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INCLUSIVE GROWTH 25 YEARS OF CTW >470,000 Employee Engagement Volunteers Community TeamWorks (CTW) >3,000 Marking its 25th anniversary in 2021, Goldman Sachs Nonpro昀椀ts Community TeamWorks (CTW) facilitates relationships between our employees and nonpro昀椀ts to meaningfully 2,800,000 serve people around the world. Our 昀椀rm’s tradition involves a long-standing culture of Hours of service service. In 2021, we showed that when called to action, our business and our people often exceeded expectations and helped to drive impact. In 2021, we redoubled our virtual volunteering strategy so In 2021, we doubled down we could continue safely serving our communities amid on our virtual volunteering the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual volunteers worked on projects promoting racial equity and supporting groups strategy amid the pandemic, disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. In total, and volunteers were able to CTW volunteers completed more than 215 virtual projects collectively contribute 29,000 supporting 170 nonpro昀椀ts globally. hours to support groups Where it was safe to do so, our volunteers showed up disproportionately impacted by in person in the fall of 2021 to build a昀昀ordable housing, revitalize neighborhoods, and clean parks and green COVID-19 and to help advance spaces — contributing to 200 projects worldwide. racial equity. The CTW program in our EMEA o昀케ces also launched Count Us In, a three-month challenge to employees to reduce their carbon footprints. Together, more than 2,000 employees saved 279,700 kg of carbon dioxide. Together, more than 2,000 employees saved 279,700 kg of carbon dioxide via the Count Us In Climate Challenge. Sustainability Report 2021 Inclusive Growth | Driving Change Across Our Firm 81

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