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Rafa el Egea ~ Por tfolio eXperien ce HOTELS Design Phase 22 Intera c tion Design Th e n ext step was to build on th e Flow Dia gram an d sketch th e screens an d screens states that will be later reproduced on th e prototype, a dressin g th e issues an d user goals identified in th e research an d analysis phases. I used som e m obile ph on e templates to star t sketchin g on th em, usin g post-it n otes to represent floatin g buttons or overlays that appear at som e sta ge of th e proccess. Durin g th e skeetchin g process, I en countered som e problems, ma de mistakes, or I simply ha d n ew ideas, so in th e en d I ha d different versions of th e sam e screen to ch oose f rom. After all th e sketch es of all th e different screens were rea dy, I scann ed th em in order to create a detailed docum ent with explantions of all th e details on Figma. First sketch es of th e screens

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