INCLUSIVE GROWTH One Million Black Women Introduction In partnership with Black women-led organizations and other a business. Fifty-昀椀ve percent of Black women in renting partners, One Million Black Women commits $10 billion in households are rent-burdened — spending 30% or more investment capital and $100 million in philanthropic grants of their income on rent. Black women are 35% more likely to narrow opportunity gaps for at least one million Black to report fair or poor health, and they have a pregnancy- women in the next decade. This initiative seeks to address mortality rate that is more than three times higher than white the dual disproportionate gender and racial biases that women. One of the fastest ways to accelerate change and Black women have faced for generations and that have only e昀昀ectively begin to address the racial wealth gap is to listen been exacerbated by the pandemic. to and invest in Black women. Our Black Womenomics research has shown that Black Investments and philanthropic grants focus on key moments women remain heavily disadvantaged across a broad range in Black women’s lives from early childhood through of economic measures including wealth, earnings, and retirement. Most importantly, the investments are grounded health. Black women face a 90% wealth gap. Single Black in the stories, voices, and experiences of Black women. women are 24 times less likely than single white men to own SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 IInncclluussiive Gve Grroowwtth | Oh | Onne Me Milliilolion Bn Blalacck Wk Woommeenn 5454
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