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SASB Index KEY METRICS & INDICATORS This report is evidence of our ongoing commitment to provide disclosures under the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards. We have included the below disclosures related to the three sectors that are most closely aligned to our mix of businesses: Asset Management and Custody Activities, Investment Banking and Brokerage, and Commercial Banks. Disclosures that appeared in more than one of these sector standards are included in a separate section at the top. Unless otherwise noted, all data and descriptions apply to our entire 昀椀rm, not just the businesses relevant to that sector. We do not currently disclose all metrics included in the standards for these three sectors, but we will continue to evaluate them in the future. Topic Accounting Metric Category Code Response Disclosures included in multiple sectors’ standards US Workforce Demographics Percentage of gender and racial/ As part of our commitment to improving ethnic group representation for FN-AC-330a.1 diversity at the 昀椀rm, we have also published Diversity & (1) executive management, (2) Quantitative FN-IB-330a.1 diversity goals here. Inclusion non-executive management, (3) professionals, and (4) all other We plan to share further details in our employees People Strategy report, to be published in May 2022. FN-AC-510a.2 Description of whistleblower Discussion FN-IB-510a.2 Raising Integrity Concerns policies and procedures and Analysis FN-CB- Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 510a.2 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with: • Marketing and communication Business of 昀椀nancial product-related Ethics information to new and FN-AC- returning customers; 270a.2 • Fraud, insider trading, anti- FN-AC-510a.1 During 2021, our total net provisions for all trust, anti-competitive Quantitative FN-IB-510a.1 litigation and regulatory proceedings were behavior, market manipulation, FN-IB-510b.3 $534 million. malpractice, or other related FN-CB-510a.1 昀椀nancial industry laws or regulations; and • Professional integrity, including duty of care SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 KKeey My Meettrriiccs & Is & Innddiiccatatoorrs | Ss ASB Index 100

Goldman Sachs sustainability report - Page 100 Goldman Sachs sustainability report Page 99 Page 101