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2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Team EDELMAN TRUST INSTITUTE ADVISORS Executive Director, Tonia E. Ries Richard Edelman Thought Leadership [email protected] Executive Advisors Kirsty Graham Dave Samson David M. Bersoff, Ph.D. DXI Research Advisor Antoine Harary Thought Leadership Research [email protected] Theresa Peterson, M.A. Cody Armstrong MARKETING Research Abbey Derse Analysis and Operations Rosie Delk Vanessa Pymble Claire Ritzmann Mike Bush Catherine Aumiller Polly Mingledorff Marketing Ryann Gastwirth Data and Analytics John Zamites Kayley Goff Kiera Cooke Pamela Blandon Heather Daniels-Gontier Drake Baer Romain Maradan Narrative and Esther Choi Content Strategy Chloe Buckley John Plecha Brooke Walker Design Megan Gilbert Han Xu Justin Blake Edelman Trust Institute Leadership, Ellie Smith Partnerships and Content Teams Caitlin Semo Susannah Ferris

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