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Intro Power Inclusive Future For All FY23 Purpose Report | 34 Looking Ahead The Plan for Possible Transition to Evolve to a Invest in resilient In a world where climate change is amplifying clean energy regenerative, ecosystems natural disasters, food shortages, and mass circular model migrations, we are embedding sustainability into the way we operate. Through collaboration, we believe we can help build not just a sustainable future, but a regenerative one. This means moving to a mindset in which we build the capacity of our social and environmental systems to heal and thrive. Cisco published its 昀椀rst corporate citizenship report in 2005. Our plan to Lead in energy-e昀케ciency Adopt business models to extend Reduce the impacts of our Since that time, global atmospheric carbon levels have innovation the value of our products and business on water, waste, increased from approximately 379 to 419 parts per million. connect a reduce environmental impacts ecosystems, and biodiversity Average land and ocean temperatures have increased by Connect clean energy and Invest in technology more than half a degree. With this sense of urgency in mind, regenerative digitize the grid incubation to be at pace with Enable communities to adapt to environmental science climate realities Cisco revealed The Plan for Possible, our next-generation future Collaborate with our Cultivate skills and talent for environmental sustainability strategy, in 昀椀scal 2023. The Champion a digital, customers, partners, and the regenerative economy strategy has three priorities, as seen at right. nature-positive value chain, suppliers to accelerate the Deploy Cisco technology energy transition leveraging our global reach to protect and restore Underpinning our new strategy is an enhanced governance ecosystems and biodiversity Continue to increase our model, led by Cisco’s 昀椀rst Chief Sustainability O昀케cer, use of renewable energy in Harness AI, IoT, and blockchain to Mary de Wysocki. In 昀椀scal 2023, we created the Cisco Cisco’s operations Sustainability Council, with representation from functions advance regenerative models across the business, to drive cross-company governance and execution. We also established governance processes for external communications, public goals, and claims related to environmental sustainability. Read more about how we’re driving sustainability Through enhanced governance, we are managing risk, across each of these priorities and explore data. increasing the transparency with which we communicate about sustainability, and upholding the high level of trust our ESG Reporting Hub customers and others have come to expect from Cisco.

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