse the design and produce their own media products, influence of developments in media technologies in a range of different forms, including film, on individuals and society. Students undertake photography, radio, video games and digital production activities to design and create media publications. narratives that demonstrate an awareness of the structures and media codes and conventions appropriate to corresponding media forms. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Analytical skills • Essays • Critical and creative thinking • research projects • Practical knowledge of digital applications • Practical tasks documented in a folio. • End of year exam.
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In VCE Media, students learn to analyse and UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY critique media texts and messages in all their Students explore how media narratives shape OR CAREERS forms. Through in depth case-studies and text society and/or are influenced by the social, COULD LEAD ON analysis, students explore how narratives and cultural, ideological and institutional contexts TO? stories have shaped, and continue to influence, of the time. They choose two media texts to Journalism our society. Students analyse the complex analyse in detail. Students also undertake pre- Publishing issues surrounding media regulation, ownership production processes and develop written and Film & Television and agency. A significant component of this visual documentation to support the production Acting subject is practical - students plan, design and and post production of a media product. Online content create their own media productions, choosing creation Photography from a range of contemporary disciplines UNIT 4 Videography Game including film, photography, print, magazine, Students complete the production stage of their Design animation, radio and video game design. major media project. In collaboration with their Animation peers, students work towards the realisation Post-production of their artistic and creative vision. They also consider the controversial and extremely timely question of media influence and agency through a series of case studies and research projects. Students analyse the capacity of the media to be used by governments, institutions and audiences as an instrument of control. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • Critical thinking • VCE end of year exam Media Studies is ideal for students with • Content creation • School assessed task (major media project) strong literacy and creative skills • Media literacy • School assessed content Equipment needed: laptop and digital • Digital literacy storage items (SD cards and external HDD)
STUDIO ARTS NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE Studio Arts supports students to recognise UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM their individual potential as art makers and Students focus on using sources of inspiration YEAR 10 DOES THIS presents a guided process to assist their and individual ideas as the basis for FOLLOW ON FROM? understanding and development of art-making. developing artworks and exploring a wide Visual Art Media range of materials and techniques as tools Visual Students develop an understanding of how for communicating ideas, observations and Communication to source artistic inspiration related to their experiences through art-making. They research Design individual interests and explore a wide range the ways in which artists from different times of materials and techniques for use in the and cultures have interpreted and expressed development of their own artworks. Students ideas, sourced inspiration and used materials produce a folio, as well as develop a solid and techniques. foundation basis for studio practice through a substantive theoretic component. UNIT 2 Students establish and use a studio process to produce artworks. The process includes the use of an individual approach to locating sources of inspiration, experimentation, and the development of aesthetic qualities, potentila direction and solutions prior to the production of artworks. Artworks made by artists from different times and cultures are analysed to understand the artists’ ideas and how they have created aesthetic qualities and identifiable styles. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • How to establish a studio process • A Visual Diary Studio Arts is ideal • Creative and critical thinking • Finished artworks for students with a strong interest • Historical/contextual understanding • Written assessment tasks. in history and creativity • Development and documentation of ideas • End of year exam • Critical analysis skills • In depth knowledge of materials and techniques
