Rafa el Egea ~ Por tfolio eXperien ce HOTELS Validation Phase 29 I used Zoom in order to connec t to my user, first I carried out an user inter view to get to know more details about her experience with hotel search apps and the context in which she usually uses them. We then went on to test the prototype by the screen sharing feature in Zoom and the prototype presentation in Figma. I the task that I wanted her to carr y out , a booking that showed the flow that a normal user would go through when booking a hotel through their mobile phones. I tried to make ver y clear to her that it was still a prototype, so not all func tions and buttons would work . Fin din gsH m Carr yin g out an usability test rem otely with n owa day ’s tools is n ot as complicated as I th ought it would be._ m Th e user foun d th e prototype quite straight for ward an d easy- to -use. Th e only thin g that sh e said sh e would chan ge is th e positions of som e elem ents on th e screen to make it m ore ergon omic .
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