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Rafa el Egea ~ Por tfolio eXperien ce HOTELS Analysis Phase 16 Affinity Dia gram We organised th ese n otes into groups togeth er, to a chieve a cer tain level of collaborative analysis, an d, after a while, th e wh ole livin g room wall was full of th em. Som e of th e bigger groups were later divided into smaller groups, in order to make th em m ore specific . Som e of th e groups were nam ed after th e different steps of th e user flow, like , , , etc ... On e group dedicated to th e th e context in which th e users search for a ccomm odation, with both qualitative an d quantitative data. O th er groups were form ed only by qualitative data, like h ow does th e app , or . Hom epa ge Hotel Selec tion look an d feel gen eral opinion Calen dar

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