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Studio Arts focuses on getting students to UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY recognise their potential as art makers. Students implement an individual studio OR CAREERS Students undertake a personal investigation of process that leads them to producing a range of COULD LEAD ON art ideas using a range of art making materials potential directions to refine as finished artworks TO? and methods culminating in the production of a in unit 4. This process records experimenting, Animator Artist folio of artworks. analysing and evaluating how art practices Art Conservator successfully communicate ideas, as well as Art critic exploring professional practices of artists from Art restorer Art different historical and cultural contexts. historian Architect Cartoonist UNIT 4 Costume designer Students create a minimum of two artworks Curator based on ideas resolved in Unit 3. This unit Fashion designer investigates artists’ involvement in the art Graphic designer industry, focusing on at least two different Interior designer Industrial exhibitions that students have visited in the designer current year of study. They reference specific Jeweller Gallery artworks in those exhibitions,to inform the Director presentation of their own final works. Photographer Printmaker Sculptor Set designer Teacher Textile designer SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Creative and critical thinking • School assessed Folio • Historical/contextual understanding • School assessed artworks • Development and documentation of ideas • Coursework • Critical analysis skills • End of year exam • In depth knowledge of materials and techniques
VISUAL COMMUNICATION & DESIGN NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Students take their drawing ability to a UNIT 1 SUBJECTS professional level through responding to design This unit focuses on using visual language to FROM YEAR briefs with a range of clients, constraints and communicate messages, ideas and concepts. 10 DOES THIS purposes. Students apply design thinking Students develop presentation drawings FOLLOW ON to generate design solutions for a range of to clearly communicate their final visual FROM? contexts, audience and purposes. Students communications. They examine the history of Visual Art explore environmental, industrial and design through an investigation of design styles. Media communication design fields. Visual UNIT 2 Communication Students use presentation drawing methods Design that incorporate the use of technical drawing skills to communicate information and ideas associated with the environmental or industrial design fields. They also investigate how typography and imagery are used in these fields as well as the communication design field. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • Technical drawing (manual and digital) • School assessed Folio Students may need to purchase additional • Analytical skills • School assessed presentation drawings materials for this subject however • Critical, creative and reflective thinking • Coursework Adobe strategies Suite will be • End of year exam provided by the school. • Effective use of a design process
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Students gain insight into the selection UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY of methods, media and materials and This unit focuses on the process designers OR CAREERS the application of design elements and employ to structure their thinking and COULD LEAD ON design principles to create effective visual communicate ideas with clients, target TO? communications for specific audiences and audiences, other designers and specialists. Bachelor of Arts purposes. Through practical investigation and Students experiment with the use of manual and Writer analysis of existing visual communications digital drawing methods and analysis styles. Journalist student develop their own visual communication They examine professional design practice and Librarian design work. write their own design brief. Medicine Law Artist Teaching UNIT 4 This unit focuses on the development of design concepts. Students follow a design brief to create two final presentations of visual communications. They devise a pitch to present their final presentations as a conclusion to their study. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: • Analysing visual communications • School assessed Folio • Two-dimensional drawing methods to • School assessed artworks visualise ideas and concepts • Coursework • Three-dimensional drawing methods • End of year exam • Document design decisions informed by the analysis of existing designs
MUSIC PERFORMANCE NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In VCE Music Performance Units 1 & 2, students UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM will perform in both group ensembles and as Students build their performance and YEAR 10 DOES a soloist. They will develop their musicianship musicianship skills to present performances as THIS FOLLOW ON through theoretical and analytical tasks, a group and as a soloist. FROM? applying their knowledge to their own Music performances. They identify technical, expressive and stylistic challenges in performance pieces and through the work of other performers, as well as develop their listening, aural, theoretical and analytical musicianship skills through substantive theoretical tasks. UNIT 2 Students continue to build their performance skills, taking opportunities to perform in familiar and unfamiliar venues/spaces. Students continue to develop their theoretical knowledge through increasingly difficult aural, theoretical and analytical activities, as well creating a folio of original works based on their performance repertoire. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • Developing musical language • Performance/s of at least 3 works (group Students must and solo) have instrumental music lessons • Developing written musical notation and separately to taking theory • Technical Program (that supports this subject performance pieces) Each student must • Developing critical listening and analysis have a solo or skills • Aural and written theory tasks principal instrument
SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY Students focus on either group or solo OR CAREERS In VCE Music Performance Units 3 & 4, students performance and prepare for their end of year COULD LEAD ON will choose a focus of either solo or ensemble performance examination. Students study the TO? for their end of year performance examination. work of other performers and refine selected Bachelor of Arts Students will develop their musicianship, strategies to optimise their own performance. Writer through building their aural, theory and analysis Students develop their listening, aural, Journalist skills to apply to musical practices. theoretical and analytical musicianship. Librarian Medicine Law UNIT 4 Artist Teaching Students continue to work towards building their skills preparing for the end of year performance and theory exams. Students continue to address challenges relevant to works they are preparing for performance and work on strengthening their listening, aural, theoretical and analytical musicianship skills. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Students must • Developing musical language • Performance and theory based assessment have instrumental tasks throughout the year music lessons separately to • Written musical notation and theory taking • End of year performance examination this subject • Developing critical listening and analysis (external) Each student must skills have a solo or • End of year aural and written exam principal instrument (voice (external) included)
VCE VM NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM VCE VM OVERVIEW The VCE VM is a Two year certificate tha focuses credit for completed VCAL subjects in 2023. on applied learning and develops knowledge Those students will continue to study Senior and skills that will prepare students for further VCAL subjects in the new certificate as part of a training and employment. phased transition. At the end of 2023, they will be awarded the VCE Vocational Specialisation if The Victorian Government is transforming they meet the requirements. senior secondary education with the introduction of a single senior secondary certificate, offering It is a practical “hands-on” program with many greater access to quality vocational and applied benefits including; fostering independence learning pathways for all students. and industry experience. Improving student motivation, engagement and commitment The VCE VM is a qualification designed to expand Improving student self-esteem and confidence. pathways from school to apprenticeships, Developing workplace readiness skills such employment and further education. as, problem solving, teamwork, leadership and personal responsibility. It caters for students In 2022, there are no changes to the existing with different preferred learning styles and certificates. Students will still be able to enrol provides a meaningful context for learning both in either the Victorian Certificate of Applied theory and practical skills. Learning (VCAL) or the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). Students studying VCAL in 2022 will transfer into the VCE Vocational Specialisation with SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: VCE VM aims to provide skills, knowledge and Evidence of achievement can include, but is not attributes to enable students to make informed limited to, direct observation, written work, oral choices about employment and education presentations, object production and project pathways. Personal development, students’ implementation. interests and pathways for senior secondary students, in the context of applied learning, Students must be observed to demonstrate underpin the design of VCE VM. achievement of a learning outcome on more than one occasion and in different contexts to make sure the assessment is valid and reliable, fair, flexible and efficient. OVERVIEW
VCE VM SUBJECTS OVERVIEW VCE VM is a senior secondary Certificate that VCE studies or VET. provides you with practical work related • Students attend school for 3 days experiences, as well as literacy and numeracy • SWL work placement for 1 day and skills that are important for life and work. • VET for 1 day. To get your VCE Vocational Major, you must successfully finish at least 16 units, Structured Workplace learning (SWL) is a including: valuable opportunity for a VCE VM student to • 3 VCE VM Literacy or VCE English units integrate on-the-job training with their VET (including a Unit 3–4 seq) program. • 2 VCE VM Numeracy or VCE What options exist after VCE VM? Mathematics units • Students can continue with further • 2 VCE VM Work Related Skills units education after VCE VM (TAFE – Cert IV, • 2 VCE VM Personal Development Skills Diploma) units, and • Some University courses are now taking • 2 VET credits at Certificate II level or applications from students who have above (180 nominal hours completed VCE VM You must also complete at least 3 other unit • Most VCE VM students commence an 3–4 sequences. This means 3 other full year apprenticeship, traineeship or full time studies at a year 12 level. You can do other employment AT THIS EACH LEVEL ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE DESIGN TO: When designing VCAL assessment tasks, it is important that a clear distinction is made between each VCAL certificate level. OVERVIEW
