Intro Power Inclusive Future For All FY23 Purpose Report | 64 Looking Ahead We can’t do it alone. In Africa, we have a powerful opportunity I often speak about how in the arena of purpose and social impact, to build resilience and opportunity. there should be less competition. When we see a problem, those of This summer, I spent eight weeks in Africa. I have been honored to be to drive impact. Cisco has invested in infrastructure, cross-sector us focused on this work are so often compelled to jump in, o昀昀ering Cisco’s Executive Sponsor of the continent for several years, and while collaboration, support for innovation, and new approaches to our company’s help. But no one company can solve deeply complex partnership—investments that I believe could help create the potential I had visited many times in the past, this summer was di昀昀erent. I had issues, and we can do so much more and amplify our work when we time to connect more deeply with customers, partners, and community for many African countries to “leapfrog” technologically and create do it together. I recognize the irony in saying this in an annual report organizations, and listen to their challenges and opportunities. new dynamics. focused on quantifying and celebrating the impact of our company. A better approach as we look ahead will be to consider how we can There is tremendous global interest in the continent today, and We can approach communities and our work in new ways with our accelerate solutions by partnering—particularly with organizations it’s easy to see why: Africa has the world’s youngest population, private sector peers, governments, nonpro昀椀ts, and community whose strengths complement our own. incredible innovation, and cities that are rapidly expanding, creating members. We can solve community challenges by leveraging the cycles of growth. The energy is palpable. There are also challenges, strengths and expertise of all organizations with proximity. I’ve learned that when we try to tackle issues alone, we often create including political upheaval and its impact on communities, unstable fragmented solutions. When many companies are building stand- energy grids, threats posed by climate change, and limited access to If we can shift our approach—to partner, collaborate, and endorse, alone solutions in a community, the community bears the burden of the Internet and the services and opportunities it provides. rather than compete—I believe we will not only build thriving, resilient communities across Africa, but also open opportunities for our bringing them together. A community, like a customer, has speci昀椀c needs and can only take in so many solutions at one time. It's a Spending time on the continent taught me about the local, nuanced company’s unique o昀昀erings to shine, driving even greater success. delicate dance for all companies and all leaders, but I truly believe the issues facing the communities and how we can better cooperate future of Purpose work in the private sector lies in our taking a more collaborative, less independent approach. When you invest in communities and build resilience, you aren’t just protecting against future shocks. You’re opening up the potential for exponential opportunity and growth. Purpose can 昀氀ex. It operates in a lane that is valued around the world, giving all of us who do this work the space to create and iterate, to sway and pivot, and 昀椀nd our rhythm. And when we do, pursuing our Purpose holds the door open for economic initiatives."
Cisco FY23 Purpose Report Page 64 Page 66