Rafa el Egea ~ Por tfolio eXperien ce HOTELS Design Phase At this point I began to use th e ideas foun d in th e analysis phase to star t designin g th e n ew app. I star ted by figurin g out a , th en I went on to an d th e app. Th e final step was to create th e with all th e information n eeded to develop th e a c tual app. User Flow Dia gram sketchin g prototypin g wiref ram es Design phase: 20 User Flow Dia gram Th e objec tive of creatin g th e Flow Dia gram was to defin e th e high-level bookin g flow for your m obile app, as well as to star t a ddressin g all th e issues highlighted in th e analysis phase. First , I sketch ed th e flow on a piece of paper, wh en I was satisfied with th e resul t , I recreated th e flow in digital format usin g Figma.

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