VCE VM LITERACY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM LITERACY VCE VM LITERACY OVERVIEW VCE Vocational Major Literacy focuses on Along with the literacy practices necessary for the development of the knowledge and skills reading and interpreting texts, it is important required to be literate in Australia today. The key that students develop their capacity to respond knowledge and key skills encompass a student’s to texts. Listening, viewing, reading, speaking ability to interpret and create texts that have and writing are developed systematically and purpose, and are accurate and effective, with concurrently, so that students’ capacity to confidence and fluency. respond to different texts informs the creation of their own written and oral texts. Literacy empowers students to read, write, speak and listen in different contexts. Literacy Students’ development of literate practices enables students to understand the different includes an emphasis on critical literacy so that ways in which knowledge and opinion are they understand the social nature of language represented and developed in texts drawn from and how texts position readers in relation to daily life. The development of literacy in this particular ideologies. study design is based upon applied learning principles, making strong connections between students’ lives and their learning. By engaging with a wide range of text types and content drawn from a range of local and global cultures, forms and genres, including First Nations peoples’ knowledge and voices, students learn how information can be shown through print, visual, oral, digital and multimodal representations. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: VM Literacy is based on an applied learning Assessment task should be designed to approach to teaching, ensuring students feel provide a range of opportunities for students empowered to make informed choices about the to demonstrate their learning. In order to be next stages of their lives through experiential efficient, each assessment task should balance learning and authentic learning experiences the demands of precision with those of efficiency, ensuring they do not create workload or stress that diminishes the performance of students.
VCE VM LITERACY SUBJECTS OVERVIEW UNIT 1 Outcome 1 UNIT 3 Outcome 1 • On completion of this unit the student should • On completion of this unit the student be able to demonstrate understanding of should be able to demonstrate the ability to how text types are constructed for different locate, read and understand the purpose, purposes, audiences and contexts through audience and content presented in a variety of a range of written, digital, oral and visual informational, organisational and procedural responses. texts through application of knowledge to real-life documents. UNIT 1 Outcome 2 UNIT 3 Outcome 2 • On completion of this unit the student should be able to apply an understanding • On completion of this unit the student of the conventions of literacy and digital should be able to create organisational, communication by responding to and informational and procedural texts that creating a range of digital content, suitable reflect a specific workplace or vocational for a community, workplace or vocational experience. context. UNIT 4 Outcome 1 UNIT 2 Outcome 1 • On completion of this unit the student should • On completion of this unit the student be able to illustrate understanding of the use should be able to explain the purpose, of language in advocacy by producing a range audience and main ideas of diverse of written, visual and multimodal texts for arguments presented in different text types the promotion of self, a product or a chosen by creating a range of annotations and community group. written, oral and multimedia responses that reflect learning. UNIT 4 Outcome 2 UNIT 2 Outcome 2 • On completion of this unit the student should be able to negotiate the topic of choice for, • On completion of this unit the student and complete, an oral presentation that should be able to interpret the values and showcases reflections and evaluations of opinions of others and present in oral form student learning. points of view supported by evidence. Option 1: Literacy for civic participation • Students deliver an informative or instructional presentation on an area of civic participation that is of personal interest. Option 2: Literacy for everyday personal contexts • Students deliver an informative or instructional presentation on an area of personal management that is of interest.
