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Intro Power Inclusive Future For All FY23 Purpose Report | 63 Looking Ahead A message from What is the purpose of a Purpose Report? Historically we’ve used our bear the brunt of its impact. And due to a lack of infrastructure and Fran Katsoudas Purpose Report as an opportunity to re昀氀ect on the year’s work and the technological advancement, they are often the least equipped to progress we’ve made against our goals, to quantify our impact, and respond to natural disasters. While the digital economy continues to Chief People, Policy, and to highlight the people and lives we’ve touched. Several years ago, grow, 2.6 billion people remain unconnected, denying them access to we realized that intersecting our business, technology, and innovation the opportunities and resources available. The consequences of each Purpose O昀케cer together with our Purpose allowed us to focus where we could have crisis exacerbate others—access to education is disrupted, progress the biggest impact. We also recognized that if we designed and for women and girls is set back, and extreme poverty rates rise. operationalized our purpose thoughtfully, we could drive impact while Pursuing our Purpose can and must be the glue that brings driving business results—creating something lasting and real. us together to meet this moment and address these complex, Any company looking to successfully execute their business strategy interconnected issues. The question we must continue to ask as must consider the changing terrain, identify upcoming challenges and we look ahead is, how? trends, and anticipate how to best meet evolving requirements. The Crisis response won’t solve these issues. same is true for purpose. Our biggest challenges are interconnected We must build resilient communities. and interdependent. To get ahead of compounding shocks, we must embed resilience in all aspects of our communities. Resilient communities are those The past several years brought us all unprecedented challenges, and equipped with the necessary tools and resources to adapt and a world more prone to polarization than before. But instead of binary bounce back in the face of various challenges, including natural questions and issues, a more multipolar world has emerged, requiring disasters, economic disruptions, and social crises. Over the past few us to operate with more nuance and greater context than ever. In years, we’ve seen that many communities around the world don’t this context one thing is clear—we are more interconnected and have what they need to withstand, respond, and recover from the interdependent than ever. challenges we have and will face. Our lives and futures are linked by our shared dependence on our Our e昀昀orts to bring our Purpose to life can be harnessed and planet and its environments. We have a global responsibility to solve focused on building resilient global communities. When we de昀椀ned the climate crisis together. We see the growth of an increasingly our Purpose, to Power an Inclusive Future for All, we operationalized digital and global economy, keeping us connected through the work of our teams to co-innovate with partners leveraging ecosystems of 昀椀nancial interdependence. And as we learned in the connectivity; address the digital skills gap; drive sustainability, recent pandemic, our collective health is also inextricably linked. inclusivity, and social justice; and support new ideas with partnerships Global crises also continue to grow increasingly interconnected—and and impact grants. All these bodies of work have a place in building the consequences disproportionately fall on vulnerable communities. community resilience. Developing nations who often contribute the least to climate change

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