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Rafa el Egea ~ Por tfolio eXperien ce HOTELS Research Phase 10 User Sur vey Objec tives3 M Gath er both quantitative an d qualitative data f rom a group of users: M Learn m ore about th e goals an d m eth ods in which people usually use Hotel Apps. For this projec t I ha d to learn h ow to create an onlin e sur vey to gath er both quantitative an d qualitative data f rom real users. I used Sur vey Sparrow to create th e sur vey an d I passed it onto my conta c ts. In th e en d I mana ged to get 64 users to complete th e sur vey, gath erin g a considerable am ount of data. Th e resul ts were first expor ted as a sprea dsh eet an d th en edited on a separate docum ent for better review.

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