VCE VM NUMERACY NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM NUMERACY VCE VM NUM OVERVIEW VCE Vocational Major Numeracy focuses on The contexts are the starting point and the focus, enabling students to develop and enhance and are framed in terms of personal, financial, their numeracy skills to make sense of their civic, health, recreational and vocational personal, public and vocational lives. Students classifications. These numeracies are developed develop mathematical skills with consideration using a problem-solving cycle with four of their local, national and global environments components: formulating; acting on and using and contexts, and an awareness and use of mathematics; evaluating and reflecting; and appropriate technologies. communicating and reporting. This study allows students to explore the underpinning mathematical knowledge of number and quantity, measurement, shape, dimensions and directions, data and chance, the understanding and use of systems and processes, and mathematical relationships and thinking. This mathematical knowledge is then applied to tasks which are part of the students’ daily routines and practices, but also extends to applications outside the immediate personal environment, such as the workplace and community. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT VCE Vocational Major Numeracy is designed a) Personal numeracy around four complementary and essential b) Civic numeracy components: c) Financial numeracy 1. Eight areas of study (four in each unit) d) Health numeracy that name and describe a range of different e) Vocational numeracy mathematical knowledge and skills that are f) Recreational numeracy. expected to be used and applied across the three outcomes. 3. Outcome 2 elaborates and describes a four-stage problem-solving cycle that underpins the capabilities required to solve a mathematical problem 2. Outcome 1 is framed around working embedded in the real world. mathematically across six different numeracy contexts: 4. Outcome 3 requires students to develop and use a technical mathematical toolkit as they undertake their numeracy activities and tasks. Students should be able to confidently use multiple mathematical tools, both analogue and digital/technological.
VCE VM NUMERACY OVERVIEW UNIT 1 Outcome 1 UNIT 3 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select, interpret and use the mathematical key knowledge extract, evaluate and apply the mathematical key knowledge and key skills from the four Areas of Study 1-4, embedded in and key skills from the four Areas of Study 1-4, embedded familiar, routine and some less familiar contexts across the in a range of routine, non-routine, unfamiliar and some chosen range of numeracies. specialised contexts across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 1 Outcome 2 UNIT 3 Outcome 2 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to On completion of this unit, the student should be able select, interpret and use the four stages of the mathematical to select, evaluate and apply the four stages of the problem-solving cycle, using a range of both informal and mathematical problem-solving cycle, using an expanding formal mathematical processes, representations, and range of both informal and formal mathematical conventions relevant to the mathematical key knowledge processes, representations, and conventions relevant to and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the mathematical key knowledge and key skills specified the chosen range of numeracies. in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 1 Outcome 3 UNIT 3 Outcome 3 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select and effectively and accurately use the appropriate On completion of this unit, the student should be able mathematical tools and applications chosen from a to flexibly, effectively and accurately use a range of developing mathematical toolkit relevant to the key appropriate tools and applications chosen from an extensive knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, mathematical toolkit relevant to the key knowledge and and across the chosen range of numeracies. key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 2 Outcome 1 UNIT 4 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select, interpret and use the mathematical key knowledge On completion of this unit, the student should be able to and key skills from the four Areas of Study 5-8, embedded in extract, evaluate and apply the mathematical key knowledge familiar, routine and some less familiar contexts across the and key skills from the four Areas of Study 5-8, embedded chosen range of numeracies. in a range of routine, non-routine, unfamiliar and some specialised contexts across the chosen range of numeracies. UNIT 2 Outcome 2 UNIT 4 Outcome 2 On completion of this unit, the student should be able to select, interpret and use the four stages of the mathematical On completion of this unit, the student should be able problem-solving cycle, using a range of both informal and to select, evaluate and apply the four stages of the formal mathematical processes, representations, and mathematical problem-solving cycle, using an expanding conventions relevant to the mathematical key knowledge range of both informal and formal mathematical and key skills specified in Areas of Study 5-8, and across the processes, representations, and conventions relevant to chosen range of numeracies. the mathematical key knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 1-4, and across the chosen range of UNIT 2 Outcome 3 numeracies. On completion of this unit, the student should be able to UNIT 4 Outcome 3 select and effectively and accurately use the appropriate mathematical tools and applications chosen from a On completion of this unit, the student should be able developing mathematical toolkit relevant to the key to flexibly, effectively and accurately use a range of knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 5-8, appropriate tools and applications chosen from an extensive and across the chosen range of numeracies. mathematical toolkit relevant to the key knowledge and key skills specified in the Areas of Study 5-8, and across the chosen range of numeracies.
VCE VM PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT VCE VM PD OVERVIEW VCE Vocational Major Personal Development Skills (PDS) takes an active approach to personal development, self-realisation and citizenship by exploring interrelationships PDS explores concepts of effective leadership, between individuals and communities. PDS self-management, project planning and focuses on health, wellbeing, community teamwork to support students to engage in their engagement and social sciences, and provides work, community and personal environments. a framework through which students seek to understand and optimise their potential as Through self-reflection, independent research, individuals and as members of their community. critical and creative thinking and collaborative action, students will extend their capacity to This study provides opportunities for students understand and connect with the world they to explore influences on identity, set and live in, and build their potential to be resilient, achieve personal goals, interact positively with capable citizens. diverse communities, and identify and respond to challenges. Students will develop skills in self-knowledge and care, accessing reliable information, teamwork, and identifying their goals and future pathways. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT This study enables students to: • set and work towards the achievement of goals • develop a sense of identity and self-worth • work independently and as part of a team to understand and respond to community need • understand and apply concepts that support individual health and wellbeing • evaluate and respond to issues that have an impact on society • access, critique, synthesise and communicate • develop capacities to participate in society as active, engaged and reliable information informed citizens. • explain the role of community and the This study is made up of four units. Unit 1: Healthy individuals, Unit 2: importance of social connectedness Connecting with community, Unit 3: Leadership and teamwork, Unit 4: Community project • practise the rights and responsibilities of belonging to a community Each unit deals with specific content contained in the areas of study and is designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for the unit. Each • recognise and describe the attributes of outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and key skills. effective leaders and teams
VCE VM PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT OVERVIEW UNIT 1 Outcome 1 UNIT 3 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit the student should be able to On completion of this unit the student should be able to explain and discuss key concepts relating to personal apply learnt social awareness and interpersonal skills when identity and emotional intelligence, and apply learnt working independently and/or collaboratively in a real-life strategies when working independently or collaboratively scenario or simulation relating to social awareness and on a relevant activity. interpersonal skills. UNIT 1 Outcome 2 UNIT 3 Outcome 2 On completion of this unit the student should be able to plan On completion of this unit the student should be able and implement an individual or group activity to improve to describe the concept of effective leadership, analyse health and wellbeing, and evaluate the effectiveness of the leadership qualities and evaluate leadership styles in a activity by using learnt tools and techniques for monitoring range of contexts and apply a range of leadership skills progress. when working independently or collaboratively in a real-life scenario or simulation. UNIT 1 Outcome 3 UNIT 3 Outcome 3 On completion of this unit the student should be able to analyse the impact of technology on health and wellbeing On completion of this unit the student should be able to at an individual and community level, and apply knowledge describe the characteristics of an effective team, and, and skills to plan, implement and evaluate an individual or through engagement in a team activity, evaluate personal group health promotion activity. contribution to the effectiveness of the team, reflecting on individual strengths as a leader and problem-solver. UNIT 2 Outcome 1 UNIT 4 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit the student should be able to describe concepts relating to citizenship and community On completion of this unit the student should be able to (local, national and/or global), analyse the factors that investigate and analyse an environmental, cultural, economic influence the formation of community and apply strategies or social issue of significance to the community and plan a to promote community participation in an individual or community project to address the chosen area of concern. group activity. UNIT 4 Outcome 2 UNIT 2 Outcome 2 On completion of this unit the student should be able to On completion of this unit the student should be able to use project planning skills to implement a comprehensive identify issues and challenges within the community, plan to apply timely, affordable and effective responses to a analyse different perspectives of diverse groups and apply community issue. problem-solving strategies when working independently or collaboratively on a community-based activity. UNIT 4 Outcome 3 UNIT 2 Outcome 3 On completion of this unit the student should be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the project planning and On completion of this unit students should be able to implementation, drawing together findings in a presentation discuss the concept of engagement as an approach to to a relevant audience. address community issues, analyse features of effective community engagement and work independently or collaboratively to design, implement and evaluate a community engagement activity.
VCE VM WORK RELATED NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE VCE VM PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT VCE VM PD OVERVIEW VCE Vocational Major Work Related Skills Students preparing to transition to the (WRS) examines a range of skills, knowledge workforce and to further education are best and capabilities relevant to achieving individual placed for success when they have confidence, career and educational goals. Students will self-awareness and the skills to interpret develop a broad understanding of workplace relevant information and make informed environments and the future of work and decisions about their future goals. education, in order to engage in theoretical and practical planning and decision-making for a In VM Work Related Skills, students will develop successful transition to their desired pathway. the knowledge, skills and experiences to be active and engaged citizens and future members The study considers four key areas: the future of the workforce, with the ability to communicate of work; workplace skills and capabilities; effectively, advocate for themselves and be industrial relations and the workplace adaptable to change. environment and practice; and the development of a personal portfolio. The study of WRS leads to opportunities across all industries and areas of work as well as in Students will have the opportunity to apply the further education, and provides young people knowledge and skills gained from this study with the tools they need to succeed in the future. in the classroom environment and through Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT This study enables students to: Structure • understand and apply concepts and This study is made up of four units. , Unit 1: Careers and learning for the terminology related to the workplace future , Unit 2: Workplace skills and capabilities, Unit 3: Industrial relations, workplace environment and practice, Unit 4: Portfolio preparation and • understand the complex and rapidly presentation changing world of work and workplace environments and the impact on the Each unit deals with specific content contained in areas of study and is individual designed to enable students to achieve a set of outcomes for that unit. Each • understand the relationship between outcome is described in terms of key knowledge and key skills. skills, knowledge, capabilities and the Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning that at the senior achievement of pathway goals secondary level: • develop effective communication skills to • identifies opportunities for further learning enable self-reflection and self-promotion • describes student achievement • apply skills and knowledge in a practical • articulates and maintains standards setting. • provides the basis for the award of a certificate.
VCE VM WORK RELATED OVERVIEW UNIT 1 Outcome 1 UNIT 3 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit the student should be able to On completion of this unit the student should be able to identify and discuss likely employment growth areas using analyse and evaluate the characteristics of a healthy, credible data and apply findings to develop strategies to collaborative, cooperative and harmonious workplace and improve future career prospects.UNIT 1 Outcome 2 identify and explain strategies to contribute to a healthy workplace environment. On completion of this unit the student should be able to forecast potential employment possibilities, and evaluate UNIT 3 Outcome 2 several education pathways that would support the acquisition of skills and knowledge required for a selected On completion of this unit the student should be able to industry growth area. outline the National Employment Standards and methods for determining pay and conditions, explain the characteristics of UNIT 2 Outcome 1 workplace bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment, and outline the processes and legal consequences for On completion of this unit the student should be able to breaches and analyse the personal ramifications that may identify and evaluate individual aptitudes and interests as follow. they relate to broad industry groups, and identify evidence of personal core skills, attributes and capabilities required UNIT 3 Outcome 3 by an industry of choice. On completion of this unit the student should be able to apply UNIT 2 Outcome 2 a variety of appropriate questioning and listening techniques within a workplace or simulated workplace, and understand On completion of this unit the student should be able to how to develop networks, professional relationships and demonstrate knowledge of the recruitment and interview work effectively in diverse teams. process, and of the essential and technical skills required by broader industry groups. UNIT 4 Outcome 1 On completion of this unit the student should be able to analyse the limitations and advantages of the features and uses of physical and digital and/or hybrid portfolios as they relate to potential employment in a chosen industry area or application to higher education. UNIT 4 Outcome 2 On completion of this unit the student should be able to communicate personal skills and attributes, evaluate evidence and analyse presentation skills for future enhancement relevant to employment or study.
Laverton P-12 College LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE 91 Bladin Street Laverton, 3024 T 039369 1833 E Facebook: LavertonCollege